More News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Night 3-4-2021


Thursday UPDATE for March 4, 2021

Iraqi news implies that the budget will be voted on next week

Several US banks are sharing the same "expected"future rates (basically)

Iraqi Dinar                     $3.71 (with $28.50 as the "contract" rate)

Vietnamese Dong         .47¢ - $6.00

Indonesian Rupiah       $1.08

Afghanistan Afghani    $2.29

Iranian Rial                    $3.71

Zimbabwean Dollar     $.00000011 - $.00000033

They're "saying" they expect to see something happen on or by Friday evening. Time Will Tell.

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  It was rather brilliant to lower the value...and now they're telling them 'we're going to now increase the value.'  You see reducing it was for a reason.  And increasing it is also for a reason.  In the near proximal future they are going to tell them why they are about to have an increase in their currency...

Jeff  Isn't the news just amazing right now.  We are just in the best time frame and position we've ever been in.  I'm at such peace with this and very encouraged.  Article:  "Apostolic Journey of His Holiness Pope Francis To Iraq" ...this is very encouraging.  This confirms to us that Iraq is going international...



Samson:  Federal Court Law .. Parliament votes on 7 articles and postpones five

4th March, 2021

The House of Representatives voted, on Thursday, on 7 articles of the Federal Supreme Court bill, while postponing voting on five articles.

The Media Department of the House of Representatives stated, in a statement that Mawazine News received a copy of, that “the House of Representatives voted by a two-thirds majority on the articles listed below from the draft Federal Supreme Court bill:

Article 1: The vote was made
Article Four: The vote was done
Article Five: The vote was made.
Article Six: The Vote
Article Seven: The Vote The
Article Nine: The Vote Is Made
Article Eleven: The vote was made.”

The statement added,“ The House of Representatives voted to postpone the following articles:
Article Two: Postponement
Article Three: Postponed
Article Eight: Postponed
Article Ten: Postponed
Article 12: The postponement has been postponed. ”

Earlier today, the House of Representatives began voting on the paragraphs of the Federal Supreme Court’s bill.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Muhammad al-Halbousi, inaugurated this evening the work of the 40th session of the fourth parliamentary session, the legislative year. The third, the first legislative chapter, in the presence of 240 deputies,and the session’s agenda includes ten paragraphs, among them the vote on the draft law of the Federal Supreme Court, which the Speaker of Parliament, Muhammad al-Halbousi, announced earlier today, to allocate tomorrow’s session to vote on the law.

The agenda also included voting on draft laws for the Republic of Iraq’s accession to the International Convention on Container Safety, Iraq's accession to the agreement on recognition and implementation of foreign arbitration decisions, and amending the law on Iraq's accession to the International Road Traffic Convention of 1968 and the European Agreement supplementing it for the year 2006 No. 30 ) For the year 2015, and Iraq's accession to the Patent Cooperation Treaty.

According to the agenda, the session will witness a vote on two draft laws amending the Public Health Law, and the retirement rights of the deceased in the medical and health professions as a result of tackling the Corona virus, and the vote on the third amendment proposal to the Law of the Accountants and Auditors Syndicate, as well as the first reading of the proposed International Criminal Court law to try ISIS members.   LINK

The Atlantis Report:

National Debt Surpasses $28 Trillion for 1st Time as A Tsunami of Inflation About To Hit !!

Mar 3, 2021

The U.S. national debt hits $28 trillion for the 1st time. The national debt is a serious problem that the pandemic has only inflamed due to the trillions of dollars the country has spent in relief packages. This, on top of the mounting expense of Social Security benefits, which is only expected to increase the debt over time, has lead America on a trajectory that many economists consider unsustainable.

Printing a trillion dollars every other month makes the dollar worth less. $2 trillion for stimulus, $2 trillion or more for infrastructure. Biden is about to make matters much worse.

Up to now money printing raised asset prices but didn't help most people in terms of wages ; they were roughly flat. Now, money printing still raises asset prices but hurts most people by making their income (if they have any) buy less.

It seems as though we’ve reached, or have nearly reached, a tipping point that may lead us headlong into hyperinflation.

Nearly everything is going up in terms of devalued dollars. Interestingly, gold hasn’t fully joined the party, but I don’t expect that to last.

All hell could break loose at any moment. Food Prices Are Soaring Faster Than Inflation and Incomes. This is the tip of the iceberg as we creep closer to $4/gallon.

Keep an eye on what's going on with gas prices. As gas prices go up, everything else goes up. Keep notice of how much more expensive your groceries are.

Brick & mortar mom & pop stores closing like never before, showing people have stopped buying as they’re feeling the squeeze.



How Much Money is Enough?


Warren Buffett Says This Is How You Stay Financially Healthy In The Pandemic