Mike Maloney and The Atlantis Report Thursday 12-24-2020

Mike Maloney

GoldSilver Holiday Special - Get Prepared For SOMETHING BIG

Premiered 2 hours ago

Welcome to our ‘Holiday Special’ video with Mike Maloney and Jeff Clark. What does Mike think of the latest stimulus debacle?

What will it mean for gold and silver investors?

What does Mike hope to see happen next year? Tune in to find out.


The Alantis Report: 

Be Ready , We’re On A Highway To Economic Collapse and Hyperinflation !!

Premiered 105 minutes ago

Be Ready , We’re On A Highway To Economic Collapse and Hyperinflation Global recession, a virus pandemic, trade wars, soaring geopolitical tensions, supply chain disruptions, and tens of millions of working-poor crushed deeper into poverty!

The country is barreling toward insolvency, the economy is tipping over, and there are not many tools available to kick the can.

Eight hundred thousand lost their jobs the week before Christmas. Twenty million getting unemployment benefits out of a workforce estimated to be 160 million.

Consumer spending slumps as savings buffer nears depletion.

Yet, if you thought 2020 was wild. Get ready; You ain't seen nothing yet.

 2021 will be an absolute sheet show to the tenth power. Hope you are ready.

They have tested you, and you did not fight back. You allow your government to spend trillions of dollars on the biggest bloated pig of all time. So you will be tested further.

For the full transcript go to https://financearmageddon.blogspot.com



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