News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Afternoon 11-14-19


Tishwash: I don't think this is new info just interesting  …out of mexico city… in iraq's news…  interestng imo

The BRICS countries are aware of the possibility of cutting Swift

MEXICO CITY -Moscow, Beijing and New York members of the BRICS are planning to launch a system of financial settlements that will replace SWIFT, the Economic Times reported.

The system will contribute to the promotion of inter-state trade, facilitating financial transactions and stimulating payments in national currencies in foreign trade.

Over the past two years, Russia has been working to reduce its dependence on the dollar, and is continuing to reduce the share of the US currency in its international reserves, and increased the share of gold, the yuan and the euro in reserves and trade at the expense of the dollar.

It also established its own financial system for financial communications SPFS, in response to the possible separation of Russian banks from the system "Swift".

Founded in 2006, the BRICS Group is an acronym for the initials in English of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The bloc is the fastest growing economy in the world, and the BRICS countries contribute about 22% of the world GDP and occupy about 26% of the land area in the world.  link


Harambe:  Reuters: Iraq's young protesters: 'We're not leaving, even if this lasts 40 years. (11/14/19)

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Wearing surgical masks, motorcycle helmets and clothes stained with blood and grime, they populate the protest barricades of Baghdad, chanting for the government to fall. 

Hamza, an Iraqi demonstrator, poses for a photograph during the ongoing anti-government protests in Baghdad, Iraq, November 5, 2019. Picture taken November 5, 2019.

"I'm here protesting against corruption and to demand a nation. These politicians haven't given the people any solutions. God willing, our demands will be met if we continue our protest." he said. REUTERS/Ahmed Jadallah

Young Iraqis have been out in their thousands since mass anti-government protests kicked off on Oct. 1 in the capital and then quickly spread to the country’s south. 

More than 300 people have been killed as security forces have responded to the mostly peaceful demonstrations by firing live ammunition, rubber bullets and tear-gas canisters directly at the bodies of protesters. 

“We are here demanding justice,” said Mohammad, a young protester who declined to give his last name. “I want justice for my brother who was killed on this bridge. I want justice for my friend who was killed here on this bridge.”  

Mohammad, wearing an Iraqi flag as a face mask to protect against wafting tear gas, was standing under the Jumhuriya “Republic” - Bridge, where fierce confrontations with riot police have flared over the last three weeks. 

Above him, hundreds of young men manned barricades made of concrete blocks, iron sheets and tires, locked in a stalemate with security forces directly across from them. 

Nearby, medical volunteers like Rand Mohammad had set up volunteer medical clinics where they treat the wounded. 

“We are here to help our brothers in the square,” she said of central Tahrir Square, where thousands have been gathered daily. “We have to stay here to achieve what we want. Peacefully. Even if it takes a long time.” 


The protests have been dominated by young people, a generation blighted by rampant unemployment, a corruption-ridden political caste and years of armed conflict. Despite Iraq’s oil wealth, many people languish in poverty with limited access to clean water, electricity, healthcare or education. 

“I graduated top of my class at school, but no universities would accept me,” said 27-year-old Ahmed. “And even if you graduate from university, there are no jobs...Even if you want to work as a day laborer, you need a powerful connection now.” 

Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi’s government has taken some measures to try to quell the unrest, the most complex challenge to the ruling elite since 2003. Gestures have included handouts to the poor and more job opportunities for college graduates. 

But these have failed to keep pace with the growing demands of demonstrators who are now calling for an overhaul of Iraq’s sectarian power structure and the departure of leaders they regard as corrupt. 

 “We have nothing – no schools, no decent hospitals. No riches for the nation. Politicians only know how to steal – they steal from us,” said Mohammad Saeed Yasseen. “We have to get rid of these corrupt officials. Without that, there’s no solution.” 

Incensed by the lackluster response from their leaders, protesters say they will stay on the streets until their demands are met. 

“We young people are tired and things aren’t great: we have no jobs, we have no salaries,” said Hussein, a young protester who wore a spent tear-gas canister around his neck. “We’re not leaving – even if this lasts 40 years.”

Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Walkingstick & Frank26   A ultimatum has been issued.  A warning to Mahdi from the United Nations…that within the next couple of days-weeks to meet all the demands of the protesters and stop firing on them because “daddy” is home.  ‘Hey, elite Iranian forces make our day because our troops are watching every move you make as of now.’ …

[Guru Walkingstick] You know who is asking the United Nations to do this?  We are.  No Sir.  It’s the Iraqi people

[Guru]  Frank you understand the importance of thatWe’re not infidels we’re heroes.  This is brilliant!  …this is very unique because they are asking us to come into their country and that has not happened since God knows when…



Samson:  Abdul Mahdi: 2019 budget was full of time bombs

21:10 - 12/11/2019

Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi said on Tuesday that the government has received a 2019 budget full of time bombs, pointing out that the government is forced to pay debts and interest estimated at more than 11 trillion dinars.

Abdul Mahdi said in a speech followed by (information), that "the government received the budget of 2019 full of time bombs."

He added that "the current government did not work on the budgets of explosives like the previous governments."

He explained that "the government is obliged to repay loans and interest estimated at more than 11 trillion dinars."

"It is unfair to blame a year-old government for the corruption that has been accumulating for years," he said.   LINK


Samson:  Tahrir Square now

2019-11-13 12:19 

The Liberation Square in central Baghdad on Wednesday witnessed an unprecedented influx of demonstrators. "Large numbers of people have come to Tahrir Square since this morning in support of the demonstrators," the Euphrates News reporter said.

The protestors of Tahrir Square in Baghdad today, issued a statement number (2), which includes the call for million demonstrations next Friday, November 15, rejecting the solutions put forward by the government, and affirming the demands made by the demonstrators for all these sacrifices, which showed the highest religious authority in Najaf Concerned about the lack of seriousness of the concerned parties in their implementation.   LINK


Samson:  Iraq is among the most indebted countries to Russia

09:23 - 13/11/2019

Russian media published a list of debtors to Russia, which included two Arab countries, and the report showed that the countries most indebted to Russia are Belarus, Ukraine and Venezuela.

The Russian newspaper RBC prepared a report based on several sources about the debtors of Russia, according to which 17 countries in the world owes Moscow for 26.7 billion dollars.

Belarus topped the list with $ 7.6 billion in debt to Russia, followed by Ukraine with 3.7 billion and Venezuela with 3.5 billion.

The list included two Arab countries, Yemen and Iraq, and did not include foreign loans granted by Russia to build power stations in the world.

It is noteworthy in the report the absence of Arab countries such as Syria and Algeria, where Russia had announced at the end of last year to write off debts to a group of countries, including three Arab countries are Iraq, Algeria and Syria.

According to a report in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper last December, Moscow has written off $ 21.5 billion in debt to Iraq, Syria $ 9.8 billion and Algeria $ 4.7 billion in exchange for deals in areas such as construction, oil and gas.   LINK

 Jim Willie

Support For The [CB]s Are Being Removed One By One, This Is A Coordinated Effort:

X22 Report Spotlight:  Nov 14, 2019


IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 11-14-19


"Coffee with MarkZ" Thursday Morning Chat 11-14-19