More News, Rumors and Opinions Friday Night 10-28-2022


Skinman:  I have a question for the room, I thought the UN said have the 2023 budget completed before the end of the year, today Tony mentioned that they needed to complete the budget before the end of November does anybody know which one of these statements is correct?

RVAlready:  It is always nice to have a budget b4 you need it. But I do not think the CBI will wait for a budget to change the rate.

Ulued:  Are we seeing reality unfolding our long awaited dream to be more indepenent...........with a big bank account.......BANK'S CAN'T WAIT

Yada:  Yepper ulued. We's be ther.

RVAlready:  Yada, seems they are getting ready. I think imf and CBI agreed on rates two weeks ago in DC… Notes from EU and US state dept today indicate they are pushing for economic reform in Iraq.

Yada:  Push the reform Iraq will bring the other countries with them. All those countries holding dinar in their reserve accounts.

RVAlready:  Yes, this should save several countries. Especially US and EU countries sitting on hundreds of trillions of dollars in worthless derivatives.

CandyKisses:  He is the UN Secretary General. "Guterres urged the new government to meet the long-standing demands of the people of Iraq for reform, accountability and a better future, and stressed that the United Nations remains fully committed to supporting the Iraqi government and people.

CharlieOK:  Another shot across the bow by the US/UN to the Iraqi political pros. Good.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff  What happened today [yesterday] was was Kazemi's last day as the Prime Minister.  He finished his term and he gave a farewell speech saying goodbye and wishing them the best of luck and gave some advice...the formation of the government is done now.

Mnt Goat  I need to cover something that was told to me almost a year ago and that is about the timing of the RV. In this news from my CBI contact I was told that they were working on the project to delete the zeros followed up with the reinstatement of the IQD. They said they had concerns about the election and they were going to wait until they see how the elections turn out to get the stability they needed... Will the CBI then act upon its said goals of completing the currency reform? The timing could not be any better as they would have to conduct the project to delete the zeros in the next couple months to get ready for a January 2023 reinstatement back to FOREX...



DoTalkToMe:  Now we wait for an RI & purchasing power in Iraq.
A float outside Iraq, and depeg from USD.
Is it necessary for any of this to be in the gazette?
According to our teaching. Still a timing issue, recalculate.
Iraq & the globe are ready for this to happen.

Godson:  IMO... Now that the government is seated what will the Monday c.c. be about with only one more step to be done..

KandG:  Exactly - nothing else to talk about - we have run the course with Iraq and the world is watching, especially the citizens.  No more excuses for them and something sure forced action after 12 months of nothing.  And now we already see a contract with China authorized by Sudani for signature - that was obviously complete and waiting in the wings. Do we think that contract was written using a .0006850 program rate inside it - that would be a pretty expensive project right out of the box for the new Admin trying to make a name for themselves.  IMO

Ewtohan:  you’re exactly right about contracts being written …you don’t sign a contract unless you know what the bottom dollar number is  .. imo 

KandG:  Drop those zeros, rise to a buck, hit the Forex and never look back!  Oh yea, they have an award winning brokerage company to manage their currency on Forex too - already in place coincidentally - IMO

BLACKROCK WARNS: "Expect Markets To Fall After The Midterms." IMAGINE MY SHOCK!

Greg Mannarino:  10-28-2022

Potential Black Swan The Media Is Purposely Ignoring

Rebel Capitalist:  10-28-2022


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