Monday Night X22 Reports 5-4-2020

Did You See What Trump Did, Supply Chain Shift - Episode 2165a

X22 Report:  May 4, 2020

The MSM is going to attempt to let us know how the economy is doing using tracker systems, this will fail, the new system that is the foundation will not work in the old [CB] system.

A new economic system is coming out of this event, everything is in motion.

Supply chains are moving, Trump has already geared up the factories to change the medical supply chain from China to the US.

Storm Is Coming, You’ll Love How This Movie Ends - Episode 2165b

X22 Report:  May 4, 2020

The [DS]/MSM are panicking, their event failed, the numbers are being reduced, people are protesting, they are waking up and they cannot control the event anymore.

It's only a matter of time before Flynn is exonerated, more and more evidence is being produced to show he was trapped and blackmailed.

Trump retweets the storm is coming, [DS] makes their move with MO, when is the right time to play the Trump card?


How Inflation Affects Growth Versus Value


IQD CALLS Chat Early Monday 5-4-20