Iraqi News Saturday AM 2-20-21

Iraqi News Saturday AM 2-20-21

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Parliamentary Finance: The Paragraph Of The Region’s Share In The Budget Has Not Yet Been Resolved

Pratha News Agency81 2021-02-20   A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Thamer Theban, confirmed, on Saturday, that the option of returning the budget bill to the government had been overlooked, indicating that the paragraph of the region’s share in the budget has not been resolved until now.

Theban said in a press statement, "The option to return the federal budget bill for 2021 has been overlooked within the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives."

Indicating that "the committee was able to bypass all the contracts in the draft budget bill, at the forefront of which is government spending, so that everyone can devote themselves to the most important and final stage, which is to determine the share of the Kurdistan region."

Theban added, "Until now, the paragraph of the region’s share has not been resolved, with reference to the presence of a delegation from the region in Baghdad regarding negotiations with the government and political blocs to resolve the issue headed by Qubad Talabani."

A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Ikhlas Al-Dulaimi, revealed that a semi-final agreement had been reached regarding the region's share in the 2021 budget, expected to vote on it next week.

Deputy: We Need Only One Session To Pass The Budget Next Week

Money  and business   Economy News _ Baghdad  Member of Parliament, MP Sadiq Al-Sulaiti, confirmed, on Saturday, that the budget will pass next week in one session in which voting will take place after the consensus of the political blocs, pointing out that there is nothing left but agreement on the two articles on Kurdistan, and there are understandings and the crisis will end.

Al-Sulaiti said in a press interview, "The budget will be voted on next week after the final agreement between Baghdad and Erbil is announced."

He added that "the budget and its passage need one parliamentary session to vote on it," noting that "there are understandings that would end the crisis."

Al-Sulaiti pointed out, "So far, nothing remains of the budget paragraphs except for the agreement to pass the two articles on the oil of the Kurdistan region, as well as some projects and service items within the budget." The number of observations is 150 on the date of addendum 02/20/2021

Bidaya Warns: The Arbitrary Fiscal And Monetary Policy In Iraq Threatens Civil Peace

Economy   Saturday 20 February 2021 | 12:48 PM| Views: 70  A member of the Bidaya movement, Muthanna Rahim, warned today, Saturday, that the monetary and fiscal policy will drag Iraq into a dangerous slope that will not stop at the burning of the entire political process, but rather to the collapse of the societal fabric and civil peace.

He referred to the deliberate media confusion practiced by the government in an unfair game that was open to large sectors of the Iraqi people.

Rahim called for a member of the leadership body of the "Beginning of the New Movement" movement led by former civil activist Ghassan Aburjeev, who raised the slogan of political reconstruction for his movement. To establish a supreme council for planning and crisis management consisting of experts and holders of higher degrees from inside and outside Iraq in support of the Iraqi state

He added that the movement has a detailed, integrated program that will not cost the state a single dinar and will not take time and effort.

Pointing out that many of the people of the country inside and outside Iraq, including experts, specialists and thinkers, are keen and eager to save and rebuild this country, and they will spare no time and effort to contribute to any step that could bring Iraq to safety and get it out of its ordeal.

Economist: The Continuing Rise In Oil Prices Will Contribute To Ending The Financial Crisis

money and business  Economy News _ Baghdad  Economic expert Hamza al-Jawahiri spoke, on Saturday, about a plan that, if implemented by the government, would help Iraq out of its financial distress and pay off its debts.

Al-Jawahiri said in an interview with "Dijla" channel and "Al-Eqtisad News" followed it, "The continued rise in oil prices will contribute to ending the financial crisis in Iraq, especially with its reaching $ 60."

He added that "Iraq will be able to compensate for its material losses and return all the money it withdrew from the Central Bank and the countries of the world from which it borrowed during the past years."

Al-Jawahiri pointed out, "The government highlights its role here by developing a comprehensive economic plan in conjunction with raising global oil prices to benefit and end the periodic fluctuation of torrents due to low oil prices."    Number of observations 153 Date of addendum 02/20/2021


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