Lynette Zang and Greg Mannarino Wednesday 12-15-2021
Dec. 15, 2021
Question 1: 1:41 I know you advocate holding the physical gold myself. Am I better off paying the taxes now and putting the cash to physical gold I control? How safe is keeping it in an IRA?
Question 2: 3:57 I am wondering what will happen to my student loan debt through hyperinflation/ reset?
Question 3: 8:14 Given that most central banks have accumulated so much gold over the past decade, can't governments just reevaluate the price of gold and pay off their debts? Wouldn't that be like the trillion-dollar coin theory?
Question 4: 7:12 I get tons of phone calls about refinancing my home. Do you think banks & mortgage companies are trying to get people to refinance their homes so that the banks will be protected when the Libor is shifted to SOFR?
Question 5 8:50 What do you think about prepaying a few years of property tax now with cash?
Question 6: 11:00 Instead of confiscation of Gold wouldn't it be easier if the government just taxed capital gains at a high rate.
Question 7: 14:58 Can you recap the events (or signals) to look out for that indicate the reset is in progress? What stage are they in the process?
Question 8. 17:44 Can you please explain what you mean by no counter party risk?
INFLATION SOARING... Is The Fed. About To Do Something DRAMATIC? How About NO!
Greg Mannarino: Dec 14, 2021