Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-10-20

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-10-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - it is Thursday December 10th  2020 and you’re listening to the Big Call – we look forward to having a good call - I guess we will go into the intel side now – and this is an interesting – interesting day for information 

We’ve got …… gosh I don’t even know where to start --- let’s start with what’s been happening in Miami with the bonds being activated or traded or sold – bought and sold – basically bought and sold - they’ve been bought and now sold to new buyers – now – these bonds have been going on in Miami for a couple of weeks – maybe longer – but we know they concentrated on taking care of the bonds in Miami at the Wells Fargo to centralize where they were being handled –

So they weren’t being handled in other cities that they were previously – so for the US that is the city – the location – now – what’s happened is – we’re down to almost the last couple of days – this morning we had just 3 more days to go – I believe included today – I believe Thursday – Friday – Saturday – from what I’ve heard will probably take care of all of the bonds other than zim of course - which we take in – to the redemption centers –

Now – that is what’s happened – and we know that the maximum that the bond holders will actually get right now is at 1% - of the total “value” – so they are letting the money out – if you will a little bit at a time – like they’ve done before with the groups and the SKR’s – they’ve let out about 1% and we know of people that have had those done even finished up yesterday or today – and they have received knowledge that they will get that up to 1% either on Saturday or Sunday -  that is moving on pretty quickly – So – I am looking for those to complete by Saturday in Miami –

Now – what is happening on the other side of the country we talked about Tuesday night – in Reno – and that is SKR’s – they have been completed – SKR’s I believe were a part of tier 3 and maybe some additional Whales – those guys have all been paid out – according to my information – NOT tier 4A  - obviously not us – not the Core group – none of those  yet – it is very positive though  that those are complete – and that the bonds are almost complete because guess what??  Guess who’s next?? Tier 4A and tier 4B – that’s right – virtually – a shotgun start –

Now let’s bring out a couple of things that will give you an idea of this timeline – first of all – we’ve got some information about Friday – tomorrow – we know that the supreme court is in the process of hearing this case which was brought up by Texas and the number of states that have joined in on that has risen all the way up to 22 states including today Pennsylvania was added in - (More political info from Bruce but not included here)

Going further to our timeline – what we have heard is – remember – tier 3 out of the way – bonds out of the way – finishing up I think by Saturday – and that brings us to what we have heard –

Let’s start from the end and go back to the beginning – the end of redemptions and exchanges at the redemption centers is scheduled for our group tier 4B – to be on Christmas Eve Day 5:30 PM Dec 24th -

They would like us to be able to have 8-10 days to exchange our currency and redeem our zim bonds at the redemption centers – look at the end before the beginning – scheduled to be before Christmas – on Christmas Eve – let’s back it up – if you back it up 10 days it would have a starting time on the 15th of Dec which is next Tuesday – let that sink in for a minute –

You have a window which I believe is to be the window of exchange – in addition yesterday at 11 am – 1 pm there was a conference call between Abbott Downing – Wells Fargo – and some other banks and – so here’s the thing – that is the window that has been set up – I believe –

They had that conference call yesterday 11-1 – and they are having a follow up video conference call tomorrow between 3 pm and 5:30 pm - 2 ½ hours - that call is supposed to determine our start day and time for notifications for our group tier 4B and when we get to start exchanges –

We could be looking at a Mon-Tues meaning Monday for numbers & emails to be sent out and Tuesday for start of exchanges – or it could all come in on Tuesday – we don’t know that - they are supposed to determine that – tomorrow’s call is with US Treasury – Homeland Security – Abbott Downing – and all tier 1 and tier 2 banks –

That is happening to determine the “WHEN” – so there is a lot going on tomorrow – it could be a huge day for us as we move into this – they want to get this done before Christmas – and that is the intention and I believe they have the plan to do that – it’s possible we would start Tuesday – or possibly Wednesday – 15th or 16th -

Either way – we will get it done by 5:30 pm on Christmas Eve Day –

Remember I am the messenger and I’m bringing you what I am hearing – just remember that - (laughing) – don’t worry about rates – rates are fine – they are very good – and you’re not going to be disappointed at all in that- it’s all good – you just need to be prepared if you are going to do projects –

I believe we are at a very important time frame – right now – for this to go – and I’m looking at they want to get the election result / case that’s been brought to the Supreme Court completed this week then they want to bring out tier 4B notifications and exchanges next week –

I have given you the timeline that I’ve heard and I believe we should adhere to – let’s pray that in and believe for that and this could very well be our last call – you know that – if we get the numbers there will not be a call Tuesday – so this is Bruce signing off -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins   1:07:57


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