Iraqi News Friday AM 9-11-20

Iraqi News Friday AM 9-11-20

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Al-Haddad: We will work to expedite the legislative procedures, follow up the work of the committees and evaluate the progress of draft laws sent by the government

9/11/2020   The Presidency of the House of Representatives directed, in a session yesterday, Thursday 10/9/2020, to form a special committee headed by Vice President Dr. Bashir Khalil Al-Haddad and the membership of each of the Secretary-General of the Council and the Director General of the Parliamentary and Research Departments to carry out the tasks of continuous tours of the parliamentary committees to demonstrate an evaluation of their work and to submit a report and a well-studied map. In this regard, in order to advance the wheel of legislation and give priority to draft laws and proposals for amendments, and to schedule them according to the constitutional contexts.

Al-Haddad, and in this statement issued, he said: “We will work to expedite the legislative procedures and follow up directly on the work of the committees and evaluate the achievement of draft laws sent by the government, and periodically review the progress of the council’s work and the activities of the committees and scrutinize draft laws from the constitutional side and take into consideration the financial and legal impiety and their conformity with them. The government program and activating the supervisory side of the Council.

The Media Office of the Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, 11 September 2020  LINK

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi Meets With The President Of The Republic And A Number Of Kurdish Leaders In Sulaymaniyah

The Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi, met with the President of the Republic, Dr. Barham Salih, in Sulaymaniyah, during his current visit to the Kurdistan region.

During the meeting, they discussed important issues and files and the overall current challenges, in addition to the latest preparations and efforts for holding the parliamentary elections.

During the meeting, which was attended by a number of Kurdish political leaders, Mr. Al-Kazemi indicated that Iraq today has a historic opportunity to overcome all the pitfalls of the past, and to start building its economy and administrative system in the best manner and most appropriate for the interests of all Iraqis of all sects.

Mr. Al-Kazemi indicated that the present moment requires construction, solidarity, and learning from the mistakes that marred the process of building a new Iraq after the demise of dictatorship.

For his part, the President of the Republic praised the efforts of Mr. Al-Kazemi and his government team seeking reform, indicating that the government's policy is characterized by great concern for the interests of Iraqis in all governorates of Iraq, and that it is working to consolidate the rule of law, establish the prestige of the state, and uphold the word of law above all.  The Media Office of the Prime Minister,  September 11-2020

Denmark Announces The Opening Of An Embassy In Iraq

Pratha News Agency29 2020-09-11   Denmark intends to open an embassy in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, this fall.

"Iraq plays a pivotal role in the stability of the Middle East region, and Denmark will strengthen its cooperation with Iraq through the opening of the embassy," said the Danish Foreign Minister, Yebe Kofud, in Copenhagen.

Covood explained that his country aims, through the opening of the embassy, ​​to strengthen dialogue with Baghdad in areas such as immigration and combating terrorism.

It should be noted that Denmark will assume command of the NATO mission in Iraq by the end of this year.

“Borrowing” Threatens The Fate Of The Budget And Warns Of An Economic “Collapse”

Pratha News Agency86 2020-09-11   On Friday, MP Abd al-Hadi Mohan al-Saadawi suggested that the federal budget would not be passed for the remaining months of the current year, in the event that it included a government desire to borrow 27 trillion dinars, while warning of the risk of a "collapse" in the Iraqi economy.

Al-Saadawi said in a press interview that "what was rumored in the Council of Ministers about the existence of a budget for the remaining three months of this year is an attempt by the government to obtain borrowing with legal cover."

Indicating that "Parliament previously voted on the internal and external borrowing law, and today the government is also calling for borrowing and this will lead to the collapse of the country's financial policy and the Iraqi economy will collapse completely."

Al-Saadawi added, "The sums that the government placed in the remaining budget for the current year amounted to about 27 trillion dinars, which is a very large amount in the issue of borrowing, especially that we owe nearly 160 billion dollars to international and domestic banks."

Pointing out that "Iraq will not be able to advance its economic reality and will become a floundering country politically and financially and depends on the payment of dues of international banks."

He continued, "The government should not resort to internal and external borrowing, and that its operating budget should depend only on oil and non-oil resources."

Stressing that "in the event that the government brought a budget to parliament in which it borrowed 27 trillion dinars, I think that parliament will refuse to vote on it, in addition to the financial management law in force that obliges the government at this time to send the budget next year, not the current one."

To The Specialists In Economic And Financial Affairs..Ako These Are Words If Not?

Pratha News Agency177 2020-09-11

Abbas Al-Mousawi || In a courageous message, a senior employee at Al-Rafidain Bank guides Al-Kazemi to "wasted Iraqi funds" that will keep him away from salary deductions! One of the employees of the Rafidain Bank, who has experience, courage and courage to speak the truth without fear or hesitation, sent a letter to Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, containing important and serious details about the Iraqi financial map, and ways to obtain lost Iraqi money.

