Iraqi News Friday AM 9-4-20

Iraqi News Friday AM 9-4-20

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Saeron: We Will Attend Tomorrow's Session And We Will Go With The Blocs To Pass The Election Laws

Time: 09/04/2020 12:49:29 Read: 2,769 times  {Baghdad: Al-Furat News} The representative of the Saeron bloc, Salam Al-Shammari, confirmed that his coalition will attend tomorrow's session of the Council of Representatives after the legislative recess.

Al-Shammari said in a statement that Al-Furat News Agency received a copy of, that "the legislative term that will start its sessions tomorrow is important because of the important laws that need political consensus to ensure that the demands of the masses are met."

Al-Shammari added, "The Saeron Alliance will go with the political blocs to approve the laws for the next election."

He stressed "the necessity to proceed with the approval of laws whether they are related to elections or related to other aspects that are compatible with the legitimate demands of the masses."

It is scheduled that the House of Representatives will open tomorrow, Saturday, its third legislative year of the fourth parliamentary session, after the expiration of its parliamentary recess, and the agenda of its session has also been published.   LINK

Statement Of The Parliamentary Finance Committee On The Economic And Financial Reform Paper

04/09/2020  While we are waiting for the government to present the economic and financial reform paper to the House of Representatives, as stipulated in the Domestic and Foreign Borrowing Law, which has not yet been submitted, despite the passage of the time period specified by the law, which is 60 days from the date of its approval, and we have not seen its signs, neither in words.

Indeed, the government has ignored all the reform texts included in the law. We are surprised by decisions and appointments in sensitive and extremely important centers in the Ministry of Finance and other relevant institutions that have nothing to do with the public interest, as most of those who issued these orders against them, all of which are appended to the phrase “based on” On the book of the Prime Minister’s Office, “Their employment history is marred by many suspicions and failures, and this will negatively affect any real intention or step for reform and will cast a shadow over a decline greater than it is now in the financial and economic file.

In terms of the legal and moral responsibility entrusted to us as a supervisory and legislative body, we will have a firm and strict position as a result of those measures that adopted the mood and favoritism in their approval by the government and the Ministry of Finance, which unfortunately we did not see from them any cooperation or consultation with the legislative authority represented by the House of Representatives and the Finance Committee in a manner. Especially during the previous period of the current government’s life. Parliament Finance Committee  9/4/2020 LINK

Parliamentary Committee Accuses The Government Of "Temperamental" Appointments And Threatens It With "Tough Stance"

Pratha News Agency98 2020-09-04  On Friday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee accused the government of appointing people in "sensitive centers" at the Finance Ministry. It said that their employment history was tainted by "suspicions," considering that the appointments were made according to "moody procedures," while the government promised a "strict stance."

The committee said in a statement that "while we are waiting for the government to present the economic and financial reform paper to the House of Representatives as stipulated in the Domestic and Foreign Borrowing Law, which has not yet been submitted, despite the passage of the time period specified by the law, which is 60 days from the date of its approval." Also, we did not see its signs, neither in word or deed. Rather, the government ignored all the reform texts contained in that law. We are surprised by decisions and appointments in sensitive and extremely important centers in the Ministry of Finance and other relevant institutions that are not in the public interest.

She added, "Most of those who issued these orders against them, all of which are cited with the phrase (based on the book of the Prime Minister's Office), have a lot of suspicion and failure in their employment history, and this will negatively affect any real intention or step for reform and will cast a shadow over a greater decline than it is now in the two files. Financial and economic. "

The committee continued, "Out of the legal and moral responsibility entrusted to us as a regulatory and legislative body, we will have a firm and strict position as a result of those measures that adopted the mood and favoritism in their approval by the government and the Ministry of Finance, which, unfortunately, we did not see any cooperation or consultation with the legislative authority represented Of the House of Representatives in general and the Finance Committee in particular during the previous period of the current government’s life.

Parliamentary Finance Issues A Statement On The Economic And Financial Reform Paper

Time: 09/04/2020 12:53:30 Read: 3,874 times  {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The Parliamentary Finance Committee issued a statement regarding the economic and financial reform paper.

A statement by the committee stated that the Euphrates News Agency received a copy, "While we are waiting for the government to present the economic and financial reform paper to the House of Representatives, as stipulated in the domestic and foreign borrowing law, which has not yet been submitted, despite the passage of the time period specified by it." The law, which is 60 days from the date of its approval, and we also did not see its signs, neither in words nor in action. Rather, the government ignored all the reform texts contained in that law.

He added, "We are surprised by decisions and appointments in sensitive and extremely important centers in the Ministry of Finance and other related institutions that are not in the public interest, as most of those orders were issued against them, all of which are annotated with the phrase" based on the book of the Prime Minister's Office} whose history is tainted. The job is a lot of suspicions and failure, and this will negatively affect any real intention or step for reform, and it will cast a shadow over a decline greater than it is now in the financial and economic file. "

The Parliamentary Finance affirmed, "In terms of the legal and moral responsibility entrusted to us as a supervisory and legislative body, we will have a firm and strict position as a result of those measures that adopted the mood and favoritism in their approval by the government and the Ministry of Finance, which unfortunately we did not see any cooperation or consultation with the authority from them." Legislative Council of Representatives in general and the Finance Committee in particular during the previous period of the life of the current government.  LINK

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