Iraqi News Wednesday AM 9-30-20

Iraqi News Wednesday AM 9-30-20

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

The Council Of Ministers Approves A Bill To Finance The Fiscal Deficit

Wednesday 30 September 2020  31  Baghdad: Al-Sabah:The Council of Ministers voted, in its regular session, which was held yesterday, Tuesday, headed by the Speaker of the Council Mustafa Al-Kazemi, to approve the draft law on financing the financial deficit, and to refer it to the Council of Representatives, and for the legal department in the General Secretariat of the Council to prepare a draft to amend the special legal text By upgrading doctors to higher ranks, including granting additional allocations of 50% of the nominal salary as a result of the Corona pandemic, including resident doctors, regular and senior, and is implemented starting from, (senior resident, rotating resident, board students).

The House approved, in a statement, the amendment of the legal text related to Article 80 / Third, of the Public Health Law No. 89 of 1989, and the Health Insurance Law, and its referral to the House of Representatives, based on the provisions of Articles 61 / Clause First and 80 / Clause Three of the Constitution Taking into consideration the opinion of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, confirmed by the legal department memorandum of number D / S / 2/2 / None. On September 24, 2020.

The Prime Minister gave a presentation on the situation and challenges facing the country and the government's plans and actions to confront them. The Council approved the recommendation of the Ministerial Council for Energy, No. 26 of 2020, according to the following:

S / 2/1/20/22376.

The Council approved the recommendation of the Ministerial Council for Energy, No. 42 of 2020, according to the following: Approval of the proposals proven in the Ministry of Electricity’s book 29799 on 9/9/2020 regarding the treatment of bottlenecks in the summer of next year, according to the economic feasibility and pricing mechanism approved by the Ministry of Electricity, With confirmation of the implementation of the Cabinet Resolution No. 55 of 2020.

According to the statement, a vote was also held for the second amendment bill to the Political Prisoners Institution Law No. 4 of 2006, provided that the implementation of Cabinet Resolution 27 of 2020 shall be as of the date 1/11/2020 And fundamental legal measures shall be taken if it is proven that the persons covered by it have sued any amount contrary to what was stated in the aforementioned resolution, and the Council also voted to approve the Second Amendment Law of the Political Prisoners Institution Law No. 4 of 2006, and refer it to the House of Representatives based on the provisions of Articles 61 / Article First, and 80 / Article Three of the Constitution.

The Council approved the recommendation of the Ministerial Council for Social Services regarding referring (the residential investment complex in Al-Tajiyyat, and the Al-Kateun residential complex in Diyala) to the National Investment Commission, for the purpose of announcing them in accordance with the conditions prepared by the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works and completing all procedures while respecting the rights of Citizens.   LINK

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi Receives Ambassadors Of 25 Brotherly And Friendly Countries

The Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazimi, received today, Wednesday, ambassadors of 25 brotherly and friendly countries, upon their request, to discuss the recent developments regarding the security of diplomatic missions in Iraq.

The Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi, affirmed Iraq’s keenness to impose the rule of law, restricting weapons to the hands of the state, and protecting diplomatic missions and headquarters, stressing that the perpetrators of attacks on the security of diplomatic missions seek to destabilize Iraq and sabotage its regional and international relations.

His Excellency indicated that these attacks do not target international missions only, but also affect innocent citizens, including children, and that the state's security institutions are determined to put an end to them, and have begun to take the necessary measures to achieve this goal.

Al-Kazemi emphasized that the outlaws who try to harm Iraq's reputation and its international obligations are inspired by non-national motives, and they despise the will of the Iraqi people and their religious, political and cultural references that unanimously agreed on the seriousness of what they are doing.

His Excellency added that Iraq, the people and the government, will stand up to these and will work to protect its guests as required by diplomatic norms throughout history, in order to turn the page of conflicts and terrorism and turn to the economic and social challenges and development requirements.

For their part, the ambassadors affirmed, in separate interventions, the support of Iraq and its people, respect for its sovereignty, and the pursuit of dialogue through dialogue to achieve stability and peace, and to ensure friendship and cooperation. With the steps taken by the Iraqi government to end these attacks, prosecute those involved in them, and tighten security measures.

The ambassadors indicated their support for taking more steps to secure Baghdad and enhance the security of the international region, in order for their countries and the international community to continue supporting Iraq and developing political, economic and cultural relations with it.

Information Office of the Prime Minister of 30 -Sept -2020

Central And Financial Challenges

Wednesday 30 September 2020  53   Ahmed Al-Rikabi   Overcoming the financial crises that the country is exposed to depends mainly on the sectoral agencies and the role of public and private institutions, and here comes the role of the Central Bank of Iraq, which has managed over the past years to overcome many of the challenges that faced Iraq due to the fluctuations of the international market and the security challenges that the country has faced Complicated.

Today, the country suffers from a financial challenge, due to the decline in oil prices and the reduction of the export share due to the lack of demand due to the "Corona" pandemic, which requires diligent and prudent work to achieve the least losses.

Since private banks have become more numerous and widespread than government banks, which helps reduce the risk of the financial crisis, especially after the Central Bank worked to directly support private banks by resettling salaries and granting easy loans to most groups of society through them.

We all know that the private banking sector operates under the supervision of the Central Bank, and that 75 percent of its cadres are former employees of the public banking system, as they have been attracted to strengthen the human resources working in this joint with its capital and advanced technical capabilities compared to public banks.

Strengthening the reality of liquidity in the private banking system is an important matter, especially in banks whose capital is less than 250 billion dinars, and this requires the Central Bank to stop at some previous instructions, especially issued in 2017, which were correct at the time and no longer fit the present time, as it was The price of Crude Oil is different from today, which requires a pause.

