News, Rumors and Opinions Monday Afternoon 12-27-2021
RV Excepts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 27 Dec. 2021
Compiled Mon. 27 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Judy Note: No one except those at the very top were privy as to when the Military would set off the Emergency Broadcast System to begin Ten Days of Darkness and the Global Currency Reset of 209 nations, though we appeared close because as of early Mon. morning 27 Dec. 2021:
Iraq was set to announce the new rate of their Dinar on Mon. 27 Dec. 2021.
Rumor was that there would be a Global Currency Reset release of funds on Tues. 28 Dec. 2021.
On 1 Jan. 2022 the US Treasury was set to nationalize the top Tier 1 Banks as by then the Fiat US dollar would officially be dead.
Fri. 24 Dec. Fleming: Evidence is pointing to the fact that in January 2022, the fiat dollar will be officially dead, just like the IQD. Long live the Golden Dinar! Long live the Golden USN!
Banks in the US are still in a crisis mode pushing to get this RV GCR launched immediately. Redemption Centers are staffed, expecting to start, yet notifications have not been sent to Tier 4B and releases have not occurred to SKR holders. The assumption for this lack of action is that the delay is because of Basel 3 is about to become law, January 1, 2021 changing everything. BOA, WF, CHASE, CITI, all of the top Tier banks, must be Basel 3 compliant.
They don’t have any way to meet this guideline by January 1, 2022. Will we wait until January 1, 2022 for a National Bank Takeover – by the new Federal Treasury, nationalizing these banks, and setting up a new banking structure under a new Federal Government?
We are hearing from several people that are in the CMKX F&P (adjudicated), that they are seeing (visible) funds in their bank accounts. Bank Appointments are also being set for next Tues. 28 Dec. for the last step to release full access to funds.
Iraq was supposed to be announcing their new rate today Sun. 26 Dec. or tomorrow Mon. 27 Dec. The CBI would be closed for four days and no one could take any money out of the bank or the ATM’s. When the banks opened back up at the end of the four days, they would have a new rate, and a new currency, the 3 zero notes had to be turned in as well. That is per agreement with the IMF it was called the 10 day plan.
Read full post here:
Courtesy of Dinar Guru
Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground TV report] FIREFLY: Economist on TV saying once Iraq clears Chapter 7 from their next request when granted Iraq will have control of their own currency, oil and economy. Then said 82 billion in assets will be released back to Iraq from funds held while in Chapter 7 making Iraq's currency stronger and able to rise the exchange rate. FRANK: That's HCL. Wow.
Fleming All Signs are Pointing to a Truly Remarkable Week Ahead...The 10-Day Plan, the IMF’s agreed upon brief delay for Iraq’s new currency launch; is still under effect in Iraq, set for the 26th or 27th. Of course, the IMF can always cancel, or allow continuation right before this revaluation begins, but all signs are pointing to this act truly taking place.
What to Expect in 2022 : Debt, Inflation, Wealth inequality & Decaying America !
The Nomad Economist: Premiered 30 minutes ago
2022 will herald the most significant changes in the history of man. Many more that are unpredictable and profound than anyone is forecasting.
The world will never recover from what is coming because what we have built is a road to nowhere.
The global economy will continue to be lethargic as long as the citizens of the world accept the failed central bank systems.
Can't they see how Poised Disciplined Jubilant Talkative is using their debt ruse against them? The Central Banks also are being defeated with bilateral trade agreements. People of the world need to take back control of their governments and end the graft and corruption.
Criminals commit theft and lie. What do we see every day in America? Our country is decaying and is bankrupt. What is $738 Billion for defense when the Fed can pump trillions into the repo market? This shows their ability to create dollars unlimitedly. More "kick the can down the road."
This nonsense cannot go on forever. A REPO is a short term loan. Debt is debt and must either be paid back (impossible) or forgiven. The FED has been captured by Wall Street and is doing everything possible to avoid a debt spiral. This is a disgrace, PsyOp.
It is the National Democrat and Republican Socialist Party(s) Government, Old World Order, Debt Fiat Deficit Devaluation, Monetary Theory fraud.
This repo is the only folly of the bankers who created the system to enrich themselves. Repo itself is BS as bankers lend to other bankers continually trading fake fiat to make some usury on the fake fiat they got for free anyway.
The real problems are that the masses have no work, most manufacturing has been exported. No jobs associated with it. Then retail taken away by online internet companies that are propped up by fake QE to eliminate any retail.
With people starving and no way to pay mortgages. So this repo is just that. They are in a frenzy just to keep the rigged BS system afloat that they created to enrich themselves!
What Economy to expect for 2020 . the unknown unknown ahead ;black swan event coming.