IQD CALLS Chat Late Sat PM Early Sun AM 11-16-19

IQD CALLS Chat Late Sat PM Early Sun AM 11-16-19

 Dave   Howdy folks.....

Baxter   Hello Dave

Dave   seems your up 1 million dinar...Bax

Baxter   looks that way... 45 days

Baxter   I cant see nothing goin on the rest of this year

Baxter   I would be totally shocked

Dave   CBI needs like 70 days to meet imfs compliance rules

Baxter   that would be a miracle    in itself

Dave   your safe......go double it or nuttin......?

Baxter   nah....thats it

Dave   Id offer odds.......

Dave    scat hitting the fan in Iran now., i hear

Baxter   yes... lots of riots

Dave   Iraq........ nuttin

Dave  yadda yadda

Baxter   I dont know.. I havent looked... same old crappola to me

Dave   Need i Coup i figure alot faster me thinks

Dave   need a

Dave   engrish......

Baxter   Im to the point anymore... that my even my dime is in trouble

Dave   WHy....they are Protesters addressing the main Issue directly,,,CORRUPTION

Baxter   Im wore out

Dave   THIS a good thing......get rid of the crooks things may come to pass finially

Baxter   well... we will see

Dave   Seen the pics of Baghdad recently?

Baxter   no I havent

Dave   lots of poed people......LOTS

Baxter   well..we will see I guess.....

Dave   Politicians promising everything else except This ..."where did you get that!"

Dave   Sistani getting fed up tooo

Baxter   thats probably what its going to take

Dave   Maliki aint going down without a fight

Baxter   nope

Baxter   they need to just shoot him

Dave   Hes the kingpin

Baxter   im surprised someone hasnt

Dave   has his own Militia

Baxter   got to be a traitor in there somewheres

Dave   not what he pays them.....LOL

Dave   bet he has plenty of protection

Baxter   im sure

Dave   Baxter We discussed same stuff regarding Maliki 10 yrs ago.......Nuttin till hes in cuffs

Baxter   or dead

Dave   hope his time is up........ASN?

Dave   thought we were close when Maliki missed impeachment by 1 vote.......Talabani was the swing vote.....9.5 yrs ago.........recollect that?

Dave   1 vote......

Dave   wonder where we would be today if was not for that?

biff   Hey Iran is next!!!!!! hahahaha ;frying-pan-smash

chattels   Protests put Baghdad-Erbil oil and budget talks on ice

As anti-government demonstrations alter Iraq's political landscape, the KRG has been forced to temper its ambitions to negotiate a durable financial relationship with Baghdad.

chattels   ERBIL - Leaders in the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) are fundamentally recalibrating their strategy for engaging with the federal government as a massive protest movement causes upheaval in Baghdad politics.

As recently as September, the KRG had been pursuing negotiations to holistically address more than a decade of disputes over oil rights and revenue sharing. Now, Kurdish leaders fear they cannot even strike a 2020 budget deal, raising the risks that Baghdad could stop making monthly financial transfers that are essential to the KRG's solvency.

chattels   Protesters being killed by 'third party', not Iraq’s security forces: defense minister

chattels   Iraq’s defense minister has accused an unspecified “third party” of killing protesters to ignite violence with the security forces in the streets and cause national “instability”, as protests in the country’s south and center continue.

chattels   Iran and Turkey are killing protesters in Iraq and Syria

chattels   Nice " neighborhood ", eh ?

chattels   A plot by Islamic terrorists to blow up the Eiffel Tower has been uncovered.

chattels   What a destructive people.

chattels   BAGHDAD / NINA / The exchange rate of the dollar fell on Sunday, slightly in the Stock Exchange struggle, and stabilized in other local markets. And the prices of the Stock Exchange struggle - Baghdad 120.600 dinars per 100 dollars, while prices were on Saturday 120.700 dinars.


Randy Koonce Update 11-16-19


After RV Security