More News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Night 12-30-2020


Tishwash:   Washington helps Baghdad secure the Green Zone

The US Embassy hands over 30 armored military vehicles to the Iraqi army to help it secure diplomatic facilities, as Iranian threats to launch attacks escalate.

The Washington embassy in Baghdad announced, on Wednesday, that it has delivered 30 armored military vehicles to the Iraqi army to secure the Green Zone in the center of the capital, with the escalation of Iranian threats.

The Green Zone is heavily fortified and includes the United States Embassy and most foreign diplomatic missions, as well as government and parliament headquarters and the homes of senior state officials.
The region has been subjected to repeated missile attacks by unknown persons, suspected of being members of Iraqi factions close to Iran, since last year.

The US embassy said, in a statement, that "the United States is committed to assisting the Iraqi army in maintaining the security of Iraq and Baghdad."

"To achieve this goal, the United States on Monday provided the Iraqi army with 30 armored cars to help secure the International Zone," she added, which is the term the United States uses to refer to the Green Zone in central Baghdad

She indicated that "the United States provided the aforementioned vehicles to the Special Command Division, located at Al-Asad Air Base (west of the country), and the Iraqi army will use them in its patrols."

"This contribution comes as part of a larger plan by the US Army Security Cooperation Office - Iraq to support the Special Command Team in securing the center of Baghdad," the embassy said in a statement.

The United States leads an international coalition consisting of more than 60 countries to fight the terrorist organization "ISIS" in Iraq and provide training and advice to the local armed forces.
This step comes in light of the tense atmosphere in Iraq with the approaching first anniversary of the assassination of the commander of the Iranian Quds Force, Qassem Soleimani, accompanied by the deputy head of the Popular Mobilization Authority, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, in a US air bombardment near Baghdad International Airport on January 3.

Fears prevail that Iraqi factions close to Iran will launch attacks on US forces and interests, amid a warning from Washington that it will respond forcefully to an attack that causes American casualties.
Iranian officials had issued a clear and public threat against US and Western interests in Iraq as the anniversary of the assassination of Qassem Soleimani approaches

The Iranian ambassador to Iraq, Iraj Masjedi, said Tuesday that his country reserves its right to take revenge against the United States for the assassination of Qassem Soleimani.

He explained that Tehran's retaliation against Washington "does not have to be military," according to the Iranian "Tasnim International News Agency" (in particular).

"We have the right to take revenge on the Americans for their historic crime of assassinating General Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis in early January," he added. "Retaliation for this criminal act will not necessarily be military."

He stressed that the expulsion of US forces from the region is "revenge," noting that the Iranian missile attack on the American Ain Al-Assad base in Iraq on January 8, 2020, was a response to the assassination of Soleimani.

While my mosque denied any involvement of Tehran in the recent missile attack on the US embassy in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

"Iran does not support any group that may have launched this attack," he said, according to the same source.

And last week, unidentified persons fired Katyusha rockets at the Green Zone in central Baghdad, targeting the US embassy.

Washington accuses the Iraqi factions close to Iran, headed by "Kataib Hezbollah", of being behind the attacks.
A few months ago, the Iraqi authorities formed an investigation committee to uncover the parties involved in launching attacks on the diplomatic corps in Baghdad, at the request of the Sadrist movement and after American pressure to close the embassy   link


Wednesday Fleming RV Update:

Our military intel contact confirmed the source that said that UST released Reno to start payments today Wed 30 Dec but he said the order came from DoD & POTUS at 10am PST (= 1pm EST out of the morning RV team meeting in DC) & the order went from UST to Reno by 1pm PST as reported by this source below.

These payments his info says are the bond payments to be done from tonight Wed 30 Dec over next 48 hours before T4B start in 1st half of next week.

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  Did you see the IMF say 'This reduction of purchasing power of the Iraq dinar this is a permanent thing'?  Did you hear them say that? [shakes head no].  But yet all of a sudden we go from 1450 to 1600 to 1650, good God I bet you anything we go even more.  Anything to mess you up.  That's the purpose.  That's what's supposed to happen right now.  And for you to fall for it?  No, that's not right...keep a constant state of suspicious alertness...we're so close to the apex.  We're so close to conquering this mountain...whatever you do, don't fall down the hill.  Do not get discouraged.  It's very clear IMO what they're doing...

Pimpy  Article: "Parliamentary Finance: This is the date for the budget debate session"  According to the constitution the cabinet members look at a budget.  They pass the budget and then it goes to the House of Representative where technically they're supposed to be some type of 90-day thing and you're supposed to have 3 readings in there so any changes gets doneBut it seems to me that that part of it's being bypassed...They want to try to get this passed before the end of the year.  That's not many more days...we'll see if this gets accomplished.


Wednesday Night X22 Report Spotlight

Bob Kudla: The People Have Reached The Precipice, The Great Reset Has Been Trumped

Bob talks about how the people are reaching the precipice of destruction. The economy in the US is improving each and every day. Gold, Bitcoin all set to take off. The people are not with the great reset movement. Trump plan, build the economy and block the great reset.


Who said robots can't dance? | Boston Dynamics welcomes the new year

Dec 30, 2020


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