Silver Report Uncut and the Atlantis Report 12-22-2020

Silver Report Uncut

Goldman Sachs Joins The Mass Exodus From NYC, That's 4 Wall Street Banks! Small Businesses Pack Up

Silver Report Uncut:  Dec 11, 2020

The mass exodus has become pronounced in what was our nation's strongest economies.

Unfortunately, these places are being hollowed out and I'll start with the question what will you do when Wall Street is full of abandoned buildings like Detroit?

The big one is Goldman Sachs who has a hand in all things that get done, they're leaving the city.

We know there was a buzz about Elon Musk moving to Texas recently and San Francisco rents are down 35% in just 8 months, this is a city where rent never falls.

The lifeblood of NYC is the financial district and the highest-paid position in all of New York is a banker so when Wall Street banks begin leaving in masse with Goldman added to the list it could lead to a stampede from the city to avoid the falling commercial real estate prices.

 JP Morgan was discussing moving their headquarters to Dallas earlier in the year and the truth is with rent so high it hardly makes sense to continue doing business in a place where there isn't enough customers or enough to make rent.

The Atlantis Report

2021 The Year of Total Economic Collapse & A Permanent Great Depression !!

The united states is on the brink of the first great depression since the 1920s. It'll be a total economic collapse next year. It's going to be the GREATEST Depression! A Permanent Great Depression.

Millions of people are jobless, many businesses are bankrupt, and the only winners are the stock markets and the banks.

Global central banks are embarking on fresh waves of bond-buying. Central Banks Step Up $5.6 Trillion Bond Binge. This is the worst economic crisis in the US. Yes, the central bankers are coming for what they left behind in 2008.

We are spending trillions the way a drunkard spends his money in a rum shop. Unemployment is at the highest level since the great depression. The Fed will prop up the Stock Exchange with the last drop of the blóod.

Wall Street and Main Street have different interests. Wall Street represents the big corporations, big tech, and big banks, while Main Street is households, workers, and small businesses.

What is good for Wall Street is bad for Main Street. The Pandemic to cover up their looting of our entire earth. It is not the pandemic that will drag us to depression, but the political response will!

The way most big firms are going to survive and thrive and achieve the earnings target of Wall Street or the city is by slashing the costs. They will be slashing the labor costs but your labor costs initially. But the labor costs for the corporations is the labor income and the consumption of the masses.

The S&P 500 is going to newer highs because the big corporations are going to become bigger, while millions of small businesses, retail shops, small enterprises are going to go bust.

The success of Wall Street is happening at the expense of Main Street. Those who are suffering are the workers, the consumers, the households, and small businesses. While the big corporations are becoming even more powerful, even more of an oligopoly with even more concentration of economic, financial, and of political power.

 There won’t be any small and medium businesses with sole ownership anymore from now on .

You need to work for multinational companies that run the government. More like the Indian caste system, of which we have the company elites that rule over us; secondly comes the security (enforcer-judge-jury-executioner) to keep things in order; Thirdly the workers to provide food for all, lastly the untouchables, who are the undocumented underground dwellers, a community of their own.

Digital currency with expiry dates will be the norm. And unless we change our policies radically, we could end up in not just a greater recession like the one we had in 2020, greater than the global financial crisis. But we have the risk of greater depression, a depression worse than the one we had in the nineteen-thirties ,and slavery.

For the full transcript go to


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