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Petra, Tivon and MilitiaMan "Looking Very Good Now-Very" 7-25-2022


Samson:  Officials in the Ministry of Justice hosted by Parliament next Wednesday

07/25/2022 18:41:07

The Parliamentary Legal Committee revealed that it will host general directors in the Ministry of Justice next Wednesday.

 According to the committee's statement, {Euphrates News} received a copy of it: "Today, it held a meeting headed by Muhammad Anouz, head of the age group, and the presence of its members to discuss a number of important topics."

She added, "Where the meeting discussed the axes that will be presented during the scheduled hosting next Wednesday for a number of general managers in the Ministry of Justice, and the meeting also discussed the upcoming legislative entitlements, stressing the need to intensify efforts to proceed with the enactment of important laws."

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Tivon:  This is important. Because if they are talking about enacting important laws they can only refer to the ones under the EFSL that Al-Kazemi has legal authority to implement because they are not considered new laws. Or even new projects.

The EFSL was only created to implement or enact laws that have been stalled for many years. Oil & Gas Law would be one of those. But that appears to be already taken care of. Which is why I think they are moving on to the Citizens Entitlements that are tied to the HCL/Oil & Gas Law.

 Because again what did Al-Kazemi command of all ministries? To implement and provisions under the EFSL. So this week we should see very paramount movements towards securing services, projects, investments, and laws that are supported by the Constitution. LINK


Tivon:  These are two articles below. One hinting at the Oil & Gas being settled on the 23rd. The other on the 19th discussing completing the constitutional entitlements. And now we have this current article saying Wednesday is when to expect these to be enacted.

So we are in for a very progressive week that will benefit all of us in the grand scheme it all. Keep in mind this is around the same time we are getting news about what the CBI plans to do with the new platform for international trade, shares, and stocks where banks must be ready by the 15th.

As I told you all the CBI knows how important their role is in regards to providing the mechanism where the citizens can actually receive their monthly entitlements from the HCL. Why? Because they are on the Federal Oil & Gas Council with the PM and a The Ministry of Oil. Think about it.

When was the last time you were given a hard-core date from the CBI? Why are they being so bold now? Is time running short? What do they see where they need to meet a deadline that can not be interfered with? What did the Governor of the French Central Bank say about the CBI. That they have met all requirements to start facilitating business right?

Well we know what Iraq has to do before they join the WTO. So starting point for them appears to be set in stone with Europe. No wonder Al-Rasheed Bank are setting up ATM outside with 24/7 access. Remember these machines are designed to recycle old notes off the streets. IMO

July 19 2022

The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, discussed with the Chairman of the Leadership Council in the Alliance of National State Forces, Haider Al-Abadi, the developments of the political situation in the country.

A statement from Al-Abadi's office issued today said that the two sides discussed, in the meeting held yesterday, "the overall political situation and the political movement that the country is witnessing to complete the constitutional entitlements, and to face the many challenges facing our people, who hope to provide the requirements of a decent living and services, and job opportunities, construction and reconstruction during the next stage.


July 23rd 2022

Parliamentary Energy praises the role of representatives of state forces in enacting important laws 

 Head of the Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee Yahya Al-Ithawi praised, today, Saturday, the role of the representatives of the State Forces Alliance bloc.

Al-Ithawi visited the headquarters of the State Forces Alliance bloc in the House of Representatives, and was received by the coalition representative and member of the Oil and Gas Committee, Ali Shaddad Al-Faris.


An informed political source: 3 conditions presented by al-Sadr to reconcile with al-Maliki.. Get to know them

25th July, 2022

An informed political source in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, revealed today, Monday, that the tribal delegation that is trying to mediate reconciliation between the leader of the Sadrist movement Muqtada al-Sadr and the head of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, contacted al-Sadr's office to arrange a meeting with him so that the office presents 3 conditions for the meeting.

