Zig’s Place Chat and News Saturday AM 4-3-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Saturday AM 4-3-21

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

Xyz   A statement from the Minister of Finance regarding the currency’s rate and the state’s performance makes a promise to citizens Baghdad today    LINK

xyz  draft budget for 2021 will be referred to the relevant department, while it is likely to be approved by the Presidency of the Republic this week. https://www.nasnews.com/view.php?cat=56880

xyz  Central Bank Governor: Iraq is implementing its reform plans

The Central Bank said in a statement that Mawazine News received a copy of, that “his governor participated, as a representative of Iraq, in the spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund.” He stressed during a speech delivered at the meeting, “Iraq is implementing it’s reform plans towards fiscal and monetary policy.”

He pointed out, “The Corona pandemic was and still is one of the obstacles facing the Iraqi economy despite the proactive measures that the central bank or the government worked on,” stressing, “the country’s keenness on international and regional openness in a way that serves Iraq’s economic and financial interests.” https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=147963

Butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896961

Parliament Presidency: The Parliamentary Affairs Department will review the budget law before sending it to the Presidency of the Republic

Saturday 03, April 2021 16:19 The Presidency of the House of Representatives announced that the draft budget law will be referred to the relevant department for review and scrutiny after the House of Representatives voted on the draft federal budget law for 2021.

The Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Bashir Khalil Al-Haddad, said in a press statement, "The Parliamentary Affairs Department will check the articles of the law and match their texts to the final version before sending them to the Presidency of the Republic." The issuance of instructions for implementing the budget by the Ministry of Finance.

The House of Representatives voted in its session held last Wednesday evening on the draft Federal Budget Law 2021.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896947

A parliamentary committee reveals to Nina about adding new loans to the budget law before the start of the voting session

Saturday 03, April 2021 15:27 The committee to follow up the implementation of the government program and the parliamentary strategic planning revealed the addition of new loans in the general budget law before the start of the vote on the law, which prompted some blocs and representatives to boycott the voting session last Wednesday.

The head of the committee, Deputy Hazem Al-Khalidi, said in a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency / NINA / that, "The House of Representatives formed a monitoring committee to follow up and audit contracts for the Ministry of Electricity, 4 months ago, which includes the heads of the parliamentary committees, the head of the Office of Financial Supervision and the head of the Integrity Commission, which proved that Iraq is burdened with debt And foreign loans to the year 2048 cannot pay his debts. "

He added that "a paragraph has been added to the General Budget Law related to new foreign loans, in contrast to the mechanism that the House of Representatives appointed in dealing with the loan file," indicating that "a paragraph was added to the settlement with some political blocs half an hour before the vote on the General Budget Law, by increasing the loan. New worth 609 billion dinars, most of which are many expenditures that we do not need. "

The House of Representatives voted, in its session held last Wednesday evening, on the draft Federal Budget Law 2021.

butterfly  COME ON FOLKS READ THIS ONE....... https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896941  

The head of a parliamentary committee demands that the salaries of the next three months be distributed in dollars

Saturday 03, April 2021 14:05 | Head of the Parliamentary Human Rights Committee, Arshad Al-Salhi, called on the government to distribute salaries for the next three months in dollars instead of dinars.

Al-Salihi said in a statement, "Iraq’s revenues last month, according to the Ministry of Oil’s statement, amounted to $ 5.8 billion and given the exposure of the poor segment to the outrageous damage caused by the high price of the dollar against the dinar by the central bank," and because the responsibility entrusted to us is part of our supervisory duties, and based on the principle of preserving Citizen’s rights, we ask the government to distribute salaries for the next three months in dollars so that the aggrieved citizen can return part of his stolen right, noting that “this procedure will lead to a direct increase in the value of the dinar. ”

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896969

Al-Hakim: Iraq faces six challenges, including completing sovereignty, preserving achievements and balance in relations, and building the Iraqi nation

Saturday 03, April 2021 17:21 The head of the National Wisdom Movement, Ammar al-Hakim, said that Iraq borders six challenges and faces six challenges, stressing the importance of resolving the choice between the paths of stability and instability.

