News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Afternoon 4-4-2020


Cutebwoy:  Gm room question,who believes that the Iraq CBI cares about who and when people can go exchange if they RV their currency to correct their monetary system and get the country of Iraq back on track think about it iraq don’t care about this virus locking the world down they care about Iraq only what say you?  

RVAlready:  I think CBI has been consistently trying to make the RV happen. On the other hand, since they are signatories to the GCR, once the price of oil goes back up, I think the UN will force the RV, independent of what Iraq is saying.

Cutebwoy:  Imo I think the CBI will try to RV while the world economy’s are on lock down cause this will help their economy to stabilize somewhat before we all start exchanging

RVAlready:  I think the world has had enough of Iraq politics…. They are 30 days away from dismissing parliament…. This will all be up to Salih very soon.

Briona:  I would love to see him dissolve the parliament and start anew. Continuing on the way it has been going is not working.

USNavy55:  I think they'll change value when the US tells them it's time.

WallStreetGirl:  Maybe the US has been holding the dinar RV back for a rainy day. well, if you look outside right now, it is pouring.

WallStreetGirl:  If there was a time to RV the dinar and let the US clear out some of their debt, now would be that time.  The dinar should be the US Trump card (no pun intended). Let's play that card now!!!!

RVAlready:  Never let a good crisis go to waste

Clintonya:  Trump has to finish bankrupting the world economy first…. This has to happen to get to GCR

RVAlready:  Kill the corona virus, kill the federal reserve, kill the deep state

Eccle519:  clintonya: It's like years ago when people would run up all their credit cards to max knowing they can file for bankruptcy and have it erased. That's what is going on now to bring a new, viable (Gold backed?) financial system that the UST Dinar holdings will play a big part imo

Eccle519:  The GCR along with "bank appointments" has been talked about for over ten years now. I don't think many realize what a "Global Currency Reset" really means, that it is a Global event meant to level the playing field...that's happening now

Eccle519”: I believe Iraq will enter the world economy when (whatever the new system is) is in place...asset backed, Gold backed, crypto, tokenized implementation etc etc…. This Central bank system is imploding

RVAlready:  Thank goodness!!!

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy   Article: "Al-Zarfi challenges the Shiite force and requests an appointment for the confidence session."  This guy is ready to get in there..."the Prime Minister designate Zarfi said Friday that he will present his government program to parliament tomorrow Saturday with the request to set the date for the session to give confidence to his government..."  I feel like finally we're gonna get what we want and that is a prime minister in there with his government...he has a really good relationship with America and the Trump Administration.  And this guy is not a fan of Iran...Iraq is starting to look like it's stabilizing a little bit.  With this new PM going in there.  With this new government going in there.  And Trump going in there removing the influence and the grip of the Iranian people.  Let's just hope it's time...



Samson:  Russia recognizes the United States systems to quickly detect the "Corona" virus

4th April, 2020
The head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, Kirill Dmitriyev, has announced that the fund has delivered to the United States Russian-Japanese testing systems for rapid detection of the Corona virus. Moscow - Sputnik. Dmitriyev said in an interview with "CNN": "I think we have to strengthen cooperation ... It is time to show signs of goodwill."

He continued: "I really think this is a very important gesture, that Russia is facing the Corona virus, and this is a global problem, and we want to support the United States. We have submitted our testing systems, which, in our opinion, are one of the best in the world, which are testing devices. Russian-Japanese mobile, which can test 20 patients an hour."

Dmitriyev also stressed that it is important to unify the Russian-American efforts to overcome the "Corona" virus. Russia provides medical aid to America Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov announced that the humanitarian assistance provided by Russia to the United States of America comes within the international cooperation to confront the Corona virus. He explained that soon the Russian Foreign Ministry will explain the situation related to aid to the United States.   LINK

This Event Was A Coordinated Last Ditch Effort By The [DS], Moves & Countermoves:Dr. Shiva

X22 Report Spotlight:  Apr 4, 2020


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