The Atlantis Report and Bill Holter 11-6-2020

The Atlantis Report:

The New President will Face a Massive Debt Crisis like no one other.

Premiered 23 hours ago

The New President will Face a Massive Debt Crisis like no one other.

Although the American people remain eager to be persuaded that a new president in the white house can solve our problems. The truth is, no matter who wins this presidential election, he will face a massive debt crisis like no one other.

 A crisis that could dwarf what we experienced in 2008-2009.

Today we have the highest levels in the history of deficit and debt. A whopping $82K per citizen, $217K per taxpayer. The policy of attempting to create a bigger debt bubble as a remedy whenever the previous debt bubble starts to implode can only go on for so long.

Eventually, the chickens come home to roost. If you print fake money, to the tune of $14 Trillion, you aren't saving an economy; you are destroying it.

Debt is never a sustainable product. Inflating our away, as we did after World War II, probably won’t work this time. They cannot inflate and have low-interest rates at the same time, only if they buy all their newly issued debt because no one else will.

 This debt is not going to be repaid or inflated away. The can will just be kicked down the road. The Treasury already twice researched issuing 50-year and 100-year bonds, and the demand was not there in sufficient size to warrant issuance.

The government will raid the 4O1 Ks for the common good. The satisfying shall come in the form of more taxes, more inflation, and more serfdom, Of course!

The Fed policies will continue under either of them with no changes. Keep printing trillions until the US currency is worth nothing. Because the Fed answers to no one. At least no one that normal people know about.

For the full transcript go to

Bill Holter: May God Help Us! The US Is Broke and $100,000 Gold

Oct 17, 2020

In this absorbing interview, Brian and Darryl Panes from As Good As Gold Australia interview the legendary Bill Holter from

The global economy is in free fall and governments are out of ammunition. Bill is forecasting a disastrous 10% decline in the overall economy with dire consequences attached.

There is no escaping this upcoming global economy disaster, as debt levels continue to spiral out of control. It's no longer just someone's opinion, predicting our economic future - it's simple math and we are all in for a very bumpy ride. Gold has been the best investment for the last 20 years, and will be again over the next 20 years.

Bill's closing comment... "May Gold Help Us!"


MarkZ and Michael Cottrell Friday Morning Chat 11-6-2020


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