Iraqi News and Highlights Wednesday AM 7-15-20

Iraqi News and Highlights Wednesday PM 7-15-20

TLM 724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Chairman Of The Services Committee: Renewing Contracts For Telecom Licenses Is A Legal Overrun And Waste Of Public Money

7/15/2020 Head of the Parliamentary Services and Reconstruction Committee, Dr. Walid Al-Sahlani, confirmed on Tuesday 7/14/2020 that the decision to renew the licenses of mobile phone companies licenses is a legal violation and a waste of public money.

Al-Sahlani said in a statement, “In the midst of the suffocating economic conditions in which the country lives, which cast a shadow and increased its repercussions until it affected various aspects of life, which made the state in a constant challenge to search for solutions to support its financial revenues, but the cabinet and with an odd decision misses a great opportunity to revive the situation

The economic country and the improvement of its financial resources, as a result of negligence in fulfilling the rights of the state and excluding those companies from the instructions for implementing government contracts and turning a blind eye to significant suspicions of corruption, as well as the insistence of those companies not to pay the debts they owe offset by weakness in their services compared to the high costs imposed on the citizen.

In addition to the above, the license contract with these companies ends in a specific period and it is not permissible to renew it. Rather, it is necessary to resort to announcing new public auctions and clear mechanisms to conclude a new license contract to prevent monopoly and give an opportunity for competition that provides an opportunity for a greater increase in the value obtained by the state from assigning these contracts and subjecting Those companies have conditions that obligate them to provide a good service and subject them to penalties if they violate that.

We also want to point out the importance of activating the role of the Consumer Protection Authority by preparing an exploratory report to measure the extent of citizens ’satisfaction with the performance of the service, and discuss the possibility of establishing legal sanctions on those companies when the service provided by these companies is bad. .

As we are surprised and reject the decision to proceed with the renewal of the contract, we call the Presidency of the House of Representatives to hold a parliamentary session to discuss stopping the implementation of this decision.

Chairman of the Services and Reconstruction Committee d. Walid Sahlani, the House of Representatives  15/7/2020   LINK

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazimi Heads The Meeting Of The Council Of Ministers Held In Basra Governorate

July 15-2020  Today, Wednesday, the Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi chaired the tenth cabinet session held in Basra Governorate.

Mr. Al-Kazemi said at the opening of the session: The council will start holding sessions in the governorates, starting from the city of Basra, which is dear to our hearts, in order to implement the demands of our people in the provinces and provide services to them.

And Mr. Al-Kazemi added: Working with one team and integrated spirit will help us to overcome crises and face the many challenges that the country is going through.

He continued his sovereignty: Basra and its esteemed people have a special place in the hearts of all Iraqis and they endured the horrors of dictatorship and wars, just as they bear the consequences of corruption, mismanagement and planning that afflicted their city and their environment, proceeding from that in their love for their city, the cultural and economic gateway to Iraq.

He stressed that the hard work must start from Basra, and pass through Basra, and it will soon bear fruit in Basra as well.

The Cabinet examined the topics on its agenda, and took a number of decisions pertaining to Basra Governorate, namely:

1- Approval to proceed with the contracting procedures in the Basra Great Water Project, which is considered one of the most prominent strategic and direct work projects.

2- The involvement of Basra Governorate in the periodic follow-up work of the Great Basra Water Project, through specialized committees, with coordination with the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities, and Public Works.

3- Assigning the Ministry of Water Resources, in cooperation with consultants to the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Basra Governorate, to submit a plan to implement the project of the tube channel (Al-Bida Channel), after reviewing and evaluating the available studies, and the ministries of finance and planning include the project within the budget of 2021.

4- Establishing an infrastructure implementation program to proceed with the distribution of residential lands to their beneficiaries through the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Municipalities making use of the consultant contracted with Basra Governorate, to review and update the designs prepared for Al-Sayyab Residential City.

5- Granting the governor of Basra the authority to pay the salaries of thirty thousand visual citizens, from the cash liquidity available in the Basra Governorate.

6- The council directed to refer all the delaying projects to the Ministerial Council for Services, and to submit recommendations thereon within a month period, for approval in the Ministerial Council for Services.

