The Old Guard Are Never Off Watch Keeping the Real Empire Afloat

The Old Guard Are Never Off Watch Keeping the Real Empire Afloat

MAY 6, 2020  Information Briefing #151   by whitehatsauxiliaries.

Note: The following article was first published in March, 2015 in another venue. The author has authorized a re-publishing and hopes you understand the implications for us all as the mission and goals outlined below continue to advance on many fronts. – WHA

It’s amusing to see so much unfounded rhetoric across the media and Blogs. Even more so the wild speculations of some comments. Currency projections, wealth disbeliefs, and political negativity. At best, most are naive. Quietly, out of Public view, so much is unfolding and forces of good ARE at work for all of you.

Real world moves are being achieved by highly placed Political accords and Private meetings between Empowered parties. The Publicly invisible Diplomatic and economic private meetings, so dependent upon the standards of culture which founded the truly great Empire epicenters, with the skill, and often speed of intellect, of those out of Public view on the front line. Empires thrive, survive, or fail because of them. People make it happen, or not.


So much is propounded by the Blogmeisters. Daily claims of Chinese Elders imminent moves. Yet, in London, quietly away from Public view, potentially the most important steps of all were not only progressing with articulate skill, but Elder’s extended stays a further week to encompass longer term aspirations in a whole new spirit of ethical Trust and mutual goodwill achieved.

Be in no doubt, had the wealth of the Elders been utilized ethically as intended by US Presidents and the Cabal, our world would have been a wealthier, more stable and peaceful civilization.


Co-existence is a state of mind. Elders in London were enthused at the charisma, dynamism and truly humble personal manner and depth of understandings of those so highly placed.

 It also gave them hope and understanding that remaining vast Elders funds, if used correctly this time with such Enlightened men of standing as they met, offers that candle of light in the dark night all seek. A Beacon of hope. We know the duties of office needed.

Although telling that to a disenfranchised American Public today, whose very survival as economic units is precarious, is a step beyond current mental reach. First the need to change their mind set.

For a nation who had it all, to now, where has it all gone?

The future for Americans, as it stands, left to the Cabal or Zionists, is now just that- Precarious. Truly. Yet the vacuous and mendacious Mongrels from the Political spectrum to the Military and Wall Street roll on taking from all at will.

Petraeus cops a Plea for his sordid affair and dereliction of duty. Another over hyped, Pencil Pushing Wonder Brat who had presumptions of power. Now he wiggles in ignominy. A sordid little man consigned to history as a train wreck of vanity.

How sadly the presumptuous mighty fall. What a miserable Wimp he turned out to be. How dumb is a Spymaster too stupid to swerve a Honey Trap?  Well, at least he was born with the ears for the Dumbo role! John Wayne we miss you. Or his type.

The Bush / Clinton Crime Cabal goes on, with no standards of decency or morality. The Cabal beats its drum, as the American economy just ever more retreats. A hundred million, good, distressed and confused economically burdened Americans wait in blind hope of new Leadership, as yet another election will be rigged. Leadership? But, from where? Have you assessed those Skip Rats in Washington?

The Sleaze machine capital of the world. Pigs at the trough. Chaos rules. As Mad Benny Nutter Yahoo propounds his Kazakh States determination to invoke Nuclear hell on his neighbors, and with the support of his enriched Stateside Zionist Backers, seeks to Mug the US Political apparatus ever more. The Jewish lobby was hard at work. They flatter to deceive. When will those bribed to support Israel be removed from Office?

Who cares who we Shackle if it makes us a Shekel they whine?

Yet in London the real battles are being won. Hearts and Minds. Culture thrives. Concepts of good citizenship are expanded and agreements reached. Wealth is power. Wealth empowers.

But, as the Empire knows, real Wealth is the hands across the oceans. Meetings of minds. Relationships build Empires. Yet between the sites of WHR and WHA are so many green shoots of hope. New life.

