Iraqi News Wednesday Afternoon 5-18-22

Iraqi News Wednesday Afternoon 5-18-22

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Parliamentary Finance Officially Announces The Submission Of The Emergency Support Bill To The Presidency Of Parliament

Political | 03:38 - 18/05/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News, Wednesday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee issued a statement regarding the proposal for the emergency support law, while indicating that it was submitted to the Presidency of Parliament.

The head of the committee, Hassan Al-Kaabi, said in a statement that Mawazine News received a copy of it, "The proposal was made in view of the global crisis, the rise in prices of basic foodstuffs, and the accession of a number of countries to Ukraine and Russia in their refusal to export wheat outside their countries, which is the main resource for the global food basket.

The International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Food Organization and the Group of Seven (G7) advised the need to start agricultural development and encourage agriculture to secure the global need for food, especially since the crisis is still continuing and its repercussions on all countries of the world, including Iraq.

He added, "Iraq suffers from the scarcity of water resources in the Tigris and Euphrates basins and the effects of climate change that portend a catastrophe in the Middle East and Iraq in particular, not to mention the deterioration of important sectors in the Iraqi state and the impossibility of their survival and continuation of their work, including the electricity sector and the doors of the blazing summer to come, and out of our concern as a financial committee. We submitted to the Presidency of the House of Representatives a proposed law (continuous support for food security and development) to be an alternative to the project submitted by the government.

And he added, "This came in accordance with the provisions of Article (112) of the internal system of the Iraqi Parliament and out of our legal, moral and legal responsibility towards our Iraqi people of all nationalities, religions and sects, and for the purpose of banishing the specter of hunger, deterioration and power cuts in the blazing summer of Iraq."

Al-Kaabi called "all members of the Council and those behind them the parliamentary blocs, political parties and independents to participate in constructive dialogues and discussions for the purpose of ripening this law as quickly as possible in a way that guarantees its legislation and implementation to achieve the desired goals and to achieve the interests of the Iraqi people."

America Confirms Its Continued Support For Iraq To Achieve Security And Stability

Politica l| 02:11 - 18/05/2022  Baghdad - Mawazine News, the US ambassador to Iraq, Matthew Tueller, affirmed, on Wednesday, his country's continued support for Iraq in all fields, to achieve security and stability.

A statement by Al-Halbousi's office, received by Mawazine News, said that "the Speaker of Parliament, Muhammad Al-Halbousi, received today, Wednesday, the US Ambassador to Iraq, Matthew Tueller, on the occasion of the end of his work."

The meeting discussed, according to the statement, "continuing to strengthen bilateral relations and cooperation between the two countries in a way that serves the common interests," and Al-Halbousi referred to "the ambassador's efforts during his tenure in Iraq in this field."

For his part, Tueller affirmed, "His country continues to support Iraq in all fields to achieve security and stability." Ended 29/N33

An Economist Assures Nina Of The Importance Of Preparing Accurate Plans To Invest Oil Revenues

Wednesday 18 May 2022 09:33 | economic Number of readings: 222   Baghdad / NINA / - The economic expert, Raad Tawij, stressed the importance of preparing high-level plans for the most vital uses and for all sectors to invest oil revenues during 2022, which are estimated to be up to 150 billion dollars.

Twig said in a statement to the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA/ The prevailing belief is that oil revenues during 2022 will be in the range of 150 billion dollars, and with the European Union imposing an embargo on Russian oil and the need for European refineries for more oil, and data on the decline in US stocks, which will necessitate a further rise in oil prices, which may reach 150 dollars per barrel, which may increase Iraq’s monthly revenues to 15 billion dollars per month, and to 200 billion dollars annually, and such rare imports require a high level of planning in the most vital uses and for all sectors

. The Iraqi currency and strengthening the Iraqi dinar by deleting zeros and restoring balance to the Iraqi economy

2- Launching intensive human development and modernizing Iraqi universities, especially the development disciplines

3- Creating the requirements for a successful investment environment.

4- Improving energy options and expanding its monetary and social returns.

5- Improving infrastructure and housing./End of 8

Blackshart: The Iraqi Political Class Is Preoccupied With Power Battles

The head of the United Nations mission in Iraq, Jenin Plasschaert, confirmed that the political class is preoccupied with power battles.

In her briefing to the UN Security Council, Plasschaert said, "The negative aspects of Iraqi political life are still repeating themselves in an apparently continuous cycle of zero-sum policy."

She added, "Iraqis are still waiting for a political class that, instead of being content with outdated power battles, is seeking to roll up its sleeves to make progress by achieving the long list of outstanding domestic priorities in Iraq."

She pointed out that "the divisions in the Kurdistan region have deepened, which has negatively affected the population of the region," noting that "the neighboring countries are violating the sovereignty and security of Iraq."

And she continued: "Missile diplomacy is reckless actions," stressing the critical importance of asserting the authority of the state.

She pointed out that "the lack of clear coordination and implementation mechanisms, the dominance of partisan interests and the continued presence of spoilers greatly impede achieving tangible progress in Sinjar," stressing that "we have deployed international observers in Sinjar district."

Parliament Publishes The Agenda For Its Next Session

Today, Tuesday, the House of Representatives announced the agenda for next Thursday’s session.

The Media Department of the House of Representatives said, in a statement, that "the council's agenda will include three paragraphs, first: the first reading of the proposed law on emergency support for food security and development."

