IQD CALLS Chat Sunday 3-22-20

IQD CALLS Chat Sunday 3-22-20

Xyz   In Sweeping Power Grab, DOJ Seeks Ability To Detain People Indefinitely Without Trial

xyz   It's Not Just Toilet-Paper & Hand-Sanitizer - Condoms & Pot Sales Soar Amid Global Lockdown

Doug_W   xyz I bet beer sales are up too

xyz   Obama care ....

U.S. Considers Special Enrollment Period for Affordable Care Act Due to Coronavirus Spread

chattels    " ............... the solution lies in a mini salvage government, the dissolution of Parliament and the holding of early and fair elections."

chattels   In Baghdad, pilgrims continue to crowd the mausoleum of Imam Musa Kathimi despite Corona curfew. Pilgrims say news of Corona Virus is merely propaganda.

chattels   In Iraq, Shia political blocs push to nominate 3 university presidents as PM as alternative to Adnan Zurufi. LINK

Xyz   April could be WORST MONTH EVER for oil

Oil producers are facing their worst crisis in history, but the market is not at a bottom yet, according to several analysts.

joeSchmoe   xyz April could be the worst month ever PERIOD!

xyz   JoeSchmoe unless IQD floats by 1000% - all dinarians coulda be happy including guru @Kaperoni since it would be a gradual FLOAT over long time -- a month :popcorn

JoeSchmoe   xyz you misunderstand. April could be the worst month EVER for EVERYTHING non dinar related

xyz   JoeSchmoe Z concur

Xyz   "I'm in the intensive care unit. I can't breathe without this."

A woman suffering from #coronavirus symptoms has made a video urging people to "not to take chances" from her hospital bed.

Baxte   rHeres one for ya..

Baxter   arrests for coronavirus

Clay   wow

Clay   people are sick

Baxter   and the oil price war continues

Clay   not a pun

Baxter   sure are clay

Clay   its all about greed

Clay   DeBlasio was trashing Trump this morning yet Coumo praised him

Clay   France is using that malaria drug with great results so hopefully sooner than later

Baxter   yep

Clay   a good one from skype

Xyz   Mnuchin: Fed To Make $4 Trillion In Business Loans, Send $3,000 Checks To Family Of Four

xyz   One Third Of All Coronavirus Cases Show No Symptoms, Classified China Data Reveals

China, which has been praising itself for its draconian response in shutting down much of the country for most of February and thus halting the spread of the coronavirus pandemic domestically (at least if one ignores the glaring discrepancies from reports on the ground), may have a new problem on its hands.

Dave   wow.....Iraqi's calling CV propaganda.........


Clay   oh

Clay   I believe the same

Dave   our churches are closed

Clay   same here    been closed for a couple of weeks

Dave   most of the world shut down........propaganda for creating the GCR then?

Clay   yep

Dave   whoopow!

Clay   France has been using the malaria drug with great success  cure within 5 days

Clay   why we arent is a sin IMO

Doug_W   they just started it today Clay

Dave   Quinine is very cheap to ,purchase

Dave   and manufacture......unlike 3k for those testing kits

Dave   One would think now if this was a Cure.....that intel should have gone Global?

Clay   take away our 2nd ammendment

Clay   dont think so

Dave   Really?

Dave   More guns than people in the USA

Clay   so   its our right    to prevent anarchy

Dave   Draw a line on Bazookas???

Clay   yes

Dave   Clay thought it was to prevent the British from Re invading?

Clay   no

Clay   it was way after that

Dave  Necessity in having a Militia?

Clay   it was to also prevent anything like that again

Clay   yes

Clay   Our militias are better armed than all the countries of the world

Clay   one behind every leaf of grass  and our enemies know it

Dave   Clay Switzerland has the largest Militia I heard

Clay   doubt it very much not enough population

Clay   the books say we are and our militias are larger than all armies comined

Dave   Clay All citizen must serve 2 yrs min

Clay   like Israel

Clay   not even close to us

Clay   fact

Clay   I think its a great idea

Clay   would teach kids respect

Dave   Public Militias not same as vigilantes

Clay   I know

Clay   of course not

Doug_W   Clay agreed 100%

Clay   its a known fact

Dave   you referring to the Reserves?

Clay   no

Clay   not at all

Dave   you have public Militias

Clay   people owning arms and ammo and willing to use and die for our country

Clay   some are public most arent

Dave   NEO Nazis.......

Clay   hunters not troops

Clay   Dave what

Clay   heck no

Dave   USA scared of Invasion.......??????

Clay  heck no

Clay   not scared of much

Dave   no reason to be scared

Clay   right

Clay   just like many other nations

Xyz    Sen. Rand Paul tests positive for coronavirus

xyz   German Chancellor Angela Merkel in quarantine after a doctor tests positive for coronavirus

chattels     This sort of stance is why Zurfi faces stiff opposition from Fateh. 2 days after the Muhandis assassination and as parliament was voting to expel foreign troops, in the midst of anger and a lot of reaction and criticism of the US, he still did not support pushing US troops out

Baxter   Dinar Ready.. baby

chattels   " For a nickel or a dime, Baxter will cash out any time."