He said in the fourth annual meeting of the General Authority of the movement, the nature of the pivotal stage in which Iraq is living: “The world is experiencing major challenges and that the political priorities of countries with regard to Iraq and the region are no longer the same as the priorities of the previous phase, and Iraq is in a state of rise through the roles it plays in converging views regionally and internationally. Investing in his own capabilities and the absence of actors capable of converging viewpoints.

Al-Hakim added: "The challenges that Iraq has overcome are the challenge of the legitimate occupation with international decisions and the challenge of sectarian strife, as I want Iraq to enter into a fierce sectarian war, but with the efforts of the supreme religious authority and the wise people of all components, we have overcome the sectarian crisis, referring to the third challenge that Iraq has overcome, represented by the challenge of terrorism." And he made Iraq a starting point for destabilizing the security and stability of the region and a focus for militancy and extremism, while Iraq overcame the challenge of division and the collapse of the political system in the fourth and fifth challenges, and overlooked fears of a return to tyranny and one opinion in the sixth challenge.

butterfly Regarding the challenges facing Iraq in the coming stage, he said, "The first challenge is to preserve the achievements made by completing Iraqi sovereignty with the exit of foreign forces that returned at an Iraqi request, recalling his three scandals," neither to combat forces in Iraq, nor to fixed bases, nor to intervene in Iraqi affairs, indicating that among The six challenges facing Iraq in the next phase are preserving the country's unity, preventing a return to sectarian strife, preserving the security achievement, the traditions of democracy, freedom of speech and speech, and the peaceful

transfer of power. The state and ending the state of confusion and fragility that has haunted the Iraqi state since its establishment. The fourth challenge is related to the economy, diversification of sources of income and investment of potentials.

He referred to his call for an administrative revolution in his talk about the fifth challenge, the challenge of management and service, pointing out that the sixth challenge is the ability of Iraq to create a state of balance B in foreign relations and the introduction of positive neutrality through interaction and the search for solutions without Iraq being a party to problems and conflicts.

butterfly  He said that the wisdom presented solutions and projects for all the challenges facing Iraq, as he called for a new social contract that paves the way and helps in the formation of a new political contract that is acceptable and not imposed by society.  


He also proposed the idea of ​​managing diversity by investing it in Iraq's external relations, pointing out that the wisdom has put forward the project of a transient alliance For the components to end the chaos and reassure everyone, stressing the separation between the forces of the state and the state

Al-Hakim urged members of the General Authority to close ranks, introduce the project, provide service to the general public, work in a team spirit, openness to society, and spread the culture of dialogue, moderation and field movement, stressing biometric modernization and the mobilization of energies.

EYEGUY  the head of the Parlimentary Committee can go take a hike

Butterfly   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=896971

Wasit decides to add 134 projects to the 2021 plan

Saturday 03, April 2021 17:26 The local government in Wasit approved the governorate's project plan for 2021, through the second quarterly meeting of the local coordinating body, which was held today in the presence of a number of Wasit MPs.

Wasit Governor Muhammad Jamil Al-Mayahi said in a media statement that: "The meeting, which was also attended by heads of administrative units and directors of the concerned departments, discussed the plan of service, agricultural and industrial projects, and in it it was decided to add / 134 / new projects to the plan that were distributed along the geographical map of the governorate according to the needs and deprivation of the regions." .