And she added, "The second paragraph is a report on the discussion (second reading) of the proposed law banning normalization and the establishment of relations with the Zionist entity, and general discussions." And she indicated, "The meeting will be at eleven in the morning."

The Iraqi Currency Auction Is Approaching $200 Million Today

Economie   Wed, 18 May 2022 2:22 PM  Baghdad/National News Center   The Central Bank of Iraq's sales of US dollars in its auction, today, Wednesday, amounted to nearly 200 million US dollars.

The sales of the Central Bank, during its auction for buying and selling US dollars, amounted to 198 million and 602 thousand and 975 US dollars, which were covered by the bank at a base exchange rate of 1460 Iraqi dinars per dollar.

While most of the sales went to meet requests to enhance balances abroad in the form of remittances and credits, which amounted to 146 million and 902 thousand and 975 dollars, while the rest of them went in the form of cash sales, which amounted to 51 million and 700 thousand dollars.

And 31 banks fulfilled requests to enhance balances abroad, and 19 banks to meet cash requests, in addition to 210 intermediary companies.

The Federation Of Industries Offers Solutions And Confirms: 5 Years Without Unemployment

Economie   Wed, 18 May 2022 12:00 PM   National News Center / Special   Today, Wednesday, the head of the Iraqi Federation of Industries, Adel Agab, presented a special solution to the issue of unemployment and its high rate in Iraq, saying: For five years, there will be no unemployment.

In a statement to the National News Center, Agab said, "Iraq owns more than 60,000 factories, but 60% of them are idle, and their operation guarantees the absorption of unemployment over the next five years."

And he indicated, "The union had a three-way plan for Iraq's factories and factories, the first of which is to maintain the sustainability of the current operating factories, and secondly: to rehabilitate the unemployed factories, bring them into service, and finally buy new factories."

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs had revealed that there are more than 4 million unemployed Iraqis, as the Undersecretary of the Ministry, Abeer Chalabi, stated, “The ministry has registered more than two million unemployed persons in its database, and there are similar numbers to the unregistered unemployed.”

Iraq And Italy Are Discussing Two Projects, One Of Which Is The Construction Of A Dam In The Shatt Al-Arab

local| 04:34 - 05/18/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News, Minister of Planning Khaled Batal Al-Najm discussed, on Wednesday, with Italian Ambassador Maurizio Cricante and his accompanying delegation, the two projects of developing historic Ur and establishing the Shatt Al-Arab Dam.

A statement issued by the Ministry of Planning said, "Mawazine News" received a copy of it, that "during the meeting, which was attended by the Director-General of International Cooperation in the Ministry of Planning, Saher Abdel-Kazim, they discussed aspects of joint cooperation between the two friendly countries, in the economic, investment and commercial fields and ways to develop them."

The two sides affirmed the depth of bilateral relations, and the two countries' efforts to develop these relations to serve the development trends in Iraq and Italy.

During the meeting, according to the statement, a number of projects that are being financed by the Italian loan were discussed, especially with regard to the development of the historic city of Ur in Dhi Qar governorate, and the construction of a water dam in the Shatt al-Arab in Basra governorate, to prevent the rise of the salt tongue. Ended 29/R77

British Magazine: Iraq Is Fourth In The Middle East In The Value Of Contracts Signed Within A Month

Wednesday 18 May 2022 10:31 | economic Number of readings: 190   Baghdad / NINA / - The British "Med" magazine reported today, Wednesday, that Iraq came fourth among the countries of the Middle East in the value of contracts signed for various projects last April.

The magazine said in a report, that according to the value of the "Med Projects" index, deals worth 4.6 billion US dollars were signed across the Middle East in April, compared to 3.7 billion in March.

And it indicated that "Iraq came in fourth place in terms of The region is in the value of the contracts that were leaked last April, as it awarded 410 million dollars in contracts in full under one contract to deliver a natural gas processing facility in Basra.

And she indicated that "Saudi Arabia topped the order of awarding contracts for projects with a value of $2.133 billion, followed by Qatar second, and then the UAE third, with contracts worth $486 million, and Oman in fifth place, with contracts worth 360 million, Kuwait sixth with contracts worth 79 million, and Oman seventh, with contracts worth 34 million." million, while Egypt finally came with a value of $8 million.”/ End

Basra Crude Records A Rise Of More Than 5 Dollars  

Wednesday 18 May 2022 13:25 | Economic Number Of Readings: 139  Baghdad / NINA / - The price of Basra Heavy crude rose, today, Wednesday, by more than 5 dollars, to exceed the 100 dollars barrier.

The price of a barrel of Basra Heavy crude, exported to Asia, reached $5.64, with a change rate of 5.73%, to reach $104.06 per barrel.

All OPEC crude prices also rose, except for Iranian heavy blend, which recorded $11.15, down 0.15 cents, while UAE Murban crude scored $113.24, an increase of $3.73, while Saudi Arabian crude scored $112.06 a barrel, an increase of $3.76, and Algeria's Sahran blend reached $118.63. An increase of $3.28, and Nigerian Boni crude amounted to $118.12, an increase of $2.94, while Angola's Girassol crude reached $115.60, an increase of $3.12.

And oil prices rose today, Wednesday, after the European Union threatened to close the Russian oil embargo, and China gradually eased some of its strict measures to contain the Corona virus./End 8

The Dollar Is Rising In The Iraqi Market

Economie| 10:53 - 18/05/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News, the dollar exchange rates rose, today, Wednesday, on the Iraqi Stock Exchange.  Selling price: 148,250 dinars per $100   purchase price : 148,000 dinars per $100


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