Silver Report Uncut and Lynnete Zang Friday 1-29-2021

Silver Report Uncut

U.S. Billionaires Wealth Surges 40% Or $1.1 Trillion Since The "Great Opportunity For A Reset" Began

Jan 29, 2021

The insane rise in wealth since the Fed started literally printing money and giving it to many of these companies.

The rest have been the beneficiaries of the "great opportunity for a reset", being essential has it's benefits, have enjoyed their companies being funded by Governments and utilized on a national and international level for to provide structure and What looks like covering up any rumor.

They have all been handsomely rewarded for their connections it seems

Silver Report Uncut: 

Silver Miners Soar As Investors Make Coordinated Effort To Destroy Bullion Banks With Record Shorts

Jan 28, 2021

The world is going crazy over Game stop, don’t you know you pesky Reddit Traders are disturbing the established order and the establishment was pissed.

 The story was Reddit boards were causing some stocks to trend which wasn’t acceptable to the power elite and hedge funds who were incredibly short on Game Stop among other failing retailers.

I for one, don’t find Game stop exciting but it’s what happened next that is inspiring.

The Reddit Trading army focused their efforts on taking down the criminal bullion banks who are notoriously short Silver and Silver Miners.

First majestic silver surged 40% overnight along with SLV and almost all silver miners.

We have mentioned the momentum game for stocks but the most inspiring part is the people voting with their dollars to liberty the precious metals industry from the Bullion banks

LYNETTE'S GAMESTOP & ROBINHOOD BREAKDOWN: The Truth Behind GameStop & Robinhood Fiasco

Streamed live 23 hours ago

The Fed has so much liquidity slushing around in the system, that the public is now starting to see the market consequences of their money printing. Today I’m going to give you the inside look behind the GameStop and Robinhood fiasco, and what it means for your dollar denominated wealth.


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