"It's Your Money, Spend it" by Ron Giles 2-7-2021

Reposted from yesterday when it vanished due to technical difficulties.

"It's your Money, Spend it" by Ron Giles - 2.7.21

Entry Submitted by Ron Giles at 2:43 AM EST on February 7, 2021

Sometimes when you try to emphasize a thing to make a point, it gets misinterpreted. I am guilty of such a thing, so this is my time to make amends.

The RV has a lot of garbage going around about it with all the predicted dates, and rates, and ridiculous ideas about the appointment and how we have to prove ourselves to get some humanitarian funds, and how we need a wealth manager to come with us as well as our banking team to justify higher rates for us -as if they want us to have more money, etc. It is all a banker shill’s pile of toilet stuff leaked out of the pentagon by Intelligence Officers and the rest of the gNN crew of boogie men.

The expected exchange of devalued currencies in what is called the “First Basket” of currencies has been a plague on all of us for 20 or 30 years. The Revaluation of Currencies (the RV) has formed the basis of all the speculation. The Banks are supposed to revalue these devalued currencies which will give a major profit for those who purchased these devalued currencies when the revaluation takes place. Plain and simple – they are in it for the money.

This is Capitalism – by low, sell high and make a profit. It’s the bank’s money so let’s stick it to them. The trouble is, the banks won’t revalue the currency so we wait,

Along comes the Zim with its extremely high face value. The extremely high face value came about from runaway inflation in a country whose government was so mismanaged that this occurred. The Bonds-as-currency fiasco was terminated and the bonds were retired from use.

The currency was taken out of use and its value never recovered. The Zim Bond notes were purchased by dealers as a novelty and sold for whatever they could get.

Then along came the Alliance. They wanted to use the Zim Bonds as a vehicle to get money into the hands of those who wanted to do humanitarian work. The Alliance is at war with the Deep State players who want to take over the world and put us into debt slavery. It was happening until the Alliance was formed to stop this and return our freedoms that have been eroding for over a century.

This brings us up to date.

The Alliance plan has been hatching for many, many, years even before we had heard of an Alliance. We have arrived at this time in history when the New Golden Age of Mankind is to be brought to the earth. It’s been prophesied since Bible times.

Part of the Alliance plan is to begin a new Financial System that works for the people instead of the corrupt bankers and their Central Banking System. The old had to be dismantled and replaced.

To replace the old system, a new gold-backed currency system needed to be created with every country in the world participating.

The new Quantum Financial System was created for this time, but it had to be funded with new gold back currencies that represented each country’s currency.

The problem was how to get these gold-backed currencies into the world economy without letting the corrupt banks and bankers get involved and be in charge.

The defunct Zim Bonds were the solution to the problem. The alliance declared that only the meek could redeem these Bonds so that they could do massive amounts of humanitarian work to make the financial system liquid.

The Zim was introduced into the arena of the RV crowd and people began to buy Zim to make larger profits because of the larger faced value of the Zim. The Alliance knew that real Humanitarians would also purchase and Redeem the Bonds. So the Alliance decreed that only Humanitarians would get the Redemption funds to begin their work. All others who expected to redeem the Zim and get huge sums of money would not get these humanitarians funds.

That is why there is so much emphasis on the Humanitarians getting the funds. They are the ones tasked with cleaning up the earth and funding the new economy.

These funds are only for Humanitarians doing humanitarian work. If you are not going to do humanitarian work, the funds are not for you. That is the line of demarcation, the haves and the have nots. You’ve either got the heart to do humanitarian work with the funds or you don’t.

But many people who are not humanitarians purchased Zim with no intentions of doing good with the money. Most of these people just want the money for themselves personally. These kinds of people should never have purchased the Zim because they won’t get the funds they expect to get. They needed to purchase currencies to exchange when the RV takes place and not the Zim. There is no criticism of people wanting to make money. That is Capitalism. The Zim redemption is just different, it is for Humanitarians only.

The Sovereign Humanitarians

Humanitarians are a different breed of people. When given these funds they have helping and serving others on their minds, not to use the money to build up a wealthy family legacy.

The Sovereign part of the equations is that they are their own boss and they do not take direction from other people. They are true to the inner calling from the heart to do good. They have a propensity to come from their hearts in making financial decisions. These are the people the Alliance wants in charge of the distribution of funds.

Now here is the clincher for those worried about not spending money on themselves because it is declared humanitarian funds only; the reality is the funds are owned personally by the humanitarians. It is their stewardship and they will make decisions from the heart on how to use the funds. They too, are to acquire the "Abundance Mentality," so, they are free to purchase whatever they want, whenever they want. They will do this without the distortions of greed, or pride, or power over others, or thinking they are better because they have money and use it as the world does to show their superiority over others.

Those with the Humanitarian Heart would never go there in their minds. It is not what humanitarians do. They will never pollute the funds with negative energies of greed, power over others, or an agenda against mankind. Wonder why they didn't have the bankers do this?

So, when you go into your Redemption Appointment, know that the interviewer is looking for indications that you are a Humanitarian at heart, and if you truly are, then WOW, the flood gates of the QFS will be opened up to you.

Humanitarians are what they are looking for and the icing on the cake is if you are a Sovereign Humanitarian that will take charge and get the job done. The interviewers are trained for what they are doing and you will not be able to pull the wool over their eyes.

So, if your heart and mind are not intent on doing humanitarian work, you may have spent a lot of time dreaming of buying things for yourself that won’t come true. If you’re in it for the money, it will show and they can tell really quickly in the interview.

The Humanitarians will get the funds they need and there is no problem, they can spend what they want on themselves because it will not change who they are. That’s what Humanitarians do, and that’s why they are so valuable.

God Bless the Sovereign Humanitarians, they will get it done. And God bless the Alliance and  the White Hats.

Ron Giles



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