MilitiaMan, Pimpy, Lynette Zang and more Wednesday PM 9-30-2020


Samson:  Trade and Communications discuss the implementation of the digital economy project

09/30/2020 12:52:52

The Ministry of Trade held its second meeting with the Ministry of Communications to discuss the implementation of the joint cooperation agreement for the electronic transformation project (digital economy), to link all departments and companies of the ministry to a unified data center at the ministry’s headquarters.

This was confirmed by Mohamed Hanoun Karim, Director General of the Commercial and Financial Supervision Department at the Ministry, where he indicated that "during the meeting, the most important basic axes of the electronic transformation project were discussed, as well as the stages of project completion, as this requires establishing the infrastructure that suits the conditions of digital work in all institutions of the ministry."

Noting that "through this project, the headquarters of the Ministry's formations will be linked between them, as well as linking each formation with its sites spread in Baghdad and the governorates, which will facilitate the completion of the work in a transparent manner and will also save a lot of time and effort for the employee and references to the departments and companies of the ministry at the same time."

Stressing the importance of expediting the completion of the project, as it facilitates the work of most of the ministry's institutions, as well as simplifying procedures in the transaction management system at the companies' registrar department, as well as everything related to the ration card file management system and the operations management system in the department of foreign economic relations, specifically with regard to commercial attaches abroad.

On his part, Yasser Amer, Director of Communication Services at the Ministry of Communications, said, “It was agreed with the Ministry of Trade to start working on the digital transformation system at the ministry’s headquarters, and it was also agreed to define joint committees between the two sides, leading to a draft contract for the project, where a work plan will be developed to develop a working paper. And in a final form between the two sides."

Adding that "this step comes within the ministerial platform voted by the House of Representatives in the Iraqi government and as mentioned in the third item (paragraph 7 and 10) thereof, which stipulated the necessity of digital transformation and automation for state ministries, in addition to the support provided by the 22 committee in the General Secretariat to head Ministers".

It is worth noting that "there is a joint cooperation agreement signed between the ministers of commerce and communications for cooperation between the two ministries regarding the automation of all the work of the ministry, in addition to the general budget, item 19, which authorized the ministers to establish investment projects to increase revenues."  LINK

MilitiaMan:  Get ready to be digital with a new system in place that will provide transparency. They say it is for a digital economy. Well, the last I checked the IQD is to be very big part of that equation. The taxes and tariffs at the borders will be digitized, block chain oriented. Just as they new IQD will be with the new print they talk about that will replace the 10k, 25k and 50k notes. There is change on the horizon and they will monitor it all along the way, 6 layers deep.. imo.. Look at the money at stake.. This country is about to explode in value. imo ~ MM

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff almost looks and shows that this national day that they're creating as of October 3rd that there's a good chance that they're almost declaring it as a national historical marker for Iraq..

Bruce   [via WiserNow]   ...last Thursday...we thought...we could go anytime this week Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday was the general feel – its’ looking very good still...We are looking at the possibility...from some sources - get notification on Wednesday...but the very real possibility of going and starting on Thursday...which is October 1st...realistically – I think we should set our sights for Thursday Oct 1st...  However...we believe since the Iraqi Dinar [has] been talked about over in Iraq on television...all over TV the last couple of days – that the Dinar would change its value Wednesday...So there’s some really good signs that are pointing toward this going...


Iraqi Dinar News 09/30/20

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Sep 30, 2020


Streamed live 3 hours ago

Viewer Submitted Questions: Brandon H: What are your thoughts on holding onto 92.5% sterling silver flatware?

 Janice O: I just heard an analyst on YouTube say that when a covid vaccine becomes available, allowing a return to “normal” activity, work, travel, and thus stimulating the economy, that gold prices will crash. Your Thoughts?

 Peter S: What will it take to finally break the back of the paper gold market? What will be the final nail that will end the sale of contracts that are holding down the price of gold?

George K: Do you think the overnight reset will happen before or after implementation of the digital dollar. Should I pay off my variable debt now with my bullion gold or wait for gold to go higher?

Lynne: If the government establishes its own crypto, won’t the government want everyone on their crypto exclusively, thus banning the others?


Iraqi News Wednesday AM 9-30-20


SRU, X22 Report Spotlight and PIR Wednesday 9-30-2020