"It's a Big Week" and "Q: Red Carpet Roll-Out" by Sierra (NZ) 1-7-2020

Thank you Sierra

"It's a Big Week!" by Sierra (NZ) - 1.6.20

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 10:33 PM EST on January 6, 2020

Phoenix from PIR has produced an excellent summary of the current global situation in his latest video...

Here are excerpts...

'China is signing the Phase One trade deal in USA on 13th January. It's an auspicious, lucky date for the Chinese. The USMCA will potentially be signed by Friday. So within one week, we'll have two of the biggest trade deals that USA has EVER signed. These deals will benefit Canada, Mexico, USA, China and the rest of the world.'

Phoenix reminds us that signing these trade deals is a very important step towards manifesting the global economic changes that we have all been awaiting.

'The Iraq Parliament has voted to ask USA and all nations to remove all foreign militaries from Iraq. President Trump responded by saying, "USA will not leave Iraq until they repay the billions spent on building an airbase there." Also he threatened them with sanctions.'

'Iran is the HOST state of the Deep State. Many Deep State people are associated with Iran. Trust the (Alliance) plan. We are NOT going into a major war with Iran.'

'Senate is re-convening on 7th January. If they don't have the articles of impeachment by this Friday, the Senate will move forward anyway. They will present all the evidence against the Deep State and the impeachment will be thrown out.'



Q said in a drop, 'How do we legally introduce evidence (against the Deep State)?' The solution has been provided by the Deep State themselves, with their failed impeachment attempt. It allowed the Alliance to legally gather all the evidence necessary to arrest them when the time is right.

There is PLENTY happening, and it's not all behind the scenes any more. As Phoenix reminds us in every video, the astrological energies support BIG changes this month.

So fasten your seat belt, and stock up the pop corn. Oh, and a reminder that Q often refers to 'popcorn' - then we had the Rick Gervais speech at the Golden Globe Awards. There are no coincidences.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)


"Q: Red Carpet Roll out" by Sierra (NZ) - 1.6.20

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 10:03 PM EST on January 6, 2020

A sharp Anon has connected the Golden Globe speech by Rick Gervais to a Q drop from April 2018...


Red Carpet Rollout = the start (the date and time)

Think logically. The world is watching. What are we watching. We are watching a movie and it’s the part where everyone goes oooooooooooh and figures it all out. pic.twitter.com/GFJeFw6Ng5

— l E T 17 (@Inevitable_ET) January 6, 2020

Anon tweet...'Red carpet roll out = the start (the date and time). Think logically. The world is watching. What are we watching? We are watching a movie and it's the part where everyone goes 'Oooooh' and figures it all out.'

Then follows the Q drop from April 2018...

An Anon asks, 'When will we have MOAB? (Mother of All Bombs)?'

Q responds:
'Shall we tell all the good people watching the day & time?
Red carpet roll out.
Think logically.'

We cannot underestimate the enormous impact that Gervais has had in red-pilling humanity with his devastating seven minute speech. I will always remember the audience reaction behind the phony smiles and nervous laughter - they looked panicked, cornered, as if finally realizing that all escape routes were blocked. Check mate.

Gervais's speech has had a long geographical reach. A close friend in southern New Zealand is on a camping trip - his 3D friends with him were talking about the speech yesterday. It seems to be the main topic of conversation everywhere.

Is Gervais a White Hat? Some Anons say that he has shown signs of being supportive of the Alliance effort.

This link I posted yesterday of his speech had almost 17 million views as I wrote this post. The Q number is 17. Love it!



Ricky Gervais just gave the best opening speech at the #GoldenGlobes ever.

He absolutely DESTROYED Hollywood. pic.twitter.com/byRej81Xo0

— Benny (@bennyjohnson) January 6, 2020

This is the shot that rang around the world. Rick Gervais unflinchingly showed Deep State Hollywood a mirror, reflecting the true nature of their evil satanic world, where grooming children to be sexually abused by producers, agents etc, is common practice.

The very thing the Deep State has always feared is happening: PEOPLE ARE AWAKENING TO THE TRUTH.

Do not be afraid to speak out if you have the opportunity to 'red pill' people (tell them the truth about the Deep State). The satanists are losing their power exponentially as we Light Warriors gain our power.


Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)




Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Jan. 7, 2020


Monday Night KTFA CC and Iraq News 1-6-2020