Baxter   YOU BETCHA... and... so would YOU

Baxter   especially... since Im in my 16th year now..... oh.. it seems just like yesterday.....

chattels   Baxter Increasingly, some days I would be happy to get my money back.

Baxter   CHATTELS... I firmly believe... the only way this will ever happen is with some world GCR event... if we wait on Iraq.. we will not live to see it

Baxter   I think so Chattels...

Wilder Predicting major food shortages after outbreak

Baxter   I wouldnt doubt it one bit

xyz   10 foods that boost your immune system to fight coronaأطعمة-تعزز-جهازك-المناعي-لمحاربة-كورونا

Baxter   Our Walmart today was worse than it was wednesday when I went

Baxter   Canned vegetables... there wasnt any

Wilder   I couldn't get my tators. Not happy.

KRnMS   fields flooded and price of commodities has dropped So Lowe farmers are not planting

Sparky   ...a month ago, stocks were soaring to record, after record highs...what a different position we are in now...

Sparky   ...gonna get tougher to get anything, with entire states sheltering in place...

Sparky   ...if you havn't been paying attention...our country is in a severe situation...where we need leadership...   ...this is not a dress rehersal...this is go time...

Sparky   ...our leaders will be fleshed out.....not a reality show, or a run for office...this is real...

Sparky defense in the world, lets see how they can protect internally...

Sparky   ...leadership from the top down is

Sparky   ...front line workers need PPE, but, Trump says not a shipping f'n sad...

Wilder   That Army equipment moving by rail? Not a sign of looming martial law.

Sparky...personally, I would put Gov Cuomo , NY in charge...

Baxter  TRUMP is doing a fine Job... He has an excellent staff... and this will work out just fine... this will get him re-elected.. and Biden Knows it.. and so do the rest of the Dems... thank God for that..

xyz   Corona is not political. It doesn't care who you voted or gonna vote for.  Z said

Sparky Baxter ...that's not the way I see it. but agree to disagree...

Sparky   xyz matters when time is a major factor in the spread of the virus...

Baxter   Thats America    If it werent for TRUMP stopping flights from China so early... we would be in a much worse situation that we are

Spark   yxyz ...our government should be working 100% on this pandemic.....bipartisanship is a must...

Sparky   ...not a re-election campaighn...

 xyz   “If I get corona, I get corona. At the end of the day, I'm not gonna let it stop me from partying”: Spring breakers are still flocking to Miami, despite coronavirus warnings.

Sparky   ...and then there is the conspiracy theory...take out the population that is not social security payments...those not paying taxes...streamline the profits of taxes and corruption...


KRnMS   On a positive note....iqd is stable, Card I seems to be gaining approval, Iranians politicians are dying from corona and Iranian militia being hunted in Iraq

KRnMS   Card? I typed Zarfi three timesI!

Sparky   KRnMS ...Zurfi...

Sparky   KRnMS ...thinking covid 19 was targeted at Iran, and got out of control...

Sparky   ...problems since it was Wuhan manu......but, what the heck do I know...

Sparky   ...Governors of NY an California are leading the efforts...imo...

Sparky voting for one of them in 2014...

xyz   These liberals ....

Loeffler among senators whose stock trading during coronavirus raises questions

 U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler had been on the job less than three weeks when she attended a private, senators-only briefing on the spread of COVID-19.

In the days and weeks after, financial disclosures show that either she or her spouse sold up to $3.1 million in stocks. They made just two purchase, both in companies whose software technology is now in demand as Americans are forced to work from home to stem the rise of the coronavirus.

These transactions have raised questions about whether Loeffler dumped stocks based on inside information she learned during the Jan. 24 briefing or others she was privy to as a senator. And the scrutiny of her financial deals have led both Democrats and Republicans to ask for her to resign or be investigated. One watchdog group has already filed an ethics complaint.

Sparky   ...Dougs real time, making logical decisions...and communicating them to the peeps...bravo...

xyz   College students in Florida test positive for coronavirus after spring break trip

Sparky...brave new world about to come into focus...God bless us all...

xyz   Fed official warns unemployment could hit 30%

Sparky   ...STAY AT HOME...

Spark   yxyz ...don't worry, USA can afford it....for a while...

Sparky   ...Trump hotels and casinos will take a piece of the pie...let's see how this plays out...$$$$$....

Sparky   ...$2T bailout package...just in case he's not re-elected...

TEBOW voting for one of them in 2014... Sounds like you are like Uncle Joe! TDS is strong with you!

Sparky   ...talking 2 Trillion dollar bailout...for who ? three weeks time ?

Sparky   ...never let a good disaster get away.....strange days indeed...


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