During the session, the Prime Minister directed the referral of the Al-Zubair Sewerage Project to the Ministerial Council for Social Services, to study it and provide the appropriate recommendation thereon to the Council of Ministers, provided that the Governor of Basra is hosted in the Ministerial Council for Social Services for the purpose of discussion.  Media office of the Prime Minister  15- July-2020

Al-Kazemi From Karbala: We Have A Plan For Financial And Economic Reform

Wednesday 15 July 2020  126 Baghdad / Al-Sabah Karbala / Ali Lifta  The Prime Minister revealed, during his visit to Karbala Governorate, yesterday, Tuesday, that his government prepared a "prospective economic and financial reforms paper that includes several axes",

pledging to activate and support the private sector and provide all the requirements for its success, to be a primary engine for the wheel of economy and job creation, while opening a number Among the projects include Imam Al-Hassan Hospital (PBUH) to confront the Corona pandemic, and the Imam Hussain (PBP) Rotary Project, to unlock traffic jams during religious events.

A statement by the Prime Minister's Information Office, received by Al-Sabah, stated that, upon his arrival in the province, Al-Kazemi held a meeting with the Governor of Karbala, Nassif Al-Khattabi and a number of security leaders in the province.

During the visit, the Prime Minister inaugurated the Imam Al-Hassan, peace be upon him hospital, which can accommodate four hundred and ninety-two beds, and is one of the important health projects, stressing that the opening of the hospital is of great importance in light of the Corona pandemic crisis and the increase in the percentage of injuries in it, which is a beginning to implement the promises that We made it in front of our people to provide the best services.

Al-Kazemi also inaugurated the Rotary Project of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, that will contribute to unlocking traffic jams in the governorate center during religious occasions.

Al-Kazemi emphasized that the experiences of previous years proved the failure of the total dependence on oil, which caused the state to embarrass the government.

The government has prepared a white paper for prospective economic and financial reforms, including several axes, the foremost of which is the activation of the private sector, its support and the provision of all the requirements for its success, to be a main engine for the economy’s wheel Iraqi, and an effective contributor to job creation for young people.

For his part, the Governor of Karbala, Eng. Nassif Jassem Al-Khattabi, in an interview with Al-Sabah, pointed out that, during his meeting with the Prime Minister in his office, he discussed a number of important files related to the governorate, including the share of Karbala from electrical energy, the completion of service projects, and tackling the issue of garbage And school projects, as well as a number of files for the governorate, such as annual roads and other important strategic projects.  LINK

Likelihood Of Postponing The General Population And Housing Census Until 2022

Wednesday 15 July 2020  86  Baghdad / Omar Abdul Latif  A member of the Supreme Commission for Population and Housing Census suggested that the general population and housing census that was scheduled to take place this year has been postponed to 2022, due to the economic crisis the country is going through and the Corona pandemic.

Member of the commission, the head of the Kurdistan Regional Statistics Authority, Sirwan Muhammad Mohiuddin, said in an interview with Al-Sabah: The last meeting of the commission, which was held at the end of last June, discussed the possibilities of postponing the general population and housing census, due to the economic and health conditions that Iraq and the world are suffering in present time.

Mohiuddin added that the authority set a timetable for the progress of the procedures up to the day of implementation, including the inventory and numbering that should have been implemented last June, the division of the enumerators that should have followed this topic, and the databases and satellite images, as well as the electronic census that basically needs To an infrastructure that is not currently available in the country.   LINK

Planning And Industry

Wednesday 15 July 2020  74  A marine star  Our national industry is the reserve for depleted oil wealth, and for this many public companies affiliated with the Ministry of Industry and Minerals and many other effective production facilities are considered the industrial pillar of economic construction. Straightener.

The implementation of the "Law on the Protection of the National Product in Force" has become a national economic necessity to document production and limit the flow of foreign consumer goods to the market. Iraqi.

Evaluating a production policy with future objective dimensions that requires good behavior and professional performance in the use of raw materials and raising production rates in them in a longer period of time, in addition to reducing damage, loss and wastage other than Justification.

There is no doubt that caring for the labor force and giving the character of social and service interest leads to increased production and improved quality, and therefore this aims to build a sustainable industrial economy that is synonymous with oil production, and in conditions facing Iraq as is the case right Now.

