Sierra, TNT, SRU and more Tuesday Morning 3-10-2020

Thank you Sierra

"POTUS: Very Dramatic Major Economic Steps Tomorrow" by Sierra (NZ) - 3.10.20

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 12:40 AM EDT on March 10, 2020

President Trump, wearing a gold tie, announced that he is holding a special press conference tomorrow...(Tuesday March 10)

President Trump...'We'll be talking about things, including economic, they'll be very major...We'll be coming back from the Senate, we will have a lot of very important meetings set up...

We'll have a press conference tomorrow...and explain what we are doing from an economic standpoint. But they'll be very dramatic...I'll be here tomorrow to let you know about some of the economic steps which we are taking which will be major.'

POTUS announced that there will be a press conference tomorrow with "dramatic/major" economic steps coming...

— M3thods (@M2Madness) March 9, 2020

Gold tie - and an announcement about economic steps that are 'very dramatic' and 'very major'.

It sounds promising...!

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff  ...Friday Brent crude oil was $45 a barrel.  As of this evening Brent crude dropped $10 down to $35 a barrel.  Everything is moving and happening exactly as I told you it would...remember their goal is to make Iraq look worse than it is...they're doing that politically.  Economically.  Everything.  So now ask yourself why would they have all these crappy lying articles to make the country look like it's completely upside down in terrible shape and then they have these amazing banking articles.  That should raise a red flag to you.  We're right on track.  Nothing on my side has changed...

Jeff  ...we're at the end...all the news talking about Iraq's economics.  Political scene.  The budget.  Everything is complete pure BS...everything is waiting on the rate change including the politics...only one level of news has been accurate.  That's the banking news.  You guys have seen some really good banking articles through this past week..



Tishwash:  A security source revealed, on Tuesday, the nature of the explosion, which was heard at dawn today in Baghdad.

He said in an interview with Alsumaria News, "The sound of the explosion, which was heard at dawn today in Baghdad, is an improvised explosive device that targeted a shop selling alcoholic drinks within the Al-Bab Al-Muadham area in central Baghdad."

He added, "This resulted in material damage without any casualties," noting that "a security force cordoned off the scene of the accident and opened an investigation into its circumstances."

It is noteworthy that the capital Baghdad witnesses from time to time car bombs, explosive devices and explosive belts, in addition to separate attacks targeting civilians and members of the security services in separate areas of it, which resulted in dozens of people being killed and wounded.

Tishwash:  Parliament: We will make adjustments to the 2020 budget as soon as it reaches us

The Finance Committee of the House of Representatives announced on Tuesday its intention to make amendments to the 2020 budget as soon as it reaches the parliament.

The committee member, Adnan Al-Zorfi, said, "There are efforts by the financial committee to pressure unnecessary operating expenses and work to maximize the federal budget by allocating funds to investment projects."
He added, "There are plans to direct the ministries and departments concerned to diversify their revenues for the purpose of reducing total dependence on oil revenues in the federal budget."

He pointed out that "the oil revenues are not fixed and the oil prices are subject to several setbacks due to political fluctuations and the circumstances that the world is going through recently, such as the Corona virus and others."
He pointed out that "the budget is still with the Ministry of Finance," stressing that "if it is sent to parliament, the Finance Committee will make some amendments to it to reduce the large financial deficit in it."

He continued, "It is necessary for the next government to turn towards developing strategic plans to reduce dependence on oil in the budget, and the trend towards supporting productive sectors to maximize the country's non-oil financial resources."  link


Global Stock Markets Crash, Trading Halted After Dow Plunges 2,000 Points, All Of Italy Shut Down!

Silver Report Uncut:  Mar 10, 2020

This stock market crash is breaking records. We have a ton of milestones but the bigger story is Italy as the entire country is now shut down. Initially, it began with northern Italy but has now been widened to include the whole country.

The entire Bloc has struggled with unmanageable debt for a decade and it seems like some of the most essential economies may be coming to a halt.

Global stock markets continue their crash as Oil has collapsed further despite promises of some large announcements today about supporting the economy with economic stimulus. I do expect a temporary relief rally but nothing more.

There is a breed of investors who still think this is just a scheme and nothing is really happening.

A priest in DC also is said to have served communion to 500 congregants at a catholic service in the DC area while sick.

With oil demand set to plunge further once everyone is inside their homes, I don't see much light at the end of the tunnel.


When Two Black Swans Collide


Max Keiser and George Gammon Economic Reports Tuesday 3-10-2020