Here, it is preferable to release funds to increase the capital for banks whose capital is less than 250 billion dinars, as it provides liquidity to the local market and thus has strengthened its support list for the private banking system, as it is considered the father to lead this important body.

The reality of financial reform requires all concerned institutions to stop at the overall joints of legislative and executive work and the extent of the benefit provided to the financial sector in general, especially since Iraq is in dire need of an effective, financially and technically integrated banking system to manage the economy and deal with the large numbers required by development processes, and not It is difficult for the central bank to be the cornerstone to support the banking system, especially after the recent decisions that complement its successes and overcome various challenges. LINK

Salah Al-Shami: Identifying The Economy Precedes Any Reform Process

Wednesday 30 September 2020   54   Baghdad: Hussein Thahab

Economic expert Salah Al-Shami called for the need to define the country's economic identity, and then initiate reform processes and move towards sustainable economic development that can be achieved thanks to the country's possession of the ingredients for success and advancement of the national economy.

He added, "There is a question that preoccupies the majority about what the Iraqi economic identity is and whether it tends to the socialist scale in terms of the presence of the public sector represented by state companies and their factories and the rest of the institutions operating in them, as well as the size of employees who receive their enormous salaries on the budget with little practical return for them or that the scale of the Iraqi economy is tilted. To the private sector and the many different problems it suffers that have pushed it to retreat and confusion. "

Laws and instructions

He pointed out that "the mixed sector is a long talk about it, and the imaginary conclusions from laws and instructions that have nothing to do with reality led to the decline of this joint, which used to enhance the local market with many quality products that formed a close relationship with the Iraqi family."

Al-Shami added, "It is preferable for us to go towards translating creative Islamic ideas in various fields, especially Islamic ones, into a tangible reality that we can all benefit from in creating an Iraqi economic and Islamic identity that can be the starting point for the desired reform that would benefit the country."

Profit and loss

He explained, "The need to start from where the others have ended, because the Islamic bank is the best solution according to the preference of Mr. With the management of the bank and taking the fees and profits appropriate for both parties and according to the signed clauses in the initial contract, this idea gives us many and many benefits and achieves benefit, especially since the country now has a large Islamic banking system that must support the sustainable development process that the country seeks through financing large projects in Country. "

National product 

He continued, "If the work is done in this unprofitable bank, then we will have gone an important way in the desired economic reform and put the train on the tracks, and then the other measures will start, which are Islamic insurance and the public and private sector, so that the wheel of work will start to turn again and the national product for the individual will rise and benefit is achieved."For everyone".   LINK

Integrity: Ten Years Imprisonment For A Former General Manager After He Was Caught Red-Handed

Pratha News Agency130 2020-09-29   The Federal Integrity Commission announced, on Tuesday, the issuance of a judgment in the presence of a former general manager at the Ministry of Commerce for ten years, while indicating that the ruling came against the background of his arrest in the act of bribery.

The Authority’s Investigation Department stated in a statement that “the Karkh Criminal Court issued a judgment in the presence of the General Director of the General Company for Grain Industry in the Ministry of Trade (formerly) to impose ten years imprisonment and a fine of five million dinars, based on the provisions of Resolution (160 of 1983) of the Penal Code." .

She explained that "the court's decision in the presence of the court came against the background of the criminal case of caught red-handed by receiving a bribe from a mill owner in exchange for not closing his mill."

An American General Reveals Who Targeted The Coalition Convoys And Determines The Percentage Of Attacks

Time: 09/30/2020 15:05:31 Read: 3,679 times  {International: Al Furat News} An American general revealed the target parties for the international coalition convoys in Iraq.

Colonel in the US Army (Wayne Maruto), a spokesman for the Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve, in Baghdad, said, "The reduction in the number of American forces is good news, as it indicates the progress and success of the Iraqi security forces against (ISIS), that our presence is diminished due to successes." Iraqi Security Forces, we remain committed to supporting our partners in Iraq and Syria to defeat the remnants of (ISIS). "

He stated, "These outlaw groups launch attacks on civilian logistical convoys of Iraqi contractors who transport logistical support to the Iraqi security forces and coalition forces, and they have recently killed an Iraqi civilian who was trying to reap what he could provide for a living."

"These outlaw groups attack Iraqi security forces, Iraqi security forces centers - the coalition does not have any centers - and Iraqi civilians," Maruto noted.

"The coalition acknowledges that there has been an increase in low-level attacks against the Iraqi security forces, but to put things in perspective, these outlaw groups attack less than 5 percent of all civilian logistical convoys contracted with the Iraqi security forces," he said.   LINK

An Accelerated Rise Of The Dollar In Iraq Today

Time: 09/30/2020 12:36:18 Read: 16,809 times  {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The exchange rates of the dollar in the main stock market markets, and the local markets in Iraq, have risen dramatically and rapidly today, Wednesday.

The Kifah Stock Exchange recorded 123,500 dinars compared to $ 100, while yesterday's prices were 122,300 dinars.

Selling prices in exchange shops in the local markets in Baghdad:

Selling price: 124,000 dinars per $ 100.

Purchase price: 123,000 dinars per $ 100.

In the province of Basra, the dollar exchange rate was 1235.3 dinars, or 123 thousand and 550 dinars.

As for Erbil, the dollar prices have also witnessed a rise, as the selling price reached 123500 per hundred dollars, and the purchase at 12300 per hundred US dollars.   LINK 

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Wednesday Night X22 Reports 9-30-2020


MilitiaMan, Pimpy, Lynette Zang and more Wednesday PM 9-30-2020