Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Jan. 7, 2020

Thank you Judy

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 7 2020

Compiled 7 Jan. 2020 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: US Bankers believed that we were at an any-moment for the reset to happen.

On Sat. 4 Jan. a military source claimed that an agreement had been reached between the White Hats and Black Hats and that on Sun. 5 Jan the GCR fund release would be finalized so exchanges happened this week.

Iraq published that they would be paying their citizens at the new Dinar rate this week.

An anonymous source claimed that five top contacts were in agreement that this was going down on Mon. 6 Jan, but we wouldn’t know the details until Tues. 7 Jan.

The Internet Group was expected to begin exchange/ redemption by Tues. 7 Jan.

Contract Rates would likely end as the General Public started their exchanges when the first phase of the US-China Trade Agreement was signed – that was now moved to Mon. 13 Jan.

Military contacts believed the reset would go sometime by Wed. 15 Jan.

It was hoped that all would be completed by Fri. 31 Jan.

Exactly a week ago military contacts confirmed that numerous World Court GESARA-required arrests have taken place and would continue as liquidity was released for Tiers 3 and 4. Those Mass Arrests were said to begin after Congress left for Christmas Vacation and continued as of right now. The World Court had directed Interpol to arrest those charged with the more serious Crimes Against Humanity and Treason.

Those global and political elites would be housed at GITMO and tried in secret Military Tribunals that were ongoing, having actually began at GITMO against 9/11 perpetrators the latter part of Jan. 2019. At an appropriate time taped documentation of those tribunals would be released to the general public.

Around 1,000 Central Banks were expected to go under with the Global Currency Reset, though such losses would be picked up by different sovereign nation’s gold/asset-backed Treasuries so that people of the world wouldn’t suffer.

Admin Bill Call Sun. 5 Jan: Replay (712) 775-7029 Access code: 535533 Replay link: member: I have five top contacts who were in agreement that this was going down on Mon. 6 Jan, but we wouldn’t know the details until Tues. 7 Jan.

MarkZ: The reset would occur between now and Wed. 15 Jan. Iraq was expecting something to happen Tues. 7 Jan. US Bankers believed that we were at an any-moment for the reset to happen, while Military contacts believed it would be sometime between Sun. 5 Jan. to Wed. 15 Jan.

TNT: Iraqi Banks were open today Mon. 6 Jan. (after having been closed for a week to bring in all old Dinar and start functioning on a digital system) and supposed to pay out on the new Dinar Rate starting tomorrow Tues. 7 Jan.

Bruce: The Internet Group was expected to have the 800#s and start exchanges by Mon. 6 Jan, or Tues. 7 Jan. The General Public should begin on Wed. 15 Jan. when the first phase of the US-China Trade Agreement was signed, (verifying that all world currencies were now gold/asset backed), with the reset hoping to be completed by Fr. 31 Jan.

U.S. Attorney John Huber Moving to Indict Clintons and Others:

As of 30 Nov. 2019 Who’s Who in the Unsealed Federal Criminal Indictments:


A. Jan. 6 2020 TNT Call

1. Iraqi Banks were open today Mon. 6 Jan. (after having been closed for a week to bring in all old Dinar and start functioning on a digital system) and supposed to pay out on the new Dinar Rate starting tomorrow Tues. 7 Jan.

2. Modi’s speech gave history of the reset from 2003 to today. A couple of hours later the CBI did the same thing. Both said we were ready to do this on Sun. 5 Jan, but guess what happened. Now they were in the middle of chaos.

3. Iran has put out an 80 million dollar bounty on Trump.


B. Jan. 6 2020 Morning Chat with MarkZ:

1. Mod: The rumor was that they were expecting the reset to break loose on Mon. 6 Jan. or Tues. 7 Jan.

2. Over the weekend there was a couple of mtgs. on how to handle the rollout because of the unrest in Iran.

3. The Banking side was very positive.

4. Iraq was expecting something to happen today Mon. 6 Jan. or Tues. 7 Jan.

5. There were no package deliveries over the weekend.

6. Snake: Different bankers flew into Reno and other destinations believing it would go on New Years – which has not yet happened.

7. MarkZ believed the reset would occur between now and Wed. 15 Jan.

8. Member: Some arrests happened last night and during the Christmas break.

9. I think we are going to see a lot of disclosure over the next 2 weeks.

10. The ceremonial signing of the China Trade deal was moved to Mon. 13 Jan.

11. Admin Bill call Sun. 5 Jan: Replay (712) 775-7029 Access code: 535533 Replay link: member: I have five top contacts who were in agreement that this was going down on Mon.6 Jan, but we wouldn’t know the details until Tues. 7 Jan.


