IQD CALLS Chat Wednesday Night 3-18-20

IQD CALLS Chat Wednesday Night 3-18-20

Futuremoney   just saw a thing on twitter...some doc has discovered that chloroquine and hydrocloroquine is a near 100 percent cure for corona


Doug_W   news says checks going out Apr 7 th ISH and again mid May

Doug_W   Gold:$1,497.75 -40.18

Wilder  Ohio last week 6800 filed for unemployment. This week so far 73000.

futuremoney   still cant see why precious metals are going down during a crisis...makes no sense

Doug_W   I agree totally future$$

futuremoney   gold should have skyrocketed

Doug_W   silver too

Doug_W   the world is scared over the flu      and of course the media is hyping it all UP

futuremoney   stupidly , yes    116 deaths in America...rediculous

Baxter   6800 filed for unemployment last week in ohio...73,000 today   almost everything is closed here car dealerships... phone centers... some grocery stores even closed up..

futuremoney   over nothing

Dave  think that would cause a depression.....?

Baxter   Honda practically shut down today...

Dave   GO GCR!

Baxter   ha

biff   Trump is holding an Ace dave

Dave   Tank all economies in the World.....Start from Scratch......

Dave   biff yeah all spades too

biff   lol

Dave   well?????this GCR starting to make sense now,,,,,about time

biff   I remember when Trump battled Merv Griffin on business deals

Biff   Dave this was back late seventies and eighties

Baxter   stock market down another 2200

biff   free free failing sing dave

biff   Dave that bounce will be BIG

Wilder   Baxter

California Gov. Considering Martial Law

California is preparing for frightening worst-case scenarios.

It’s likely “few if any” California schools will reopen before summer break, Governor Gavin Newsom said.

He put the California National Guard on alert for duties that include humanitarian missions like ensuring proper food distribution and public safety as some grocery stores resorted to rationing to control panic buying.

Gov. Newsom said the state is acquiring two vacant hospitals. California also is negotiating with about 900 hotels to acquire tens of thousands of rooms that could be used for beds for patients and the homeless.

Newsom told bars, restaurants, movie theaters, fitness centers, and other gathering places to shut their doors as the death toll crept to 12. All people 65 and older and those with underlying health conditions have been told to stay indoors.

Biff   Dave I found 2 articles however the stated resource Hawton Gazette doesn't appear to have a website. Also the date on this report is from August 9, 2019

Nancy Pelosi In Critical Condition From Alcohol Poisoning ... › 2019/08/09 › nancy-pelosi-in-critical-condition-fro...

Aug 9, 2019 - The Hawton Gazette reports: Pelosi was rushed to the hospital. While information is scarce at the moment, sources close to Pelosi say that the .

Biff   Dave Democrats have been defending Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi for years, saying that her obvious drinking problem isn’t actually a problem.

According to reports, An ambulance was called to her residence in California last night after a night of drinking. The Hawton Gazette reports:

Pelosi was rushed to the hospital. While information is scarce at the moment, sources close to Pelosi say that the medical issue was related to the consumption of alcohol.

The hospital could not provide specific information, but describes her as being in “critical condition.”

Pelosi’s office has declined to comment, but a spokesperson thanked Americans for their thoughts and prayers.

According to Breitbart News, nine of the Democrat’s lawyers were seen entering and exiting the hospital. In addition, her daughter Christine flew in to visit and has been by her mother’s side “since the early morning.”

It’s unclear if her condition has improved last night, as Democrats are keeping quiet about this hospital visit.

Its time for Pelosi to step down. Not only is she old and out of touch with the rest of America, but her drinking problem could be dangerous for the county.   H/T: DailyWorldUpdate

Dave   biff i am sure she can afford the goodstuff

Dave   7 lawyers..

Biff   She has a Will dave

biff   and trust

Baxter   WTI Crude 22.74 -4.59  Brent Crude 27.81 -2.60 

Natural Gas 1.672 -0.097  Mars US •19 hours 23.25 -2.15

Baxter   Stock Market at 19,900

Dave   Swine Flu killed 20,000 in the USA in Short soon we forget

Dave   hundreds of thousands in the World    600K...i believe

Baxter   Just talked to a lady in the Phillipines who works for xfinity... she said the Phillipines is in lock down as well

Chattels   US Embassy in Iraq denies it has any involvement in the nomination of Adnan Zurufi as new Iraqi PM.

chattels   The Pentagon said today, Wednesday, that it is still considering how to respond to any attack targeting American forces, days after three American soldiers were wounded in a missile attack on a base Iraqi north of Baghdad. In a press statement, Jonathan Hoffman said: “We are still looking at how we will respond to any attack on American forces anywhere in the world. LINK

chattels   Iraqi Defense Minister meets with leaders of 4 PMF (Hashd) breakaway brigades which are cutting ties with PMF Council & aligning themselves with MoD. They will break all ties with PMF.

