More News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Afternoon 12-22-2020

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  We have a situation where the CBI is coming out and saying we have a new exchange rate for the Iraqi dinar.  Don't we have a bunch of articles that said 'we're working very hard to raise the value of the dinar?'  Don't we have the IMF that said 'Iraq is going to lift the value of their currency before the end of this fiscal year? We told you the value of the Iraq dinar was going to go up based on all the articles.  These articles are powerful because they come from the horse's mouth not our opinion.  So what happened?  [Post 1 of 2]

Frank26   ...Back in the 1990's...China takes their newspaper, they take a full page and it was a disclaimer from the Chinese government saying 'We're not going to raise the value of our currency...'  Three days later...the IMF announces that the Chinese currency has gone up in value.  Kuwait in the late 1990's did the same thing...why did you do what you did?  ...Kuwait and China say it's because we're going through a monetary reform with our currency.  Iraq is going through the same thing...what they're doing right now is a one time thing.  This 1450 is only for a short time.   [post 2 of 2]


Harambe:  AllAfrica: Zimbabwe Govt Dumps 10,000 Ghost Workers: World Bank Assists


AT LEAST 10 000 suspected ghost workers have been struck off the government payroll after a biometric registration exercise that was carried out with the assistance of the World Bank.

According to the state media, the Public Service Commission (PSC), during a workshop for the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Public Service Labour and Social Welfare, the PSC and the Apex Council grouping staff associations, PSC head of human capital development and management, Moses Mhike, said the exercise of flushing out ghost workers ongoing.

"Ghost workers are no longer an issue. We have managed to account for those on the Salary Service Bureau (SSB)," he said.

"We conducted a biometric exercise to get the data of all civil servants and comparing with the Registrar's Office. We realised that about 10 000 were not biometric compliant and traced them at each and every work station."

PSC secretary Jonathan Wutawunashe said the PSC simply eliminated ghost workers by withdrawing salaries to those who were non-complaint to the biometric exercise.

No arrests were made.

"We made sure that we stopped paying those non complaint and only the legitimate ones came forward. However, the exercise should be an ongoing thing," he said.

The biometric registration was implemented with the assistance of the World Bank as part of efforts to weed out ghost workers and modernise management of the civil service.


Harambe:  Vietnam+: Vietnam's economy to grow 6.8 percent in 2021: World Bank


Hanoi (VNA) - Vietnam’s prospects appear positive as the economy is projected to grow by about 6.8 percent in 2021 and, thereafter, stabilise at around 6.5 percent, according to the latest World Bank’s economic update for Vietnam “Taking Stock”.

This projection assumes that the COVID-19 crisis will be brought gradually under control, notably through the introduction of an effective vaccine. 

The report emphasises that Vietnam might be exposed to fiscal, financial, and social risks that should require greater attention from the authorities.

“Vietnam is standing at a crossroads of post-COVID-19 recovery. It has an opportunity to set itself on a greener, smarter, and more inclusive development path that will bolster resilience to future shocks from both pandemics and climate-related disasters,” said Carolyn Turk, World Bank Country Director for Vietnam. “The authorities must tackle the environmental and climate challenges with the same sense of urgency as they have done with COVID-19 because the costs of inaction are already visible and will become increasingly irreversible. The recent tropical storms in Vietnam’s central region and rising air pollution in the country’s major cities are good illustration of this fragility.”

The WB said Vietnam is expected to grow by almost 3 percent in 2020 while the world economy is expected to contract at least by 4 percent amidst the biggest global shock of the past decades.

The external sector—the main driver of economic growth in Vietnam over the past decade—has performed exceptionally well since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis.

 The country is on the verge of reporting not only its highest merchandise trade surplus ever but also an increase in international reserves. The continued inflows of foreign investment and the steady rise in merchandise exports more than compensated for the losses in foreign exchange earnings from decreased tourism activities and shrinking remittances, according to the report. 

The report suggests that foreign investors have continued investing and/or shifting production activities to Vietnam due to the country’s good management of the pandemic.

According to the WB, two lessons from the successful management of the COVID-19 crisis could be extended to the environmental agenda. 

The first lesson is that the best way to cope with an external shock is to be prepared in advance and move with early and bold actions. Second, beyond vision and capacity, the ability to embrace innovation and experiments is instrumental to change individual and collective behaviours, which lays at the root of strategies to cope with health and climate threats.

It argues that Vietnam’s ambition to become a high-economy will be determined not only by its capacity to exit successfully from the COVID-19 crisis but also how it will manage its natural resources and climate risks.

Fleming Tuesday RV Update:

From what we are hearing they are rolling it out as this day is progressing. It is moving East to West. As soon as we get the safelink web sites we will post then here and in Discord and Telegram Rooms.

Our military intel contact was able to also say he knows everyone is sick of hearing this is close, but he said this time is different than in past weeks for several reasons

 (1) because POTUS told his White House staff last Thu 17 Dec to leave DC to avoid any unrest as arrests started in DC,

(2) because the highest-to-date level arrests (level of Clintons, Podestas, Huma Abedin) that started over the past weekend, and because the current “mop up operation” this week that MarkZ heard about from his govt sources includes the transition through to the RV/GCR & NESARA and including Iraq’s RV rate change following last Sat’s 19 Dec Iraqi Dinar devaluation/depegging as happened in the 25 March 1991 Kuwaiti Dinar RV about a week after the Kuwaiti Dinar devalued/depegging from the Dollar—showing THIS WEEK IS IN THE ZONE he said.

He could also say this week’s mopping up operation is the CULMINATION bringing a decisive victory against those Deep State & CCP bad actors who fought the RV release and the release of the NESARA /GESARA restored Republic and the constitutional freedoms and financial freedoms these give us and the nations post-RV.


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"Tuesday Iraq News" Posted by Samson 12-22-2020