Max Keiser and George Gammon Economic Reports Tuesday 3-10-2020

Max Keiser

Oil price war | Russia's ready to tango!

Mar 10, 2020

Turns out, Russia’s got the best hand in the geopolitical oil game' - says Max Keiser.

 There are several causes for the slump in oil prices, and the dispute between Moscow and the Riyadh-led OPEC and a coronavirus outbreak is not an exhaustive list, the host of RT’s Keiser Report believes.

Keiser Report | No one can predict markets | E1512

Mar 10, 2020

In this final episode of Keiser Report from Los Angeles, Max and Stacy discuss the ongoing pandemic and the financial turmoil which has followed.

As markets dive and then soar and then dive again, some areas of the world like Lebanon are experiencing default and banking crisis.

While the banks have limited withdrawals in the country, some people are turning to bitcoin as a way to transfer their wealth out of the collapsing banking system.

In the second half, Stacy interviews Max about the sub-reddit r/WallStreetBets which had claimed to be able to guarantee big stock market earnings by buying options and forcing the market maker to buy the underlying stock as a hedge, thus driving prices higher.

As a former options trader and also an inventor of virtual specialist technology, Max doubts they had any impact and that this was just the same old boiler room style scam that had been tried many times over the generations.

 Furthermore, the 4chans with Bloomberg terminals are obviously getting crushed, like everyone else, by the crashing stock markets. Nobody can predict markets.

Oil Crashes! Chaos Worse Than 2008 (End Game Revealed)

George Gammon:   Mar 9, 2020

Oil crashes, stock market crashes, DISCOVER INTEL YOU NEED TO KNOW! This is a time in history we'll remember forever. Could this be the catalyst to the credit markets freezing? Could it be worse than 2008?

The markets are collapsing but if you were paying attention you would've seen all this coming. It was only a matter of time before the Fed induced asset bubbles would have to come crashing down.

But does the fact oil prices collapsed and the stock market is in the process of collapsing mean we'll have a recession? And if we do, how does it affect the corporate bond market, or the credit markets in general.

What does the end game look like and how do we prepare?

Most people are choosing to bury their heads in the sand and "buy the dip." This is the wrong approach to say the least, those who choose to buy the dip now could learn the hard way, markets don't always go up over time.

If you're interested in the Oil Crash, Pension Fund Crash, Stock Market Crash, Corporate bond market, or the future of the US economy, this video is for YOU!!

In this oil crash, stock market crash video, I discuss the following:

1. Details of the recent oil price collapse.

2. How the corporate bond market is affected.

3 What the end game look like?


Sierra, TNT, SRU and more Tuesday Morning 3-10-2020


How the Coronavirus Outbreak Could Impact Gold Stocks