chattels   On the Zurfi nomination, this could be more important than it appears. Judicial High Council Chairman Faeq Zaydan volunteers the view that Prez Salih's designation of Adnan al-Zurfi was unconstitutional.

chattels   It shouldn't matter what Zaydan thinks since the Federal Court, not the Judicial High Council, has jurisdiction to address such questions. But right now the Court - in the JHC's view - lacks the authority to make decisions because it doesn't have its full membership.

chattels   This wouldn't matter if everyone supported Zurfi, since the political class ignores what is constitution when it wants. But given that their is, especially from the Iran-aligned Bina Bloc factions, this could embolden opposition to him.

chattels   Foregoing commentary compliments of Kirk Sowell

chattels   This is an odd bit of news if true.

Global health reassures Iraqis: There is no need to fear the spread of Corona in Iraq

Wednesday 18, March 2020

Dave   chattels yeah going to work this afternoon only to shut it down!

Dave   wifes law office shutting down too

chattels   Dave Where do you live / work ?

Dave   Victoria BC

chattels   Dave These are difficult and uncertain times in which we are living, eh ?

Dave   Certainly!   have to go with the flow   and recommend avoiding Daytona Beach!

Dave   have yet to shut Golf courses down.....Whippy   got the next few weeks off I guess

chattels   Dave Thankful that I can still play golf.

Dave   chattels Courts all shut down?

chattels   Dave Except for emergency hearings.No jury trials.

crazycrypto   if maliki and ameri are against this new PM thats a good thing

crazycrypto   iran is collapsing   this new virus is the final nail  for them

Dave   just another used to that there crazycrypto

chattels   3-18-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 : " ................. in about 3 weeks they're gonna reopen the restaurants, the gathering places, the schools. How do they know that in 3 weeks everything's gonna be okay? I think it's because it's tied to the Iraqi dinar timeframe........"

Dave   chattels gurus or Iraqi Parliamentarians difference

crazycrypto   so true

chattels   "Dinarland" is the new Twilight Zone.

Crazycrypto   whats up with the toilet paper?

chattels   crazycrypto The toilet paper is worth more than dinar.

crazycrypto   i heard big stores are hiring security to guard isles in supermarkets   crazy

chattels   crazycrypto The currency has an odor to it of it's own.

crazycrypto   roller-coaster   havent looked at my dinar in years  still in those folders dinar trade used to have


crazycrypto   when i bought them

Baxter   Well its official... I passed the 15 year mark yesterday...and started year 16 with the Dinar.... UGH

Kaperoni   futuremoney that is correct. A significant RV/RI can never happen Because there is to much dinar in circulation. In excess of 42 trillon. Do you know how much that is? That is more than double the entire worlds money supply and more than double thw entire mineral assets of Iraq. Lol

Baxter   Kap...with the way oil is ...nothing is going to happen

Baxter   23 dollars today and falling

Kaperoni   Baxter The low cost of oil is the only thing that may motivate Iraq to stop depending on oil.

Baxter   that will take years

Kaperoni   I hope it stay low

Goofus   Baxter $4 Grand won't hurt him -- with the bucks they make.

Baxter   Goofus I know

Baxter   Kap...well.. its most likely going to

Baxter   1.49 for gas today   unreal

Kaperoni   Baxter lets hope

Baxter   you bet

Baxter   Here they are and... still falling.... WTI Crude 22.74 -4.59

Brent Crude 27.81 -2.60  Natural Gas 1.672 -0.097  Mars US •19 hours 23.25 -2.15


Senate approves coronavirus relief bill ensuring paid leave as White House eyes "phase 3"

Washington — The Senate on Wednesday approved a coronavirus relief bill passed by the House last week that provides free testing and paid leave for certain workers as the White House solidifies plans for an even larger package to address the fallout of the pandemic.

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which was endorsed by President Trump last week, passed the Senate with a bipartisan vote of 90 to 8.


Wilder   Anything will help.

Baxter   WOW... they are closing up Las Vegas.... who would have thought that

Baxter   we are in deep...deep doo doo trouble.. Im gonna need more than dimes... Im afraid

Xyz   Peter Schiff: These Markets Are Rigged

US stock markets enjoyed another Tuesday rebound with the announcement of even more monetary stimulus from the Fed and the hope of government fiscal stimulus and bailouts (only to tumble back limit-down today). In his podcast, Peter Schiff said this should make it crystal clear that the government and central bank are rigging the markets.

There is talk of “helicopter” cash and tax breaks, along with bailouts for the airline industry and small businesses. The proposed stimulus package reportedly totals over $1.2 trillion.

Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve announced additional monetary stimulus measures.

xyz   Did The Fed Just Purposely Try To Crash The Stock Market?

Unless the Federal Reserve is purposely attempting to spread panic on Wall Street, the decisions that the Fed just made don’t make any sense at all. Back on March 3rd, the Federal Reserve announced an unscheduled emergency interest rate cut for the very first time since 2008.

