News, Rumors and Opinions Friday 9-11-2020


Tishwash:  Economist: Large untapped resources could be an alternative to oil in the budget

Economic expert Wissam Al-Tamimi explained that many resources are still untapped and that they can be used as an alternative to oil in maximizing budget resources and achieving great benefit for the people and eliminating unemployment as well.

Al-Tamimi told "the information", "Thousands of lands are located on the outskirts of cities that can be divided up and sold in installments to citizens, in order to achieve large revenues and contribute to eliminating the housing crisis, reducing high real estate prices and eliminating unemployment through the employment of many specialists in the field of construction."

He added that "a lot of agricultural lands are neglected and it is possible to exploit them and put them for investment in order to revive them again and benefit from the sums of the crop and export the properties from it abroad, and allocate part of that land as fields of poultry, sheep and fish."

And that "international road construction projects may be expensive, but they generate great profits through a connection." Iraq , in Europe, and collecting fees from countries that want to obtain their goods through Iraq , and thus it is another resource that contributes to reducing the financial crisis and supplying the budget with the sums they need.  link

Harambe:  Ariana News: Pompeo leaves for Doha to attend opening ceremony of Afghan peace talks


US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo will travel to Qatar Friday to attend the opening ceremony of Afghanistan peace negotiations on Saturday, the US State Department announced overnight. 

“The start of these negotiations follows intense diplomatic efforts, including the US-Taliban Agreement and the US-Afghanistan Joint Declaration, which were agreed to in February,” read the statement. 

This comes after weeks of delays over the start to intra-Afghan negotiations. 

However, the statement was released just hours after six high-risk Taliban prisoners were transferred to a facility in Doha on Thursday. 

The fate of the six prisoners had been a stumbling block in the way of the start to talks.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy ...I know yesterday's news was pretty exciting but...we need to just take a deep breath and slow down...Both budgets [2020 and 2021] are going to be submitted at the same time.  Very very interesting...we saw the news article yesterday it was implied that a rate change must be considered in this paperwork...that doesn't mean anything other than it's being considered. Okay slow down a little bit.  Like I said when we're investing don't get overly excited when it's good news and don't get overly down when it looks like negative news.  There's reasons to be excited, plenty of reasons but I don't want people to get overly confident...that's important for us to say grounded.  It's a low risk high reward situation but there's no guarantees on any investment... [Post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

Pimpy  ...nobody knows what the rate's gonna be.  Nobody.  I've had people approaching me about some of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard - $4.00, $5.00, $10.00 for the rate exchange...there are reason to speculate about a particular rate.  I've used past articles.  I've used past CBI meeting readings.  I've used past discussions between the government about the rates that they have discussed to try to get an idea but nobody knows the rate.  So you guys just slow down a little bit.  I understand it's exciting.  It is very exciting.  We have not seen any kind of real discussion on anything to do with the dinar in quite some time but...they came out and said 'look one of the things that have to be taken into consideration is we have to do something about this rate so we could be competitive on an international scale' - for the record Pimpy said that months ago... [Post 2 of 2]

Iraq Will Pass 2020 Budget Next Week

Currency365:  Sep 11, 2020

NESARA / GESARA -Dragon Bonds (Q&A)

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Sep 10, 2020

Pimpy’s NESARA / GESARA video list:


Iraqi News Friday AM 9-11-20


MarkZ and Michael Cottrell Friday Morning Chat 9-11-2020