C. Jan. 5 2020 Intel Alert: Operation Disclosure Intel Alert (1-6-20): "Impact" (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

1. A court case was recently filed against multiple colluding US corporations who financed the Taliban terrorism, causing ten's of thousands of deaths.

2. Julian Assange has incriminating evidence that would expose treasonous actions of the Deep State Cabal within the US government and other governments.

3. President Trump has made a Proclamation on National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, 2020.

4. Sources suggest that President Trump's actions on Iran would lead to specific events that would fabricate blame on Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia (SA) was currently the largest global supplier of oil. SA was also a major sponsor of opposition/terrorism against Bashar Al-Assad's regime in Syria whom Iran supported.

5. The US must become the largest global supplier of oil in order to assume control of the Fiat Financial System and dismantle it. Further intel on this matter was unavailable as the situation developed.

6. The first phase of the China Trade Deal was expected to be signed on 15 Jan. Brexit was expected to be effective by 30 Jan.

7. Both events would significantly impact the global economy. The European Union (EU) was expected to collapse after Brexit occurred, which would aid in crashing the Fiat Financial System. Once the fiat monetary system crashed, the transition to an asset/gold-backed monetary system would begin.

8. Massive changes were coming to the Middle East, China and the US in 2020.


D. Jan. 6 2020 7:22 pm WWIII Backfires, Fulford: Benjamin Fulford Report (Excerpt): "WWIII Backfires" -- January 6, 2020


E. President Trump recently designated Jan. 2020 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month: Three years ago Trump’s first official act on the morning the soon-to-be US President was sworn into office, was to visit CIA Headquarters where he declared a War on Child Trafficking.


F. Jan. 1 2020 Cambridge leak showed a manipulation of votes on a global scale:

G. June 27 2019 Russia Bank Ends Bailouts, Writes Off People’s Debts Instead, Jon Hellevig, Russia Truth: Kazakhstan ends bank bailouts, writes off people's debts instead "Instead of bailing out banks and oligarchs, Kazakhstan will write off loans of the poor. This has been announced by new Kazakh president Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. There’s an unexpected corner of the world from where sound and fair financial policies emanate!


I. 800#s – GCR Web Link Release:

In 2012 the Quantum Financial System Computer came about after the World Court and it’s legal arm Interpol, cleaned out the Bank of International Settlements. Their major job was to recover gold assets stolen by the Cabal. They have taken all gold off the US continent so the “rats” wouldn’t have control of it.

Since then it was obvious that in order to capture the Bad Guys, they have fed different Gurus false deadlines for the GCR. The latest was put out a couple of weeks ago that culminated in the arrests of over 64 bankers trying to steal our monies.

Evidently now a set date has been programmed into that computer and when that date came to be, 800#s or web links for Currency and Zim Bond buyers would be released for each country in a daytime event, along with information on how to exchange and redeem. That rollout was said set to go West to East, from Hong Kong, to the US, to Zurich, to Asia.

Either by going to a Guru website, calling an 800 number, or through email, you would receive a web link. Using that web link on your computer or phone would create your own unique signature to receive an exchange/ redemption appointment. That web link would also be placed on certain approved websites and Twitter accounts:

Dinar Chronicles:
Dinar Recaps:
MarkZ: MarkZ Twitter:
TNT Tony:


J. WARNING – DON’T BE SCAMMED: There have been continuous complaints about certain group leaders who promised to give sovereign rates and/or said you could be part of a humanitarian project if you allowed them to exchange for you, gave them identification numbers of your currency or bonds and/or placed your redemption monies into an Irrevocable Trust. They were also advising not to call the 800#s, even claiming that there would be no 800#s and therefore you should put your personal and currency information onto certain websites.

Such tended to signify that you were dealing with a Scam Artist who was after your monies. In the recent past several so-called group leaders have been arrested for doing the same. If you felt you have been taken in by such a person be sure to do your own exchange and turn over the person’s identity to authorities at that exchange.

Stay in Control of Your Own Monies: By calling the 800#s and obtaining your own appointment at a licensed Redemption Center during the ten or so days we were allowed Contract Rates, you likely could be awarded those rates just by asking for them, redeem bonds without having a humanitarian project, keep control of your own monies by placing them in a Skeleton Trust set up for you at that exchange and later at your own discretion, hiring your own Money Management Team, the information for which would be provided at your exchange.

The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to readers to do your own research and decide whether or not it was valid. A Special Thank You to those dedicated and brave intel providers who wished to remain unknown, to Brad who did great research and Ken who uncovered almost unlimited intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

Divide They Try, Fail They Will, for WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q & Trust Plan

This has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side of the reset where together, we will make life better for all.

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. Judy

Courtesy of Dinar Chronicles


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