Judy, X22, SRU and more Friday PM 8-27-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 27 Aug. 2021

Compiled Fri. 27 Aug. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: All Intel has gone quiet since yesterday afternoon.

No one outside of the RV committee knew the exact timing for Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to receive our appointments to exchange/redeem. That timing was known to change on a daily, even hourly basis depending on world events – the most likely scenario would be JB’s pending resignation.

On Thurs. 26 Aug. two sources who held bonds and had close connections to the Chinese Elders and the Rodriguez Trust reported that “the can has been kicked down the road to Wed. 1 Sept.” Keep in mind that release of monies for the bonds won’t necessarily go at the same time as Tier 4B notification.

Ten days ago it was reported that the US Treasury bought all the Bonds. They have not yet released the payments for them (which was 1% of the total).

Mon. 16 Aug. at 6am: Iraqi Dinar new rate official: $3.85 in-country and $19.80 International.

Sat. 21 Aug: RV Codes were entered into the system.

Tues. 24 Aug. at 3:14 am EST: New Currency Rates and procedures were locked into the system. Currency Test Exchanges (Dinar only) began at various banks across the country.

Wed. 25 Aug. was the World Court mandate deadline for start of NESARA/GESARA; finishing Mass Arrests of Cabal; solving Restored Republic and RV issues; US transition to Constitutional Law; Gold Standard online, plus the new US Note liquid. Whether or not this actually happened, we do not know.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2021/08/27/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-august-27-2021/


Samson:  A Strong rise in oil prices

08/27/2021 10:03:53

Trading data on the stock exchanges showed that crude oil prices continued to rise on Friday morning, supported by the weakness of the dollar.

By 8:41 pm Baghdad time, the price of futures contracts for the month of November, Brent crude, rose by 1.28% to $ 71.08 a barrel, and futures contracts for the month of October increased by 1.41% to $ 72.07. US WTI futures for October rose 1.39% to $68.36 a barrel.

This week, the strongest growth in oil prices was recorded since October of last year, as the price of Brent crude rose by 8.9% and WTI by 9.55%.

The rise in the price of oil supports the weakness of the dollar, as its index (the price of the dollar against a basket of currencies of six countries - the main trading partners of the United States) decreased by 0.07% to 93 points.

In addition, investors are awaiting data from oilfield services company Baker Hughes on the number of oil rigs operating in the United States for the week ending August 27, 2021.   LINK


X22 Report Spotlight

Bob Kudla – The Economic Crisis Is Headed Our Way, There Is Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Bob begins the conversation talking about how the new lockdowns are going to make the economy decline.

We will be seeing inflation and higher taxes, this mix will hurt the economy further. Crypto and Gold will begin to move up as inflation hits and people will begin the transition.

There is light at the end of the tunnel, a new economy will emerge controlled by the people.


Major Supermarket Chains Warn This Is The Worst Food Supply Shortage They've Ever Seen

Silver Report Uncut:  Aug 27, 2021

Major UK supermarkets are warning that the food supply shortages are the worst they have ever seen. The food supply chain has been disrupted by a lack of lorry drivers, and by a shortage of labour in general.

Steve Murrells, chief executive of the Co-operative Group, told the Times that they had significantly reduced the range of some products.

He blamed Brexit and pandemic-related fallout. The road haulage industry says there is currently a shortfall of around 90,000 drivers.

Meanwhile, the boss of frozen food retailer Iceland, Richard Walker, told the BBC that unless the problems are resolved now, it could affect the all-important Christmas supplies.

 “The driver shortage is impacting the food supply chain on a daily basis and leading to shortages on the shelves,” Walker said. “We’ve had deliveries cancelled for the first time since the pandemic began, about 30 to 40 deliveries a day.”

British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) yesterday also said that supplies of Christmas favourites like pigs-in-blankets could be affected. Industry groups say that training for new drivers is taking months



Iraqi News Friday AM 8-27-21


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