News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday 6-26-2022

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 26 June 2022

Compiled Sun. 26 June 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

There were geopolitical forces that have caused another delay in completing the Global Currency Reset, plus Mass Arrests were taking longer than anticipated. The delay was coupled with apologies, the leadership just needed more time.

However according to Fleming, the Iraqi Dinar has been given the go ahead to revalue and be placed on the Forex to be traded up in value.

Today Sat. 25 June a Bond Holder who has direct connection to the Chinese Elders and to Dubai 1 and Dubai2 Trusts, said his bonds probably won’t be paid until early August.

Another Bond Holder with high connections to Trusts said that more likely his bonds would be paid out around July 20.

It was rumored that Zim Bonds could pay out up to 27 cents per Zim for Humanitarian work.

In the Fleming call on Sat. 25 June Nick said that the IMF has given Iran permission to revalue it’s Dinar on it’s own without waiting for the other world currencies.

At the date of this writing on Sat. 25 June one Iraqi Dinar was worth $ .00068586 to one US Dollar.

It was unknown when the Iraqi Dinar would appear on the Forex at the Dinar’s present value of one Dinar being worth $3.22 to one US Dollar.

While trading on the Forex, the Iraqi Dinar had the possibility of going up to $17 per Dinar.

You could exchange your Dinar at a regular bank teller’s window and be given the value the Dinar was on the Forex at the time of your redemption.

There were a number of websites to track the value of the Dinar on the Forex, including:

Currency Converter | Foreign Exchange Rates | OANDA

Iraqi Dinar to US Dollar Exchange Rate Chart | Xe

Iraqi Dinar(IQD) Exchange Rates Today – Iraqi Dinar Currency Converter – FX Exchange Rate

1 IQD to IQD – Search (

Reminder: No one, and I mean Absolutely No One knows the exact time and date that the Global Currency Reset would be finalized, with codes entered for notification of Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to set redemption/ exchange appointments – it dependent upon an earth shattering Event. The exact deadline would be decided by the Military out of calculations of their Quantum Computer and based upon concerns for safety of The People. Trust the Plan.

Read full post here:


Kat Anonup Update: NESARA/GESARA

Saturday, 25 June 2022, 23:41 PM

No more Bank debt (mortgages, credit card, student loans, etc.)

No more FED, IRS, income tax

Returns Constitutional Law to all courts & legal matters

Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment

Creates new U.S. Treasury currency backed by gold, silver platinum & precious metals

Forbids the sale of American Birth Certificate records as chattel property bonds by the U.S. Dept. of Transportation

Restores Financial Privacy

Ceases all aggressive U.S. Govt. military actions worldwide

Establishes World Peace

Releases enormous sums of money for Humanitarian purposes

Releases 6k patents of suppressed technologies including Tesla Tech, Med Beds, free energy devices,  antigravity & more…


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Samson  Article "Britain asks its citizens to dispose of $17.7 billion in banknotes"  Quote "The Bank of England said people who own 14.5 billion pounds ($17.7 billion) of old notes have just 100 days to spend or deposit them before they become worthless."

Sandy Ingram   Iraq has gone from being a stable and wealthy state governed by a dictator, in the 1980s...To living under sanctions in the 1990s.  To the US invasion of 2003.  To the chaos of insurgency and then ISIS genocide in 2014.  To the financial crises brought on by Covid-19 in 2021.  And then the currency non-leadership that Iraq is living under for over 8 months...hold on to your Iraqi dinars.  Iraq is a survivor.

The Great Crash Of 2022

The Nomad Economist:   6-25-2022

he Great Crash Of 2022 The wealthy are now dumping assets before the recession so they can buy them back at 50% later.

Today we have the news of yet Another Hedge Fund Giant Biting the Dust . Louis Moore Bacon is stepping away from Moore Capital Management, which will return money to investors . Bacon made his name exploiting the discrepancies between global interest rates and bond yields.

But if the world’s major central banks are moving in lockstep and bond yields are becalmed at low levels, there’s less opportunity to make money. World’s Largest Hedge Fund Manager Ray Dalio also believes the U.S. is at risk of a recession in 2022 .

From his side Hedge Fund Manager Seth Klarman, who has been called “the next Warren Buffett,” is warning that both the U.S. and global economies were at risk of a recession. Klarman, who runs Baupost Group, which manages $27 billion in assets, voiced concerns about rising debt, global tensions, and the widening political divide in the U.S. and other countries in a note to investors.

Quote: “It can’t be business as usual amid constant protests, riots, shutdowns, and escalating social tensions,” he wrote. “The seeds of the next major financial crisis (or the one after that) may well be found in today’s sovereign debt levels.” end of quote .

Hedge fund manager , founder and chief investment officer at Hayman Capital Management , Kyle Bass , from his side sees a shallow recession potentially in 2020 . Also adding that he thinks U.S. interest rates will follow the global interest rates all the way down to zero.

Kyle Bass told the Financial Times that he believes that U.S. interest rates will plummet toward zero in 2022 as the country’s economy heads for recession and the Federal Reserve slashes borrowing costs dramatically more than expected.

One of the most basic recession indicators is the stock market itself. When the stock market experiences a bear market (a decline of 20% or more), that is typically a sign that the economy is rolling over into a recession. It can unravel very quickly due to how inflated it currently is. They are going to run the system until it blows and then have a gigantic default around the globe. This will be affecting too many people. It will be very bad.

People need to prepare and do not listen to Mainstream Media . With central banks easing again, it’s no surprise that hedge funds are getting ready for a recession. With the world economy in a coordinated funk, central banks are once again easing monetary conditions.

The Fed has cut borrowing costs three times this year. The ECB has driven its deposit rate even more in-depth into sub-zero territory, and has resumed bond purchases. Negative yielding debt is once again above $12 trillion, albeit down from a peak three months ago of $17 trillion.

Financial repression is alive and kicking. The system is deeply rigged. 25 trillion printed since 2008 and it hasn’t worked.mere socialism for the rich. In a sane world, less than 4% unemployment would call for higher wages. It’s simple supply/demand economics.

The very fact that wages have NOT gone up and in some cases went down relative to inflation. If jobs were plenty, employers would try to attract workers with higher wages. Is that happening? NO! . as governments and central banks deliberately promote specific indicators “to present a rosy picture of the economy” while ignoring a whole host of other fundamentals that do not fit their “recovery”narrative” .

And if their “chosen indicators” begin to tell a different story … they then rig the numbers in their favor . like simply lying that the inflation is 2% when it is actually 10% . We all see where we are headed but too many just bury their head in the sand not to notice.

We are going to War, we are going to Zero Interest Rates, we are going to QE to Infinity and we are going to a Zimbabwe Economy Traders See a looming Recession Ahead Due to Inverted Yield Curve as Interest Rates on Short-Term Treasuries Exceed Returns on Longer-Term T-Bonds; for First Time Since 2007 on Eve of Subprime Panic.

Massive Flight to Safety as Long Bond Yield Hits Record Low of 2.015%.


"Tidbits From TNT" Sunday AM 6-26-2022


Saturday PM Iraq Parliament News Highlights 6-25-22