The basic goodness of communities ever there. Hope is not lost. Both sites are enriched by their quality of supporters. Each a credit to their nations. Look at ever growing worldwide support. Nations are co-enjoining. Meetings of minds.


 In the greatest hall of power, serious dialogue is progressing. Economic debate covering this century is playing out. As regards the true wealth of the real Elders, respectfully, nations have no idea. Taiwan houses the majority of the vast ancestral wealth of the old Chinese Dynasties.

When the key families moved to escape oncoming Communism, their many centuries of wealth went with them. Gold, Cash, Bonds, Artifacts etc. Vast treasure troves remain to this day, hidden from Public or State view. Controlled in total by the key 40 Elder families.

The main power beneficiaries are fully aware of the encroaching risks of Chinese expansion across Asia and Eurasia. Is it coincidence that in London, in the most private meetings of all, consummate diplomacy was hard at work with intense negotiations, achieving clearly what has made London the most influential Financial base in the world, and the true corporate infrastructure base of capitalism.

As America ever founders, London ever grows. The City is awash with touring foreign schoolchildren, mainly now Chinese, all the key building blocks of the future. Shaping opinions, shaping the future economies, appreciating each others cultures.

We are ever at the forefront, winning hearts and minds. Evermore you are read across the planet. Your points are heard and comments read. The Elders reverberated from this new concept. One World of All Nations? Asking, why was this not envisaged 60 year ago when we wished to help nations co-exist?

Yet, when all hope was foundering, quietly, in the greatest Hall of Power on Earth, confidence grew as minds attuned and new deep relationships were forged.

There IS hope and a new found concept of true Global awareness is on its way back now – back to Asia. Awareness of a better way. Behind it ever greater wealth and power will transfer to London. As will the emigration of the great families. As their vast wealth moves, so will they.

You all have a voice and a point. Now, evermore a Global one. We are a growing Global force of each and all of you. It is YOU. The voice of nations, of values and truth. To help evolve humanities consciousness. No other such media reaches where you go.

From Transhumanism, to pseudo religious ideologies, and Political chicanery. We give no mercy, and push the boundaries of truth and hope. It is the voice of all of you, striving for a better world, a consensus of minds and standards of decency.

Nation rebuilding to leave our children a future worth having. Helping each Elder understand the very concept of our Book of Life, forged ideologies which may change nations. Reason is founded on Trust. Societies need a base of values.

So many of you make ever enlightening contributions. For all of us, you are our candles in the wind of change. Twelve men helped change a world. What can twelve thousand of you do? Post the GCR and RVs we will see. Behind it all, in the great hall of power, real progress is building.

Elders met English key Elders, and deals are forged. Empires are evolving but now based on Global progression, and removing those sleazy Runts between the Banking, Political and Cabal infrastructures who are the root cause of rot today. We tell it, as it is.

New relationships take time to evolve, but it’s happening, and progressive understanding is in play with a Global vision. There are no nations, just one people who need to learn to co-exist, establish communal values and share our planet in harmony and culture for all.

It starts with building and valuing Trust. It starts with believing in and striving together for better. Expanding consciousness. Evolving as a Soul Nation for all.

If one group can do that, why not all? Our whole world is now changing so rapidly. Politicians are so dreadfully out of touch with the emerging Global reality.

Unfortunately, in the MSM rigged media circus of America, so are the people. How do we help our Brother men bar with truth? The Information highway.

Exported back now to China is a whole new word of expression for the Cabal and US Political deviants. Ah – Souls! They loved it.

From such camaraderie new Empires are built. Laughter is priceless. As is the love of our children, so, lets give them a world fit to grow in safety. You are all the candles in this dark world of confusion created by such Political mediocrities. Our shining stars, and YOU are the future. Already you are conscious and evolving. As will all you embrace.

In just 3 weeks we have built a whole new concept of Nation’s needs.  Yes – We – Did!



Today’s Smile Post: The Family EarthBag Building Segment 2


News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Morning 5-6-2020