KTFA, David Wilcock, Bix Weir and more Monday AM 3-23-2020


Ryan1216:  If the CBI doesn't RI/RV during this corona virus pandemic I'm going to cry for missing a perfect opportunity to raise the value of the Iraqi Dinar. It's now or never. This is the last hope I give the CBI.  


Frank26:   T MINUS 14 DAYS .......................Hmmmmmmmmm

Coco:   Sunday, April 5, 2020 - Palm Sunday     I sure hope so.

Samson:  Merkel in quarantine after contact with a doctor infected with corona virus

22nd March, 2020
Media outlets confirmed today, Sunday, that German Chancellor Angela Merkel was quarantined after mixing with a doctor who was infected with Corona virus, and German media reported that "Angela Merkel and heads of government of German states agreed in a consultative meeting to ban gatherings for more than two people And within the framework of tightening measures to combat the spread of the new Corona virus." 

A group of 12 states (out of 16 German states) had agreed prior to the start of the consultations, in principle to a comprehensive ban on contact.  LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru   https://www.dinarguru.com/

Frank26    ...the government of Iraq goes out to the International world and they say we need money because we're about to go bankrupt as a country...and the article itself actually said nope.  No.  Raise the value of your currency...you know what to do. Finish your reforms...

Frank26   Question:   "...Why should we think that because we can no longer see results of the auctions that a public rate change might now be near other than the fact that the oil prices are about to tank their economy?"  ...why shouldn't we expect it?  It's based on everything we've seen.  Everything we've see is for the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar value.  Everything they've been saying is the definition of the reinstatement of their currency...

Breitling   ...you and I are in an absolute phenomenal position...I've been getting emails asking 'How did you know it [oil] was gonna get down to $26 barrel?'  ...This is a direct cause by policy.  It doesn't matter if the coronavirus came out or not.  The coronavirus accelerated it 100% in my mind...we knew we were gonna get to $26 a barrel...


David Wilcock on The Great Pandemic II: What's Really Going On? (NOW WITH SLIDES WORKING!)

Streamed live 13 hours ago

At about minute 29:00  I am looking for a Global financial Reset in which trillions and trillions of stolen dollars will be freed up for the planet. I am expecting this thing to be very positive.

About Minute 43:00 We are looking at an economic reset….The other countries have already signed off on this Global financial reset.

The Asian dragon families have an enormous amount of gold. Much more than is on the books or on ledger…..

All the gold in the world would allegedly fit in one olympic sized swimming pool.   The Asian dragon families allegedly have 13 ½ Olympic sized swimming pools worth. The Asians have much more than the cabal.

Please listen to replay on the long fascinating history of the GCR, Dragon families, cabal and mush more….


"Slide from David Wilcock's Live Presentation" by Steve Beckow - 3.22.20

Entry Submitted by Steve Beckow at 10:49 PM EDT on March 22, 2020

This slide is from David Wilcock's live presentation and discusses a meeting of military officers at the White House in 2017 called by White House Chief of Staff John Kelly:

The storm would see the launch of a global currency reset.

Bring it on!


.a DW slide.png

Bix Weir


It's late on Sunday Night as our Paid-Off Congressmen decide if they will bailout all their friends on Wall Street!!

WE HAVE TO SAY "NO BAILOUTS!!" There is no other Road to Freedom!



Restored Republic via a GCR-Rumors as of March 23, 2020


IQD CALLS Chat Sunday 3-22-20