Iraqi News Thursday AM 1-28-21

Iraqi News Thursday AM 1-28-21

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Parliamentary Finance Continues To Discuss The Budget And A Committee Is Formed To Verify The Revenues Of Two Departments In The Ministry Of Justice

01/28/2021  The Financial Committee held, headed by Deputy Dr. Haytham Al-Jubouri, Chairman of the Committee, and the attendance of its thirty-fourth meeting, on Thursday 28/1/2021, in which it continued its discussion on the draft federal budget bill for 2021, during which it hosted the general directors of the Judicial Execution Department and the Notary Public Department in the Ministry of Justice.

At the beginning of the meeting, the committee discussed a number of budget articles related to the services file in the Baghdad municipality and the governorates, and the electricity and tax file on them, as the interventions of the women and gentlemen focused on improving the reality of services and adopting advanced mechanisms in obtaining collection for the purpose of boosting the state's non-oil resources.

In the electricity file, the committee discussed the necessity of developing the transmission network, increasing processing hours and making use of gas, and not relying on importing it from abroad.

Then the committee hosted the general directors of the Judicial Enforcement Department and the Notary Public Department regarding the revenues accrued from the fees in those two departments, where the Finance Committee formed an investigation committee headed by Deputy Adnan Al-Zarfi and the membership of the members Abdul Hadi Al-Saadawi, Sherwan Mirza and Faisal Al-Issawi to investigate these revenues and explain the reasons for their lack, provided that It accomplishes its work within two weeks and submits its report to the Finance Committee.

Then the Finance Committee called for the need to provide protection for the enforcers of judicial decisions because of the danger they are exposed to, and to discuss this file with the Ministry of Interior to provide that.

Media  Department Parliament  January 28, 2021  LINK

The joint statement of the official meeting between His Excellency Mustafa Al-Kazemi, Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq and His Excellency Bishr Al-Khasawneh, Prime Minister of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, in the presence of the ministers of the two countries' governments, held in Baghdad on 01/28/2021

January 28 – 2021  In affirmation of brotherhood and cooperation ties, His Excellency Mustafa Al-Kazemi, Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq met with the Jordanian Prime Minister Dr. Beshr Al-Khasawneh at the head of a high-level ministerial delegation in Baghdad, and during the visit a bilateral meeting was held under the chairmanship of the heads of the Council of Ministers of the two sister countries to discuss ways to enhance cooperation and coordination based on the solid fraternal relations And the close ties that bind them.

The two sides valued the close historical relations between the two brotherly countries, and stressed the importance of continuing to work on enhancing the level of coordination and maximizing the utilization of the capabilities available in both countries to achieve integration in strategic interests and in all economic, investment and commercial fields.

The Jordanian Prime Minister expressed his emphasis on the civilizational position of the Republic of Iraq and its pioneering and natural role in the forefront of the countries of the region, and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan standing next to the Republic of Iraq to continue the process of building and progress in a way that serves the aspirations of the people. The Iraqi Prime Minister reviewed prosperity and prosperity, and the Prime Ministers of the two countries reviewed regional developments and confirmed the continuation of work to solve the region’s crises, achieve security and stability, condemn terrorism in all its forms and continue working with me to fight it. They also discussed a number of issues of common interest to enhance cooperation and economic integration, and they reached the following:

Work to facilitate trade, increase the volume of bilateral trade exchanges and address obstacles facing the flow of intra-trade, and the Jordanian side appreciated the decision issued by the General Secretariat of the Iraqi Council of Ministers to maintain the implementation of the decisions of the Honorable Iraqi Council of Ministers No. 25 of 2019 and No. 145 of 2019, Based on the bilateral free trade agreement signed in 2009 and which entered into force in 2013, stressing his keenness to enhance trade exchange in local products for both countries.

The two sides agreed to exclude Iraqi and Jordanian products from any import registration system applied to enter the markets of both brotherly countries.

The two sides also agreed to accelerate the completion of the executive steps to establish the joint economic city, the most prominent of which is specifying the concessions that will be granted to the economic city, the procedures for allocating the plot of land to the Iraqi and Jordanian company for industry, and determining the cost of the rent allowance for the lands allocated to the joint economic city.

In the field of industrial cooperation and integration: The two sides stressed the need to strengthen industrial cooperation and integration in the pharmaceutical industrial sectors (veterinary medicines and vaccines, agricultural pesticides, clothing, chemical industries and fertilizers) through training and investment, the supply of raw materials and semi-finished goods, and the rehabilitation of factories, in addition to maximizing the benefit of the Iraqi side.

One of the centers of specialized studies in the field of bioequivalence available in Jordan, facilitating procedures for registering Jordanian medicines in Iraq and recognizing their analysis certificates issued by the Jordanian Food and Drug General Organization.

