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More Iraqi News Saturday PM 10-3-20

More Iraqi News Saturday PM 10-3-20

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

A Parliamentary Committee Calls On The Government To Open The Currency Auction File And To Investigate Money Smuggling And Forged Invoices

Saturday 03, October 2020 14:56 | PoliticalViews: 145  Baghdad / NINA / The Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee called on the government to open the auction file for selling the currency without any delay, to investigate the smuggling of money, which was confined to the file of the five banks, and to end this file after the death of former MP Ahmad Chalabi.

A member of the committee, MP Riad Al-Tamimi, affirmed that "controlling the currency auction and stopping fraudulent bills and tax and customs evasion resulting from those bills, and holding bank owners legal responsibility needs a decisive and swift stance from Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi," noting that "there are those who evade through Forged bills of tax payment, customs, currency smuggling and money laundering of corruption. "

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He added, in a press release, that "this file requires the follow-up and accountability of all banks that were established after 2003 for the sources of funds, and searching for these fortunes that were looted through the window of currency sale at the expense of public money, bearing" the current government responsible for the continuation of currency smuggling if not Any measures are taken similar to previous governments.

He explained that “bringing those responsible for these actions to justice and holding them accountable for all the thefts and the systematic destruction of the Iraqi economy has become an urgent necessity at this time,” noting that “recovering the stolen money will help improve the confusing financial situation and restore confidence. The Iraqi street in the government and parliament. ”/   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=860556

Parliamentary Finance: The Distribution Of Salaries For Employees This Week

Saturday 03, October 2020 16:15 | EconomicalViews: 77   Baghdad / NINA / The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed that the distribution of employees' salaries this week.

The committee said in a press statement: "The government can take a trust or a deposit from the central bank or banks, and when voting on the local borrowing law, the amounts are included in it."

The committee added: "The local borrowing law will be passed despite the presence of some MPs who object to it."

And she indicated: "The government's reforms in stopping the salaries of Rafha, the multi-salary, and the aliens saved huge sums to the treasury. "/    https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=860574

Rasheed Bank Explains To Retirees The Locations To Exchange Their Smart Cards

Saturday 03, October 2020 15:24 | EconomicalViews: 148   Baghdad / NINA / Al-Rasheed Bank announced that it will send text messages to retirees informing them of the locations of previous card replacement centers to the global MasterCard Nakheel cards.

The bank called on retirees who did not receive the message to use the link https://rash-cardsbranches.net, and to enter the retirement number to show the address of the center and the closest indicative point, stressing that “all retired holders of the Nakheel card can apply for personal advances and car loans announced by the bank. / https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=860566

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An Economist For / NINA /: The Delay In Paying Employees' Salaries Confirms The Weakness Of The Financial Liquidity Management In Iraq

Saturday 03, October 2020 10:50 | EconomicalViews: 408   Baghdad / NINA / An expert in economic affairs, Safwan Qusay, confirmed that the Ministry of Finance's reluctance to release salaries for state employees at the appropriate time shows the weakness of the financial liquidity management process in Iraq.

Qusay said in a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency ( NINA ): "The Ministry of Finance took advantage of the internal borrowing law, which allowed it to borrow 15 trillion Iraqi dinars from public banks and the central bank, to pay the salaries of the previous months, without stopping the exchange on other items represented by commodity expenditures."

And service, "indicating that:" It was assumed that the financial emergency was declared from an early age and the powers of exchange were limited to the Minister of Finance or whoever authorized by Parliament, but we did not notice that, unfortunately, and high spending continued based on the rate of 1/12 of the actual spending for the year 2019 which is very high and is not commensurate with With the current oil prices. "

He added, "Nevertheless, it was possible to release the salaries for the month of September at the appropriate time with some measures that fall within the powers of the Minister of Finance, including withdrawing the liquidity in the accounts of federal ministries to finance salaries, and at the same time stopping the financing of units that can finance themselves far from Financing the Ministry of Finance, as well as direct selling part of the Ministry of Finance’s properties to finance the liquidity deficit.

The expert called for "adopting new solutions that change the approach of public spending, away from easy solutions represented in repeated borrowing and weakening the financial position of the central bank, which will lead to financial failure, as is happening now in Beirut and other countries that did not follow ideal financial, monetary and economic policies consistent with Effective plans depend on the available resources and invest them in the best way ./ End 8   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=860499

Economy  The Iraqi Dinar Loses 10% Of Its Value!

Saturday 3 October 2020 | 03:27 pm| Views: 381  The Iraqi dinar loses 10% of its value!

The Parliamentary Finance Committee warned, on Saturday, that the value of the Iraqi dinar had decreased by 10% during the past days, indicating that the Central Bank's sales reached 225 million dollars .

The head of the committee, Haitham al-Jubouri, said that “the Central Bank is the party concerned with the issue of exchanging the dinar for the dollar through governmental and private banks,” adding that “the entry of materials and verification of the validity of the invoices through the border crossings is the jurisdiction of taxes and customs .”

He explained, "The Central Bank sometimes exceeds the obstacles and instructions in order to provide the Iraqi dinar, which is supposed to maximize non-oil revenues," stressing, "the drop of the Iraqi currency to 10% of the expected total value ."

He continued that "all salaries are paid through the Iraqi dinar," noting that "the rate of sale of currency through the central bank reached 225 million dinars during the past days to secure the Iraqi currency."



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