Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-29-20

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-29-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - it is Tuesday December 29th   and you’re listening to the Big Call - welcome all that are here – and to what is the start tonight of our 10th year of The Big Call – We hit 9 years completion yesterday – and so here we go ….. we’re starting our 10th year – I hope it’s short one and I think it will be –

The intel tonight – I actually knew a lot of this after last Thursdays call – which you remember we did a very short call for Christmas Eve – it is amazing after a call I can get information that I wish I had been able to bring on the call – but that’s what happens - it may even happen tonight –

So what I am going to tell you is where we are and what I’m hearing about us and when we’re going to start – Now what happened yesterday and today – was the so called Friends & Family - people that had done exchanges with various banks throughout the country – SKR’s – safe keeping receipts – probably picking up very little  to no amounts at the time of their exchange – but they ARE in a situation NOW to be receiving what’s called – healing / emergency funds yesterday and today from those exchanges / SKR’s – but the total amount that they should receive will not happen until we get started with our exchanges

So it is a bit of an “emergency liquidity” that the friends and family – individuals – not Whales or VIP’s – just people that were notified by the bank a while back and some did exchanges maybe a year back

So that is one little thing – for Monday and Tuesday – what additionally is happening now is the bond holders for numerous different bonds are being divided into 2 basic groups – meaning that their paymasters are paying them out this week - with one group – the first group being paid what we understand is overnight tonight or overnight tomorrow – I have heard it both ways – and they would theoretically have access to about 1-2% of those bonds – either Wed or Thurs –

The second group of bond holders – is to be paid out what we understand is – Thursday night and would have access to funds 1-2%  on Thursday or Friday – and the theory is the bond holders get paid out this week – in their entirety

Now – beyond that – and I hate to be the person that puts this out further than anyone else – cause you know I don’t like that people do that to me – but I am saying that the information that I had as long ago as last Thursday night – 5 days ago – was talking about us going – tier 4B – somewhere in the Monday the 4th or Tuesday 5th of January and possibly into Wednesday –

That means we’ve got a week possibly from tonight before we actually do something with have our numbers and we set our appointments or we get our numbers Monday night and start Tuesday – there’s a possibility and we had it from an extremely high source – as high as you can get – in the banking world – that - that was the Monday/Tuesday thing – that was 5 days ago –

Now – what about the possibility of Mon/Tues – or Tues/Wed? I think it looks very good we should be there by then and hopefully – and I’m not calling it – but that is what I’m hearing – passing on what it is that I’m getting –

Also – I have reason to believe that certain exchanges that will be done with Arabic speaking interpreters and translators are to start next week as well – and that is another good sign – that is when we are supposed to start – they’ve been notified and given a schedule – and I’m looking forward to that happening –

As far as Iraq is concerned – they are expecting to have another new rate – over the weekend – could start them on Sunday – their first business day – with a new budget – with a rate in the budget –

We know the rate that we saw – the rate we were actually notified about was very strong – and just slightly below what Dr Shabbibi had predicted that the value of the Dinar to hold back in the National chamber of United States Chamber of Commerce Meeting - where Blue Star attended and asked him that value question – back in 2012 –

So we are really – in a position I think to move forward through New Year’s Eve and to New Year’s Day – and into the first week of January having had a 4 day banking holiday – where no wires were transmitted from last Thurs – Fri – Sat – Sun – globally – from my understanding - 

Now everything is totally interconnected – with the QFS – banks are completely on line – Central banks should be totally on line – and Central banks should under the auspices of the Treasury for each country in the world – no longer under a central bank – hum how do I say it -- that might be controlled by the Rothschild’s or another cabal type group of people

So ……I believe we are in a good place to move forward and I’m excited because I think we’re finally coming to the end but you know how this thing is – this is a moving target – and you know intel does change – even the idea of the bonds being paid out tonight could be moved to tomorrow night –

Look how we’ve heard we’re looking at $600 stimulus payment and then we heard about a $2000 payment – now it looks like we might get the $600 payment in a matter of hours to a few days followed by possibly a week later maybe the more like the $2000 more - we will see – do not hold me to that – but I believe we could see that  - and of course the election is far from being over – not even close to being over – Lots of things are going to be happening –

Well that’s the information I have for tonight – I’m excited and thrilled for everyone to be here – Thank you again for tuning in – our next call if we have one will be on Tuesday January 5th  -  everyone have a safe New Year -  I look forward to a great 2021 -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins 1:13:50


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