He added: "The country's federal budget 2021 was not fair to our governorate, especially at the level of project allocations, as we hope to speed up its launch so that we can launch these projects and refer them as quickly as possible, as we look forward to making service and urban change in the governorate after the budget is approved, and we are going and are able." To continue to complete the ongoing service projects in the governorate and to make another new referral that meets the needs of the citizens. ”

EYEGUY  I am in the hopes this administration will deal with the issues of the day as well as those that have been kicked down the road butterfly we are running out of road

Zig  Received an email from @spec1 AKA @Norm Will post it if I get his permission to do so...or maybe he will post here....not sure...

butterfly  OMG.............more and more words from the US......gave me a good laugh though...............

https://www.shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Al-Kadhimi-and-co-are-establishing-a-deep-state-in-Iraq-Iran-loyal-faction-says    Al-Kadhimi and co are establishing a deep state in Iraq, Iran-loyal faction says 2021-04-03 06:36

Shafaq News/ A leader of Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq pilloried the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa al-Kadhimi, and his advisors, accusing him of establishing "Deep State" status in Iraq.

The leader in the movement, Hasan al-Saadi, said in a statement to Shafaq News Agency, "al-Kadhimi's government is trying to establish a deep state inside the Iraqi state in preparation for the upcoming legislative elections," hinting at cooperation between al-Kadhimi's team of advisors and some political parties.

"They are attempting to plunder the special grades. This plunged Iraq into many security, political, and economic crises."

Al-Saadi called for "obliging al-Kadhimi's government to dissolve and cancel the special grades and continue his duties as an acting PM in June to curb the deep state al-Kadhimi and his government establishing."

Zig  Spec1 : Hi...Can I post the email you sent me or would you rather post about what you told me in it here again?

Spec1  Yes go ahead    use the silversky.frontier email address    silversky@frontier.com

Zig  Email from Spec1 AKA Norm...  I have been backed up for two days – sorry – I just took the covid19 shot and it is giving me a killer headache and cold chills – comes and goes now today.

The website is open except in two places that call for a password.

If someone wants the password, have them email me here at silversky@frontier.com and I will put them on my list and give them the password. I only want the email so I can email out when the 800 numbers come out as well as answer some questions they may have.

I have quite a few people after all these years and am planning on reaching as many as are still around (12 yrs ).

You probably already know that the budget has been approved and signed and then sent to their president for a final signature where he will then post it in the law library ( Gazette ). The CBI will make the rate change and it will be seen on forex. Once in the Gazette people will be able to see the rate. It sounds like we are down to about 2 to 4 days for us to be at the bank.

Spec1  Yea man - a little under the influence of the covid shot - headache etc but doing OK - watching for more NEW news , lots of the same ole repeat info but waiting on some new stuff - probably this afternoon

EYEGUY  thanks man for your posts ...please keep em coming ....

Spec1 Just had some more of the same ole news come in - nothing new yet -- XYZ - you know I can only say what I have learned as I would be the last one to believe the middle east people would keep thier word - I have done business with them and they keep negotiating with you even when they are paying you. Not the same as USA people for sure

xyz  Spec1 interesting ...

Spec1   Well you all have a great morning. I am doing a metal copper art piece I need to finish today so I will check back in a while

Spec1   You all will see some missed spelling from time to time - I have cut the ends of 4 of my fingers off over time and I sometimes hit the wrong key

Zig   Regarding the email I posted at 10:00 AM I received from Spec1 (Norm): I forgot to include his website address https://www.norm-1.com/ to which it pertains...

Butterfly   https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2021/04/03/will-kadhimi-deliver-gulf-investment-to-iraq/ Will Kadhimi deliver Gulf Investment to Iraq? 3rd April 2021 in Investment, Politics

By Mustafa Saadoon, for Amwaj Media. Any opinions expressed are those of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the views of Iraq Business News.

Will Kadhimi deliver Gulf investment to Iraq?