Wall Street immediately interpreted that as a “panic move” and the Dow Jones Industrial Average ended the session down 785 points. So Fed officials had to know what was going to happen once they announced an even bigger unscheduled emergency interest rate cut on Sunday.

Predictably, stock futures hit “limit down” very rapidly, and now investors are bracing for a week of tremendous carnage.

xyz   Trump signs coronavirus relief legislation into law

Sandyf   @Kaperoni sandyf no, I'm saying you have it wrong.

No I haven't, I have referenced documented facts that show countries that have floated the currency under similar financial circumstances as Iraq have faced devaluation, but feel free to think that is wrong.

I also said that Iraq will not see the conditions necessary for a successful transition in our lifetime and you are welcome to disagree.

You are the one in the wrong to continually push a case for a successful transition when it is not going to happen.

xyz   Under the revised bill, however, those payments would be capped at $511 a day, roughly what someone making $133,000 earns annually. The original measure called for workers to receive their full pay but limited federal reimbursement to employers to that amount.

Baxter   JPMorgan Chase to close 1,000 Chase branches on coronavirus concerns

(Reuters) - JPMorgan Chase and Co <JPM.N> will temporarily shut about 1,000 bank branches, roughly 20%, to protect employees and reduce the spread of the coronavirus, according to a memo the bank sent to employees Wednesday.

Beginning Thursday, the bank's remaining roughly 4,000 branches will be open as usual but operating on reduced hours, as JPMorgan Chase becomes the first national lender to temporarily close operations as a precaution against the escalating health crisis.

Francis Albert   Keep in mind, the FED, as it is two fold. The Federal Reserve Board is Federal..they get USG paychecks. They control interest rates banks, (that own the NY FED), get from the FED NY.

Now, near zero, essentially free money. President Trump and Powell can say, let's give Americans two 1K checks in April and May. (which is what they are going to do IMO). and of course the NY FED smiles, why wouldn't they. Treasury,(we the people) create treasury bonds for say 600 Billion, the NY FED creates the dollars, LOANS them to the Treasury and we pay it back with interest.

Francis Albert   To me it is clear, President Trump will borrow til the cows come home, bail out whomever needs it to keep the markets and the "economy" from total crash and burn. If the TARP thing had not had happened in 2008, (same method) and other "stimulus" the whole thing would have imploded. There's no profit in a crash, which is why the U.S. will never default on debt, just borrow more money.

Francis Albert   The take away for me is to get into real money, gold and silver asap. All these newly created dollars being created because of Corona, (which IMO is all a smoke screen for this system to stay alive), someday will be out there buying stuff this equals inflation....lower dollar and higher gold and silver prices. You can bank on it.

Xyz   Parliamentary Finance: Iraq is a Bankrupt Countryالمالية-النيابيةالعراق-دولة-مُفلسة/

chattels   Will Iraq’s latest prime minister share Allawi’s fate?

chattels   ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Iraq’s new prime minister-designate, Adnan al-Zurfi, the country’s second in as many months, has vowed to hold snap elections, combat coronavirus, and secure the 2020 federal budget – if he can get his new cabinet approved by parliament in the next 30 days.

chattels  Besides new elections, containing the coronavirus outbreak, and pushing a budget through parliament, Zurfi said he is determined to bring Iraq’s armed factions to heel and defend the rights of protesters.

chattels   However, Zurfi’s action plan looks a lot like the one set out by Allawi just a few weeks ago. He had also pledged new elections, a budget, and protections for protesters.

chattels   Many saw Allawi as just another member of the old establishment. Zurfi is cut from the same cloth.

chattels   Zurfi faces almost the same opposition in parliament.

The Iran-backed Fatih coalition led by former militia commander Hadi al-Amiri, together with the State of Law coalition led by former prime minister Nouri al-Maliki, are already voicing their opposition to Zurfi’s candidacy.

The factions released a joint statement alongside the al-Nahij al-Watani and al-Aqid al-Watani blocs early on Wednesday to reject Zurfi.

chattels   Another Okie Oil Man " slick " has surfaced.


chattels   He has revived the " airplane metaphor "   Another bogus " flight plan ".

chattels   Let him count on the accuracy of his latest information, but I am not.

chattels   "Each country is subject to a unique set of macroeconomic engines. There are no emerging markets or similar borders. In the case of Iraq , regional political geography and internal politics are key factors. But at the same time, Iraq is a net external creditor, which means that its external assets are greater than its external liabilities. This means that the nation is well placed to service its debt obligations.

chattels   Courtesy IQD Team.

chattels   A surprising article / analysis if true.

chattels   And that's the way that it is from the news that I find and read out of Iraq on this Wednesday, March 18, 2020.


Sierra, TNT and VitalBrad Thursday Morning 3-19-2020


Majority of Americans Have Cried Over Money