Randy Koonce Update 11-16-19

Randy Koonce Update 11-16-19

Emailed To Dinar Recaps

Randy Koonce:  I am adding a date to archive..Saturday, November 16, 2019

To All Hopeful Citizens in Dinarland:  How are you makin it. ?

I wish I had known, when I won the Nigerian Princess lottery (7 times)  that I should have saved some of that money to buy more dinar.  None of us knew that the Dinar Days of our Lives was going to run this long!!

As I have said many times before, none of us ever anticipated the political football this 'project' has become.  There is an abundance of evidence that this 'event' should have taken place many years ago.  But, here we are.  Still punting the dinar football!

The latest information that has come to me indicates that we are, once again, in a very hot window.  This window is open as we speak, and will remain open and hot through the end of the year.  Please pay attention!!  Now.  To the end of the year.  And I am hoping 'sooner than later.'  It is my understand that President Trump wants this done 'now'.  But we do not know how long 'now' might take to complete.

It is entirely possible that Thanksgiving 2019 could be one for the books.  But, as we ALL have learned, things can change the direction of this in a heartbeat.  So, while we have very good information right now, it is important that everyone remain grounded and focused on the long game.

While we could have a lot to be thankful for at Thanksgiving this year, it also could be a New Year's  to remember.  We just need to remember that at some point, in the very near future, we are going to have a lot for which to be very grateful.

Please.  While I do appreciate how hard it is waiting for this to happen, please understand that I cannot, and will not, answer the thousands of emails and texts from everyone.  I am not going to even try.  When I get information that puts us in a good window, I will let you know.

I am like you, and working every day, waiting for this to happen.  I know that it is hard, with so many differing opinions being given every day.  Many of the 'gurus' are taking information from others and rewording it.  Some are just giving their uneducated opinions.  Iraq is NOT going to do a LOP.  Forget any talk about a LOP. 

What I know for a fact is that President Trump is trying to get this released, in spite of tremendous opposition from the Democrats, who do not want this to happen.    The reason for the 'extended' window is because of our current political environment.

Do not get discouraged and think that this is never going to happen.  This is a currency, whose value prior to the Iraqi war was worth $2.65.  It will be worth that again, and more because there are more assets in Iraq now than before.  This is going to happen!  The only question is when.

The unrest in Iraq is not a factor in when this is going to be released.  It is not going to stop it, and President Trump recognizes that the only way to stop the unrest . . .  Is to release the RV.  He's working on it!!  Know that!!  The controlling factor in when this is going to happen is the US.  Nothing else matters.  US!!  Period.

Breathe.  Several times.  Be wise.  Be smart.  Do not be rash.  Make good decisions.

Do not give your dinar to anyone except a bank.  Get professional advice.  Invest wisely.  Learn to say 'No'.

God bless all of you.  It has been a journey none of us ever expected, but we should all be grateful to have been included in it.

Check www.cbi.iq every day to see if it has changed... do not take a guru or a post about in country RV or any thing else do not be fooled just check the CBI

Do not let your emotions get to you.

 Blessings.   Randy Koonce


News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday Morning 11-17-19


IQD CALLS Chat Late Sat PM Early Sun AM 11-16-19