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi has paid his first official visit to Saudi Arabia as he continues his efforts to further cooperation with Iraq's Gulf neighbours. The full report can be viewed here (registration required). https://amwaj.media/article/iq-article-kadhimi-wheeling-ties-with-gulf-states-forward-despite-challenges

butterfly  OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF IRAQ 2021 BUDGET  LAST UPDATED : FEB 01, 2021, 01:18 PM IST https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Official-Gazette-Of-Iraq-2021-Budget

butterfly https://www.iraqnewsgazette.com/

Butterfly   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=896985

Foreign Minister: We discussed issues of immigration, the refugee status, and the reopening of the Swiss embassy in Baghdad  

Saturday 03, April 2021 18:45 Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein announced that he discussed with his Swiss counterpart Ignazio Cassis the issues of immigration at the Swiss and European levels and the development of a solution for refugees or asylum seekers, in addition to the issue of reopening the Swiss embassy in Baghdad.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896984

Iraq and Switzerland sign two memoranda of understanding and discuss the frozen funds

Saturday 03, April 2021 18:41 Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein announced the signing of two memoranda of understanding with the Swiss Foreign Ministry related to strengthening joint cooperation, and Iraqi funds frozen with Swiss banks.

Zig   EYEGUY : Hey you and @Norm made our headline today at Recaps LOL https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog/eyeguy-from-norm-some-good-news-and-some-bad-news

butterfly   7:33 PM   Saturday, April 3, 2021 (GMT+3)  Time in Iraq


 The first Swiss-foreign Minister visit to Iraq, to ensure stability, support reforms 2021-04-03 11:33

Shafaq News / Iraq’s Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein discussed, on Saturday, with his Swiss counterpart the Iraqi frozen funds in Swiss banks.

The two sides held a press conference in Baghdad in which Hussein expressed happiness for "the historic visit of the Swiss Foreign Minister to Iraq," adding, "We discussed several issues, including Iraqi frozen funds in Swiss banks, reopening the Swiss embassy in Baghdad in addition to immigration issues on the Swiss and European level, and ways to find solution for refugees or asylum seekers.”

The Iraqi Official stressed that "Switzerland has an important role in ensuring stability” in the Region, adding that a memorandum of understanding was signed between Iraq and Switzerland.

For his part, the Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis said, "This is the first visit of a Swiss foreign minister to Iraq, and it will not be the last."

He continued, "I will conduct a tour in Lebanon and Jordan for the same goals, to support stability.”

Sheila  butterfly great article... reinforces thoughts about Swiss only going where there is big, big money to be had.

butterfly This was posted in October of last year, so do they or don't they.................2020-10-05 15:47

Shafaq News / The Iraqi Minister of foreign affairs, Fouad Hussein revealed that there is an international to urge the US not to close its embassy in Baghdad.

Hussein said in an interview, "the US did not threaten to close the embassy. The attacks on Diplomatic missions and Baghdad airport caused the American administration to think of closing its embassy in Baghdad".

He added, "US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo informed the President of the Republic's concern about the frequent attacks on the Green Zone and Baghdad Airport".

The Minister pointed out that, "all Western and Arab countries are concerned about the US decision", noting that, "it will create a state of international mistrust in Iraq".

"It is the duty of the Iraqi government to protect the American embassy and other international missions. It has already taken a set of organizational and political measures", Hussein said.

"In Tehran, we explained to Iranian officials the current situation. Iran influences the Iraqi situation. We expect it to take positive steps towards Iraq".

butterfly   A heap of ammunition left by the terrorist ISIS was found in a village in Tal Afar

Saturday 03, April 2021 19:49 The security forces found a pile of ammunition remnants of the terrorist ISIS in a village in Tal Afar.

A security media cell statement stated that: According to accurate intelligence information, a force from the 2nd regiment, the 73rd Brigade, in the 15th Division, was able to find a pile of ammunition left over from ISIS terrorist gangs in the village of Subaiya, which belongs to the Tal Afar district.

He added: The stack included 8 120 mm mortar rounds and 6 82 mm mortar rounds, a landmine against armor, 12 artillery shells and a homemade explosive device.

