Max Keiser, Pimpy, Lynette Zang and more Tuesday PM 3-2-2021

Max Keiser:

Keiser Report | QE Cantillon Confirmed | E1665

Mar 2, 2021

In this episode of Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at the head of the NY Fed confirming there is evidence that quantitative easing and low interest rates are causing the wealth gap to rise via the Cantillon Effect.

In the second half, Max talks to Stephen Flood of about the case for gold in a bitcoin world.

Economic Doomsday in 2021: The Greatest Depression | Economic Hell On Earth is Next - Gerald Celente

I Love Prosperity:  Mar 2, 2021

In this video I speak with the creator of Trends Journal, Gerald Celente. We discuss his predictions and themes for 2021.

He says that American's standard of living will go dramatically, and we are heading for the Greatest Depression ever & he likened it to economic doomsday.

So in this video we get his take on the most important macroeconomic themes, how to prepare yourself, Gold, silver, precious metals, and what to look for in 2021.

Lynette Zang ITM Trading LIVE Interview w Pimpys Investment & RICE TVx

Mar 2, 2021



More News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Night 3-2-2021


Iraqi News Tuesday AM 3-2-21