Here is the full text of the message: - Mr. Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, the esteemed ... If the corrupt, who penetrate into state institutions, hide from you the real state revenues, then we as a people chose to help you and we were looking for them. To uncover corruption and waste of public money, as follows: - "Instead of drowning in debt."

Instead of borrowing and looking for confused, urgent and ill-considered solutions to solve the problem of the economic and financial crisis in Iraq and drowning Iraq in debts that have no way to escape from them, as long as the spoilers are happy in its institutions, so you must first correct the course of the financial policies of previous governments and the manipulation of their officials with the capabilities of the homeland and the state's revenues, starting with correcting The relationship with the Kurdistan region and the control of all parties with their sects over their financial income .. *

Instead of dumping the Iraqi citizen with external and internal debts, their money went and is still going into the pockets of the corrupt; We have discussed for you some outlets of waste and systematic theft, and we would like to draw your attention to the huge and enormous revenues hidden inside Iraq! **

We as a people and you know - with certainty - that the Iraqi Ministry of Oil supplies its refineries with one million barrels of oil per day. This is what was mentioned by more than one official, especially Representative Adnan Al-Zorfi, with documents in one of his television interviews. **

Of course, this oil is refined inside the refineries, and a barrel of oil is converted into 100 liters of gasoline or 100 liters of gasoline to be supplied to gas stations, and it becomes the following: - 1,000,000 barrels of oil x 100 liters of gasoline or kerosene = 100,000, One hundred million liters of benzene or kerosene.

One liter of very regular gasoline and kerosene is sold inside Iraq for 450 dinars. Eden, the state’s import of petroleum products (petrol - kerosene) only per day: 100,000,000 liters x 450 dinars = 45,000,000,000 billion dinars per day.

And its monthly incoming: 45,000,000,000 billion dinars x 30 days = 1,350,000,000,000 trillion dinars per month. And it becomes its annual imports of oil derivatives: 1,350,000,000,000 trillion dinars x 12 months = 16,200,000,000,000 trillion and two hundred billion dinars annually and Iraq's imports of oil derivatives (gasoline and kerosene) only. *

Where does this huge, hidden sum of money go, which is ignored by all the ministers who succeeded in the ministries of oil and finance, as well as the majority of MPs and officials? And all of them did not dare to open this topic at all! **

This amount, O Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, is sufficient to pay the salaries of all Iraqi employees from first to tenth grade for a period of two years. **

Do you have the courage to be honest with us and tell us about this staggering amount of money where it is going? **

Not to mention the revenues of gas, jet gasoline, white oil and black oil. Not to mention the non-oil revenues that cover the salaries of employees for years and provide services to all cities, governorates, and state sectors? **

Is it not time for you to transparently tell your people about their lost and healthy (stolen) financial resources that the parties plunder through their workers in state institutions? Yes their workers. And I don't say responsible;

Everyone asks and is waiting for your answer: -

1. Where are the revenues of the General Tax Authority ?!

2. Where are the revenues of the Ministry of Communications and Mobile Phone Networks ?!

3. Where are the revenues of the Communications and Internet Networks Commission ?!

4. Where are the revenues of the border crossings and customs departments at all ports ?! In our turn, we ask: Why open 24 border outlets in Kurdistan, of which one dinar has not entered the state, while it is closed in the center and south out of fear of the transmission of the Coronavirus epidemic ?!

5. Where are the revenues of Iraqi airports and airlines ?!

6. Where are the revenues of the Municipality of Baghdad ?!

7. Where are the revenues of the real estate registration departments throughout Iraq ?!

8. Where are the revenues of the public traffic departments ?!

9. Where are the revenues of the Ministry of Electricity ?!

10. Where are the revenues of the water and sewage departments throughout Iraq ?!

11. Where are the revenues of the Ministry of Health ?!

12. Where are the municipalities' revenues in all governorates of Iraq ?!

13. Where are the revenues of the Ministry of Agriculture ?!

14. Where are the revenues of the Ministry of Water Resources ?!

15. Where are the state real estate rents ?!

16. Where are the revenues of ships and vessels transporting oil ??

** Iraq is a country that God endowed with riches, with a plurality of resources, and not a state on the sidelines Its internal income can overcome the greatest crises in countries and all its children can live with dignity and with dignity. It is time for you to stop wasting Iraqi money in each of the following angles: - **

1. Currency sale auction in the Central Bank of Iraq; Iraq's annual losses from it are estimated at 4 billion dollars!

2. Two billion dollars lost annually in the commissions of the Ministry of Commerce!

3. The colossal budgets of the two endowments: the Shiite and the Sunni!

** The important thing is that if these revenues were properly received to the state treasury, oil would have been a secondary resource for the Iraqi people and not a major resource ??

** Signature: Victoria Zarzis, Deputy General Manager at Rafidain Bank / General


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