Cooperation in the field of energy, the two sides agreed to renew the memorandum of understanding signed between the two countries to import crude oil from Iraq for another year after agreeing on the required amendments, and an agreement to move forward with the implementation of a double-circuit electric antenna transmission line, about 300 km long, linking the Risha conversion station (the Jordanian side)

With the Al-Qaim substation (the Iraqi side), the two governments appreciated the conclusion of a contract between the Jordanian National Electricity Company and the General Electric Power Transmission Company / Central Region on September 27, 2020, and it was also agreed to establish a mechanism for cooperation between the Iraqi and Jordanian private sectors, especially in the field of renewable energy And energy efficiency, eitherConcerning the Iraqi-Jordanian oil export pipeline project, the two sides agreed to complete the bilateral talks to reach the signing of a framework agreement between the two countries.

Cooperation in the field of transport: It was agreed to hold a meeting of the Joint Land Transport Technical Committee and to assign it to re-study the procedures at the Trebil / Karama port in order to facilitate procedures on trade exchange, as well as to hold bilateral talks in the field of air transport during this year to update the executive memorandum signed between the two countries in order to increase the number of The daily flights and the addition of a cargo flight on the Amman / Najaf section and vice versa, and two cargo flights on Amman / Sulaymaniyah and vice versa.

Cooperation in the financial field: The two sides agreed to complete the formation of the joint technical committee to settle the outstanding issues and the amounts required from each party to the other, and to find consensual solutions to end the outstanding financial files between the two countries.

Cooperation in the agricultural field: The two sides agreed to provide all possible facilities to increase the volume of trade exchange in the field of agricultural commodities, to give priority to the exchange of goods in the field of animal and plant wealth according to the needs of the two countries, and to facilitate the registration of veterinary medicines and agricultural pesticides in both countries.

The Iraqi side also welcomed the willingness of the Jordanian side By transferring the Jordanian experience in the field of digitizing the agricultural sector, training Iraqi cadres in the fields of optimal use of water, hydroponics, water harvesting, propagation of salt-resistant seeds, biological control, use of environmentally friendly pesticides, rural development and women's empowerment.The two sides stressed the importance of the participation of Iraq as an institution in the system of the regional center for food security proposed by Jordan.

Cooperation in the field of health: The two sides stressed the need to provide all possible facilities to increase the number of Iraqi patients for treatment in Jordan, exchange experiences in the field of treating cancer diseases, facilitate procedures for obtaining the Jordanian Board of Iraqi doctors, facilitate procedures for registering human medicines, and supply what is produced of Jordanian medicines for chronic diseases And the transfer of the Jordanian experience and the exchange of experiences in the field of managing and containing the Corona pandemic, and the Iraqi side also welcomed the Jordanian government's willingness to harness all its capabilities and technical and administrative expertise to provide any assistance that Iraq needs in all health fields.

Cooperation in the field of water, irrigation and sanitation. The Iraqi side appreciated the initiative of the Jordanian side to place the accumulated capabilities and experiences in this field at the disposal of the Iraqi side to benefit from the Jordanian experience in this sector.

Cooperation in the field of education: The Iraqi side welcomed the transfer of the Jordanian experience, the exchange of experiences in the field of distance education for all educational levels, the establishment of educational platforms, the conversion of curricula into easy-to-use digital formats for the Iraqi side, and the increase in cooperation and coordination in the field of writing, preparing and printing school curricula.

Cooperation in the field of communications and information technology: The two sides welcomed the agreement to increase the capacity of the Internet that is supplied to Iraq through the border ports with Jordan, and the use of data centers in Jordan as a substitute infrastructure for the government and the private sector in Iraq, and the establishment of a marine fiber-optic station in Aqaba, To be a point for transferring the Internet to Iraq and obtaining international capacities in a large way, and it was agreed to transfer the Jordanian experience, exchange experiences in the field of entrepreneurship, and work to develop mechanisms that allow cooperation between the private sectors in the two countries in the field of information technology and digital transformation processes

Cooperation between the private sector: The two sides agreed to intensify meetings between representatives of the private sector, participate in economic activities, and network Iraqi and Jordanian institutions and business owners for the purpose of studying and maximizing the use of business opportunities available in both countries to achieve the desired economic, industrial and commercial integration.

Tripartite cooperation (Jordanian, Iraqi and Egyptian): The two sides stressed the need to accelerate the implementation of the outcomes of the tripartite Jordanian-Egyptian-Iraqi summit held in the Jordanian capital Amman on 8/25/2020, the "third" leaders meeting. The two sides also stressed the necessity of holding meetings at the ministerial level between the three countries in the fields of industrial integration, food security, energy, transportation, housing and agriculture, and to accelerate the preparation of a package of strategic cooperation projects in a way that serves the strengthening of economic integration between the three countries.

At the end of the meeting, two memoranda of understanding were signed in the fields of health, higher education and scientific research by the government ministers of the two countries.

