News, Rumors and Opinions Friday AM 4-2-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 2 April 2021

Compiled Fri. 2 April 2021 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Much is going on behind the scenes of which we were not privy to. The Alliance was still dealing with the Satanic Cabal and things are bound to get very complicated. Despite it all we have to recognize that the funds have been released, the Dinar has revalued and there is no going back. I personally feel we will be at our appointments beginning next Tues. 6 April.

Thurs. 1 April to Tues. 6 April was the beginning of NESARA/ GESARA Debt Jubilee debt forgiveness.

On Mon. 5 April we should be notified of the Secure Website.

On Tues. 6 April Tier 4B appointments begin.

On either Tues. 6 April or Wed 7 April the “Event” was expected to happen that would cause a US financial collapse and activation of the Starlink Satellite Quantum Internet system (Emergency Broadcast System EBS) that would take over all media outlets globally.

Whiplash reported that the EBS would be Easter Sun. 4 April to Tues. 6 April

Appointments will go from Tues. 6 April to Sat. 17 April.

Redemption Centers will be done by Sat. 17 April.

All Zim must be redeemed by Sat. 17 April.

The general public will be able to exchange by Mon. 19 April and for the next six months.

On Wed 31 March Kingpin of the Global Currency Reset Iraq, passed their budget, published that their Dinar had revalued, was purchasing oil with IQD rather than USD and the IQD was being used on the street at a 1:1 to the US Note. Charlie Ward said that the Iraqi Dinar revalue date wouldn’t have an effect on the Global Currency Reset date.

Ten Days of Darkness:

It appeared that on Tues. 6 April or Wed. 7 April Ten Days of Darkness would be ushered in via the new Star-link Communication system that would take over all media outlets globally.

There would be a Stock Market Crash while the Quantum Financial System (QFS) would be activated.

We would be under Martial Law globally with no plane or train travel for the ten days.

Power or internet may go off in your area.

All laws and actions of the U.S. Government after 1871 would be null and void, for such was not done under guidelines of the original U.S. Constitution.


Thurs. 1 April The Big Call, Bruce: 712-770-4016 pin123456#

The World Court modified the timeline. They did not want to have us go two days and then stop for Easter break. So, the decision was made to move the start date from Thurs. 1 April to next Tues. 6 April.

They are now testing the 800 numbers today and through the weekend.

They have fully integrated the Starlink Communication system and it protects our 800 phone numbers from being hacked. So, we have a secure system to make our appointments.

On Mon. 5 April we should be notified of the Secure Website.

On Tues. 6 April Tier 4B appointments begin.

Appointments will go from Tues. 6 April to Sat. 17 April.

Redemption Centers will be done by Sat. 17 April.

All Zim must be redeemed by Sat. 17 April.

The general public will be able to exchange by Mon. 19 April and for the next six months.

The 23 orbiting satellites of the Starlink System are active in 80% of the world.

If you want someone to go with you to your appointment you should let them know when you call for your appointment.

If you use the 800 number to get your appointment with a live person, you should be able to book associates to go in around the same time you do.

Read full post here:

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Clare  Article Quote:  "Iraq is implementing its reform plans towards fiscal and monetary policy."!!!   WOOHOOO!!!  FRANK [Guru Frank26] TOLD US WHO WOULD BE SPEAKING NEXT!!...THE  CBI...WE ARE SEEING EXACTLY WHAT [Gurus] WALKINGSTICK & FRANK TOLD US!! ...IMO. IT IS NOW...BE READY! Imo.

MilitiaMan  Article Quotes: "Iraq is implementing its reform plans towards fiscal and monetary policy.";  "his governor participated, as a representative of Iraq, in the spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund."  Sounds good to me...But, we knew this already...They have been working to complete now for a long time and have finally got where we need to be...or where they are to be...Just like we have been told that they are having meetings and they are on going... Well now it is show time... imo...



Samson:  The final version of the budget law

1st April 2021

The Federal Budget Law for Iraq, which the House of Representatives voted yesterday, is published in all its articles

To view the budget:  click here    LINK


Lynette Zang:


April 1, 2021


MarkZ and Michael Cottrell Friday Morning Chat 4-2-2021


"Tidbits From TNT" Friday Morning 4-2-2021