IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 11-14-19

IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 11-14-19

Larrykn   Iraqi families grieve for slain protesters as politicians condemn US calls for reform

larrykn   President of Kurdistan Region in Baghdad to discuss Iraq protests, bilateral relations

larrykn   Iraq reforms 'purely an Iraqi decision': President Salih

larrykn   Integrity: The seizure of funds by three officials of the Ministry of Reconstruction and Housing

Economy News _ Baghdad   On Wednesday, the Integrity Commission revealed a decision to seize the transferred and immovable funds of three senior officials of the Ministry of Reconstruction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works, based on the provisions of Article 340 of the Iraqi Penal Code.

"The Najaf Investigation Court, which is responsible for integrity issues, has issued a decision to seize the transferred and immovable funds for each of the accused, the former inspector general of the ministry, a technical agent and a former director general," the authority's investigation department said in a statement.

The decision was issued on the basis of article 340 of the Iraqi Penal Code on the charge that the defendants did not carry out the contract for the basic design of Najaf, the statement said.

larrykn   Ammar al-Hakim stresses need to create fair electoral system

larrykn   Central Bank of Iraq attacked 50 times last few days

chattelsIraqi Speaker of Parliament forbids MPs to take vacations until further notice because of the exceptional times the nation is passing through.

bizhawk   Good morning folks. If you don't do anything else today-READ THIS. It's the best explanation on the planet concerning Iraq's problem.

bizhawk   oppps I forgot the link-here it is-

chattels   bizhawk Thanks. The Iraqi budget has been consumed by government salaries for some time now.

chattels   And the Barzani Family of Kurdistan recently made some expensive real estate purchases in Beverly Hills.!1/maison-613-1/

chattels   The House of Representatives held its session under the chairmanship of Halbusi

Thursday 14 November 15:15 2019   Baghdad / Nina / The House of Representatives held its fifteenth session under the chairmanship of the Speaker of the Council Mohammed Halbousi, in the presence of 235 deputies.

chattels   Parliamentary dispute over the proposed law to abolish the financial privileges of presidents and state officials 

Thursday 14 November 15:04 2019

chattels   The House of Representatives postponed its meeting this afternoon for an hour because of lack of quorum.

Today's session will include a vote on the proposal to abolish the financial privileges of presidents and officials in the country, vote on the draft law of the first amendment to the Integrity Commission Law No. 30 of 2011, and complete the vote on the proposal of the health insurance law, in addition to public discussions.

chattels   The arrival of the group of UN experts to work with the parliamentary committee on constitutional amendments  Thursday 14 November 14:51 2019

Baxter   DId anyone see the largest wealth transfer in world history yesterday??

Doug_W   no

Baxter   neither did i

 chattels   Nujaifi announces agreement with Allawi and Abadi to achieve early elections  Thursday 14 November 09:16 2019

chattels   BAGHDAD / NINA / The head of the Salvation and Development Front Osama al-Nujaifi said that he agreed with both Ayad Allawi and Haider al-Abadi to unite joint efforts and activate political and parliamentary opposition to achieve early elections after the dismissal of the current government and the formation of an interim government.

chattels   Translation. Those out of power see the crisis as an opportunity to regain power.

chattels   Even Maliki through his mouthpiece Tariq Harb. See

There is no constitutional vacuum and no realistic forms when the three presidents resign

Thursday 14 November 14:59 2019

chattels   @Baxter I did not see the largest wealth transfer in world history yesterday.

Baxter   nor did I

chattels   But Tman did not predict it. He was just sharing hopeful information.

Baxter   yes... I know   I didnt let it ruin my day..

chattels   Nujaifi, Allawi, Abadi and Maliki are all on the outside looking in.

Doug_W   Mailiki needs to be inside (A cell) looking out

Bizhawk   Just got back-yes chattels BUT this article 'spells out' the DYNAMIC of situation the Iraqs are living under.

bizhawk   It's actually worst than we have been told!

Larrykn   Finland re-opens Iraq embassy after hiatus of 30 years

larrykn   HRW Denounces assaults on medics Treating Protesters

larrykn   4 killed, dozens wounded in clashes against security forces

larrykn   Seven ISIS hideouts destroyed in Kirkuk


KTFA Members "News and Views" Thursday PM 11-14-19


News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Afternoon 11-14-19