The statement clarified: The materials were processed and detonated by the 15th Division, without any incident.

butterfly  https://www.reuters.com/article/iraq-budget-int/iraqs-cabinet-approves-2021-draft-budget-of-103-billion-idUSKBN28V2G8 BAGHDAD (Reuters) -Iraq’s cabinet on Monday approved a 2021 draft budget of 150 trillion Iraqi dinars ($103 billion) as the country wrestles with an economic and financial crisis due to low crude prices.    The budget deficit would be estimated at 63 trillion dinars ($43 billion), two government sources said.

The draft 2021 budget is based on a world oil price of $42 a barrel and expected oil exports of 3.25 million barrels per day (bpd), including 250,000 bpd from the Kurdish region, the officials said.

But despite approval of the budget, which should be referred to parliament for final approval, disputes between the central government and semi-autonomous Kurdish region are still unresolved, a government senior economic advisor said.

“Differences between Baghdad and Kurdish delegates are still persisting over Kurdish oil exports and the region’s debts. It’s too complicated for now to reach an agreement,” said a senior government advisor.

Hit by squeezed revenues, Iraq’s central bank on Saturday increased the sale price of U.S. dollars to banks and currency exchanges to 1,460 dinars, from 1,182 dinars, seeking to close the gap of widened 2021 budget inflation after a collapse in global oil prices, a major source of Iraq’s financial resources.

The finance ministry supplies the central bank with dollars based on a price of 1,450 dinars against the dollar, Central Bank chief Mustafa Ghalib said in a statement.

Iraq has the world’s fourth-largest oil reserves and depends on oil revenues to fund 95 percent of its national budget.   ($1 = 1.45 Iraqi dinars)

butterfly  https://thedocs.worldbank.org/en/doc/866ae3150fd383da11ade2640546e17f-0280012021/original/6-mpo-sm21-iraq-irq-kcm2.pdf

butterfly   xyz I've been searching for the printout of the 2021 budget, but to no avail.

butterfly https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896999 There is an internal and external enemy plotting against Iraq The specialist and economic researcher Faris Al-Amni confirmed that there is an internal and external enemy plotting against Iraq economically and financially, without naming this enemy and its nature, indicating that: Whatever the parliament’s discussions are, the major calamity in finding a solution to rising poverty, eliminating unemployment and achieving economic prosperity will not be resolved. In various fields and facing plans to destroy the economy, internally and externally.

He told the Iraqi National News Agency ( NINA ) that: The economy needs technical management and proper exploitation, and the issue of the exchange rate is determined by the supply and demand for the dollar, and what the government determines as a result of studying and nominating proposals.


Al-Amin added that: What happened is that a certain group was singled out with a vision that would result in a disaster coming from high prices, and that the budget was managed in an old, dilapidated way with financial management and far from investment policies.economically and financially

Saturday 03, April 2021 20:37

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=897009

Al-Kazemi discusses with a Swiss delegation creating investment opportunities and promising jobs in the expanding Iraqi labor market

Saturday 03, April 2021 21:03   Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi discussed today, Saturday, with the Vice President of the Swiss Confederation Ignazio Cassis and his accompanying delegation, means of joint cooperation and bilateral relations between Iraq and Switzerland and the prospects for strengthening them in a way that serves common interests, as well as steps to reopen the Swiss embassy in Baghdad.

Also, according to a statement by Al-Kazemi's office, ways to enhance economic development and foreign investments in Iraq were discussed, and Switzerland's support for the steps taken by the Iraqi government in this aspect, confirming a broader participation of the private sector and creating investment opportunities and promising jobs in the Iraqi labor market.

Cooperation was also discussed. In the humanitarian field, with regard to the file of the displaced and returning them to their areas of residence, in order to enhance the efforts aimed at overcoming the effects of terrorism.

 Zig   If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE   You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link  ZIGPLACE - Cbox


Zig’s Place Chat and News Saturday PM 4-3-21


Iraqi News Saturday  AM 4-3-21