The source explained: “Al-Sadr’s office has stipulated, first, the return of funds and the audit of accounts linked to the owners, and the second point is related to opening the investigation file with the entry and control of the terrorist organization ISIS over a group of governorates and regions of Iraq, and the accountability of the negligent in this file,” adding that “the third point or condition is to present Al-Maliki. himself to the judiciary in order to hold him accountable for all the files and issues that concern him, and then we can talk about reconciliation with him.”  LINK

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Sadr just laid down the gauntlet!!! Think of it, he sends these 3 requirements to Maliki (and the citizens of Iraq) for him to step up and face the judiciary for all the crimes he has purported to have committed. If he does not, then in all the eyes of the people and their justice system, he is considered guilty.

If he was innocent, he would have nothing to fear...but we all know better. What a brilliant chess move by Sadr.

This, IMO, will shoot down the PM's name submitted by Maliki and the Framework. This also, IMO, will force the judiciary to file formal charges!! Brilliant, IMO......PETRA


Parliamentary Legal: Dissolving Parliament is the only salvation from political blockage

24th July, 2022

The Parliamentary Legal Committee, 07-24-2022, recommended addressing the issue of choosing the prime minister through the constitution, while noting that the dissolution of Parliament may be a salvation from the current political impasse.

The head of the committee, Mohamed Anouz, said in a press statement, which was followed by the obelisk, that the root of the problem of choosing the prime minister is constitutional, not political, stressing the need to address the issue of choosing the prime minister through the constitution.

He added, that the dissolution of Parliament may be the salvation from the current political impasse.

He pointed out that the House of Representatives has nothing to do with the formation of the government or not, and the House must proceed with its legislative procedures, as there are legislations that have nothing to do with the government and have no financial aspect.  LINK


Parliamentary Legal : Dissolving Parliament may be a salvation from the political blockage

25th July, 2022

Sunday, the Parliamentary Legal Committee recommended addressing the issue of choosing the prime minister through the constitution, while noting that the dissolution of Parliament may be a salvation from the current political impasse.

The head of the committee, Muhammad Anouz, said in a statement to Al-Iraqiya News, which was followed by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that "the root of the problem of choosing the prime minister is constitutional, not political," stressing "the need to address the issue of choosing the prime minister through the constitution."

He added, "Dissolving Parliament may be the salvation from the current political blockage," noting that "the House of Representatives has nothing to do with forming the government or not, and the parliament must proceed with its legislative procedures, as there are legislations that have nothing to do with the government and have no financial side."

He added that "the legal committee is working to accomplish what was agreed upon between the presidency of the council and the political blocs on 20 legal legislation in the coming days," explaining that "the legal committee has begun to set priorities for these laws, and it is continuing to present many bills that need new formulation or amendment. LINK


MilitiaMan:  Tivon and Petra, there is looking to be more to the story after all. Thank you both for your input. The Ministry of Justice is going to be in parliament on Wednesday.. Al-Sadr has spoke to the tribal leaders and has given 3 items that need to be met by Al-Maliki if they want reconciliation.

There also is a push for the potential dissolution of Parliament. Notice they mention 20 legal items to be at play in the coming days. What a perfect time for Al-Maliki to show up and present his innocence, his accounts and his part in ISIS, Spichter, etc., to the proper authorities..

Also what a perfect time to address the 20 legal items along with making a judgement on the lack of impasse in constitutional items, such as not having completed the government after 10 months, whereby, the dissolution of the parliament may be their only salvation.

It is all about the citizens need and entitlements both on a constitutional and financial line. All at the same convenient time with everyone’s needs to met. Everyone will be there.. Or not?

In Maliki's case that will be very interesting if he shows.. Has he been served a summons? I don't know. Has an arrest warrant been issued? I don't know.

From the looks of Al-Sadr's position on the matter, one being issued may not be out of the question.  Time will tell. However, we clearly look to be getting to the end of the track.. imo.. This is getting very good now.. Very.. imo ~ MM

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