Sierra, TNT and VitalBrad Thursday Morning 3-19-2020

Thank you Sierra

"Twitter Update" by Sierra (NZ) - 3.18.20

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 6:33 PM EDT on March 18, 2020

The best way to keep up with the fast changing global situation is through Twitter.

I am dedicating this post to one of my favorite Twitter people - I ET 17. All the tweets featured in this post are from his Twitter feed today...

He is a prolific, astute tweeter and is savvy about the financial reset. You will see that he refers to it in one of the tweets in this post.

Here is his re-tweet of a President Trump tweet:

'I want all Americans to understand: We are at war with an invisible enemy, but that enemy is no match for the spirit and resolve of the American people.' (President Trump)

President Trump is not talking about the virus when he refers to an invisible enemy - he is talking about the Deep State. We are fighting a spiritual war in a massive effort to liberate humanity from millennia of enslavement. And we are WINNING!

I ET 17 tweet...
'Because of Corona...People are going and parents are going on bike rides together...people are interacting with one another...searching the UNCENSORED internet...and people are waking up.'

I ET 17 retweet of a 'Light & Truth' tweet...
'Fancy that! A virus that heals our nation. Epic!'

I ET 17 tweet..
'This is how you get a financial reset...'
There is an image of oil drilling, accompanied by this headline: 'US Crude Plunges to 18 Year Low as Lock down Spreads'.

I ET 17 retweets Inpho's tweet which accompanies an article from UK about 20,000 troops being mobilized...
'When did we ever fight a virus with tanks?'

There have been tweets of photos of long lines of railway trucks carrying tanks across USA. Tanks to fight a virus, indeed.

I ET 17 tweets about one of the first Q drops - number 26 from 31st October 2017. The first Q drop was on 28th October...
'Military the only way...'

Here is Q drop number 26...

'Think about it logically.
The only way is the military.
Fully controlled. Save and spread.
(Once 3.11 verifies as 1st marker)
Biggest advanced drop on Pol.'

Q often uses mirroring to reverse dates and times. In this case 3.11 refers to 3rd March - the start of the offensive against the Deep State, disguised as an operation to control a bio-engineered virus. Q often says, 'Future proves past'.

Are you feeling dizzy and slightly overwhelmed by the speed with which everything is unfolding? Join the club. I am glued to my laptop, trying to keep up with the avalanche of intel. Yes, it seems that D5 avalanche is on its way down the mountain.

Make time to go outside in nature. I step outside several times a day to breathe fresh air, enjoy my garden. It's the best way to stay calm and centered. We Light Warriors are CONSCIOUSLY navigating through the eye of the storm, supporting those around us who are less awake.

All is well!    Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)


Mobius:  US financial markets closed till Monday March 23, no trading on the floors, only electronic

Briona:  I can't wait until the 24/7 coroavirus assault is over. I am overdosing on it….t is exhausting, an RV is the cure.

Ronbob:  It appears that the dots are connected and it connects into a circle. I think we are there!

DKC101:  There are several Administration officials that I know are reading this chat and received the tweet, yes even during the COVID19 pandemic. It's easy for 4A to move forward and 4B go after the November election. Do you recall in the last administration internet groups were called "toothless crackheads."? This administration will not play games period!

Jambie67:  Interesting: I received an email from one of our banks today announcing that only the fpdrive through would be open to customers or lobby by-appointment only beginning tomorrow, Thursday March 19th until further notice. It looks like, at least that bank, has cleared the way for the Internet group to exchange by-appointment without crashing into the rest of the public. What do ya know!

Dakotaman:  banks here doing same because of COVID19

CDK:  Everyone is in quarantine and we exchange.

1spirit1:  this is worth the read​y-effective-in-treating-coronavirus-says-china

Lyondale:  Someone rolled a house with toilet paper and it increased in value to 12.5 millions dollars.


Tishwash:  Despite the lack of budget .. "The Central Bank of Iraq": We will pay salaries and pay debts

The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq, confirmed on Thursday, the institution's ability to cover external debt and salaries, despite the drop in oil prices. ”

The Iraqi official’s statements came at a time when voices in the Iraqi parliament warned of“ aggravating the economic crisis ”with a deficit of $ 40 billion , Due to a drop in oil prices.

Al-Alaq said in a press statement, "The oil prices will not remain at this level, but we do not expect it to rise much."

This, and oil prices tumbled, significantly, from their regular prices of up to $ 24, due to the failure of oil producers "OPEC", and Russia on an agreement to reduce production.

And still today Iraq, without a general budget, in light of the financial and legal measures taken for most of the countries of the world, to adapt to the challenges of the spread of the Corona virus, which is harmful to the economy, as well as the significant decline in oil prices.   link

Global Currency Reset - Going Back To "The Gold Standard"

VitalBrad:  Mar 17, 2020

Iraqi Dinar News for March 17th, 2020

The economy is shaking and moving big time right now; is it time for the Global Currency Reset?

About minute 5:50   What is The Gold Standard? The gold standard is a monetary system where a country's currency or paper money has a value directly linked to gold.

The gold standard is not currently used by any government.

Britain stopped using the gold standard in 1931 and the U.S. followed suit in 1933 and abandoned the remnants of the system in 1973.

From the 1970s to today, most countries have run on a system of fiat money, which is money issued by the government that is not backed by a commodity.

The value of money is set by supply and demand for paper money and supply and demand for other goods and services in the economy.

Trump said in 2015: “Bringing back the gold standard would be very hard to do, but boy, would it be wonderful. We’d have a standard on which to base our money.”

In a separate interview from the same year, he said, “We used to have a very, very solid country because it was based on a gold standard.”


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of March 19, 2020


IQD CALLS Chat Wednesday Night 3-18-20