The Media Office of the Prime Minister, January 28-2021

The Vatican: The Pope Will Meet With Mr. Sistani During His Upcoming Visit To Iraq

Time: 01/28/2021 14:07:55 Read: 2,704 times  {Follow-up: Al-Furat News} The Vatican announced that Pope Francis III will meet the supreme religious authority, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, in Najaf during his upcoming visit to Iraq.

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry announced on the seventh of last December that the Pope {Francis} will visit the country for the period from 5 to 8 March 2021 , "usually him as a " historic event, and in support of all Iraqis in various Tnoathm. " LINK

Shankali: It has been proven to everyone that the governor of the Central Bank is affiliated with the bloc that prevented him from being questioned

Time: 01/28/2021 16:30:10 Read: 1,976 times  (Baghdad: Al Furat News) A member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Majid Shankali, published a tweet about breaking the quorum for the questioning session of the Central Bank Governor, Mustafa Ghaleb, on Wednesday.

"Yesterday it was confirmed and proved to everyone, especially the bloc that claims not to have any executive position, that the governor of the Central Bank is affiliated with that bloc.

It is the one who worked to not complete a quorum inside the parliament to prevent his interrogation," Shankali said in his tweet on Twitter .

Yesterday, Wednesday, the House of Representatives was scheduled to question the Governor of the Central Bank by the head of the Parliamentary Wisdom Bloc, Faleh Al-Sari, after parliament was not convinced of the first answers during its hosting of one of the parliamentary sessions last November, but he announced that they were submitted to another notice.

The representative of the Nasr Bloc, Hoda Sajjad, revealed in a televised interview broadcast on the Al-Furat satellite channel, that a parliamentary bloc came to question the head of the Media and Communications Authority in absentia and evaded the attendance of the interrogation session of the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq scheduled for Wednesday in the parliament session.

And she said, "The determination of some MPs not to proceed with the questioning of the governor of the Central Bank gave a bad message to the Iraqi street," blaming the Presidency of Parliament "responsibility for the failure to hold a quorum for the session and placing the interrogation paragraph in a crowded schedule."

Sajjad also announced her surprise that "the first deputy speaker did not ask the media department to publish the attendance as he does with the rest of the sessions, noting that all the representatives were present from three in the afternoon to six in the evening, and the start of the session did not ring, and we were surprised to raise it to further notice."

The head of the Parliamentary Wisdom bloc, Faleh Al-Sari, explained to the Euphrates on December 20 that the criteria set by the governor of the Central Bank set the country with financial crises, and we have objections and criticisms of his choice and performance, and that the answers of the central bank governor were not feasible regarding raising the exchange rate.

On the 19 of last month, the Central Bank of Iraq issued a decision to raise the price of buying and selling the dollar, as part of the austerity measures adopted by the government, despite warnings of high prices of foodstuffs and commodities offered in the markets.

The policy of the Central Bank of Iraq to raise the dollar exchange to large losses among the owners of shops and its reflection on the purchasing power of citizens.   LINK

Barzani Is "Pleased" With The Biden Administration

Time: 01/28/2021 14:34:42 Read: 1,482 times   {Kurdistan: Al Furat News} The President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, received the US ambassador to Iraq, Matthew Toller, while noting that it is our pleasure for the new president and the new administration in the United States to be aware and familiar with the conditions of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region

A statement by the regional government, a copy of which was received by the Euphrates News, stated that "in the meeting attended by the US Consul General in Erbil Rob Waller, discussions about the situation in Iraq and ways to strengthen relations between the Kurdistan Region and the United States took place."

The Prime Minister stressed, "We are pleased that the new president and the new administration in the United States are aware and familiar with the conditions of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, and we are ready to work and coordinate with America with the aim of strengthening relations and developing them in all fields."

He added, "The meeting dealt with the course of discussions between the Kurdistan Region and the federal government, as well as the elections and the importance of continuing coordination to address terrorist threats and their economic and political implications."   LINK

The President of the Republic stresses the importance of continuing reforms and meeting the needs of the citizens at the current stage

Editing date: 01/28/2021 15:42 • 62 read times  [Baghdad-Where]  President of the Republic Barham Salih stressed, on Thursday, the importance of continuing reforms and meeting the needs of citizens in the current stage.

The Presidency of the Republic stated in a statement, "Saleh received the head of the political bureau of the Party of the Callers of Islam, the Organization of Iraq, Khudair Al-Khuzaie. During the meeting, developments in the situation in the country were discussed, and the emphasis was placed on strengthening social cohesion and working to ensure security and stability and confront terrorism, and the necessity for dialogue in order to achieve interest. Supreme of the country. "

She added, "The importance of the upcoming elections, the provision of the requirements for their integrity, the prevention of fraud and manipulation, the continuation of structural reform and the fight against corruption, were indicated, in response to the aspirations and needs of citizens in the current stage."


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