The Atlantis Report: "Beyond Financial Meltdown" 4-4-2020

The Atlantis Report

Beyond Financial Meltdown , This is an Engineered Economic Collapse

Premiered 2 hours ago

Morgan Stanley releases a new forecast showing the US economy may drop as much as 38%.

The US officially lost 701,000 jobs in March, but in reality, millions vanished. Ten million Americans have filed new claims for unemployment benefits over the past two weeks. Far more extreme than anything we’ve ever seen, including the worst weeks of the Great Recession.

Economist gasps as US jobless claims jump 3,000% in 3 weeks. The figure of 700,000 jobs lost in March only goes to March 12th- which was just before a lot of the shutdowns. The actual loss of jobs is closer to 6.6 million for the WHOLE MONTH.

Millions of Americans are not getting their paychecks; a lot of bills aren’t going to get paid. Due to all the shutdowns that have been imposed nationwide, economic activity has already dropped to levels that we have never seen before in the entire American history.

 If the economy remains closed through the summer, 15 million American households could stop paying their home loans. ​Hyperinflation is going to come as quickly as this market crash, in a matter of days.

A lot of mortgage companies are going to go belly up as the government is allowing 12 months delinquencies. And this is tied in with municipalities. They must tax, and property taxes are tied with home values. Home values are tied to what is owed to them. And mortgage companies may be ordered to stop recoveries, which stops the secondary market.

The secondary market is tied to derivatives and further debt issuance. You see, without investors, you really destroy the housing market. Hence, the whole house of cards (pun intended) comes crashing down.

This will result in chaos and a manufactured war.

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News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Afternoon 4-4-2020


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of April 4, 2020