In order for the official large companies to benefit from them and the public sector as well as the mixed sector from the stability of (electric energy) in its best condition than it was, it must double its production and compensate for the missed And fluctuate.

Achievement (economic feasibility) of the available spaces in the available methods and the reduction of the movement of unjustified spending according to the rules and the system of continuous internal control and the application of the accounting system in all devices, has become an imperative in order to connect the safety of the local product well and in an appropriate and desirable quality without a doubt creates the elements Productivity is a driving force for success, development, and self-sufficiency For the citizen.

Those concerned now have to keep in mind that Iraq is importing more than two-thirds of its food needs as it imports the greater part of its consumer goods, which is a waste of currency Precious.

Hence, it is possible to imagine the extent of the tragedy that could be resolved by the Iraqi economy if oil exports contracted or stopped altogether, and this is what is happening now from the floundering of Iraqi policy that is not based on the rules accompanying emergency and new events on the local economic reality And universal. LINK

The Insurance Sector At The Expert Table

Wednesday 15 July 2020  Baghdad / Hussein Thagab  An economic seminar organized via the electronic platform “Economy First” addressed the role of insurance in economic life, as it has become an urgent necessity in modern societies to ward off risks that individuals and societies cannot neglect and neglect its role.

Insurance alone is the best way to protect property and means of production and capital, and a guarantee to protect the family and individuals from all dangers that they may be exposed to, and it constitutes a tributary of the tributaries of the national economy of any country,

and it has taken the attention it deserves by regulating its provisions by law, and considering that the insurance industry is an industry Universality is inseparable from international economic life, as this industry has had to keep pace with these developments and go hand in hand with them.

Insurance awareness

The symposium was moderated by Dr. Bassem Abdel-Hadi Al-Ibrahimi and asked at the beginning about the effects and implications of developing the insurance sector on the economic and financial reality in Iraq? Is it possible in light of the challenges facing the insurance sector, such as weak insurance, health and preventive awareness in general among the citizen, the high rates of organized crime, sabotage, fire, and financial and administrative corruption, and what caused ISIS criminal gangs' occupation of some of Iraq’s provinces to confuse the reality of implementing projects,

which led to the loss Some companies have their geographical branches and their market share, which is a real threat that has been reflected in the overall public activity, as well as the need for legislation to facilitate and encourage the marketing of various insurance policies and restrict the insurance procedure for goods imported into the country to Iraqi companies.

As the law regulating insurance business No. (10) for the year 2005 did not provide for the insurance of assets and liabilities with insurance companies registered in Iraq and a license to conduct business by the Insurance Bureau.


The researcher, Aqeel Jabr Al-Muhammadawi, answered the question of Dr. Basim Al-Ibrahimi, saying: “Certainly and definitely, it has implications and direct effects on supporting the Iraqi economy and developing various economic sectors if sufficient government attention is given, restructuring the insurance system and insurance management to improve the reality of implementing plans and strategies, as well as increasing Insurance awareness and awareness and achieving sustainable insurance development on the basis of an advanced insurance technical professional.

"Some economic effects can be envisaged in regards to the economic results to ignore the role of Iraqi insurance companies and clear. The insurance premiums spent on purchasing insurance protection for the assets inside Iraq are transferred abroad either by ignorance or intent instead of spending them in Iraq. This deprives these companies of the opportunity to grow." And the advancement to deal with the requirements of insurance projects in its various stages and the technical and financial challenges imposed on them by the development of the economy.

Grants and loans

He pointed out that "this situation reflects a general case of re-exporting the economic benefits outside Iraq instead of benefiting from them in promoting the national economic accumulation. It suffices here to remember the fate of the balances in the Iraq Development Fund and grants, loans and in-kind aid approved by the Donors Conference in Madrid in October 2003 , A large percentage of them were spent outside Iraq to deflect poor security conditions. That is, they were not directly affected by the movement of the Iraqi economy in addition to the extravagance and theft it was exposed to.

Academic Dr. Maitham Laibi said: “Iraqi public funds, movable and immovable, are subject to multiple forms of leakage and misuse, all of which affect the movement of the Iraqi economy and the insurance sector. For example, spending on purchasing insurance protection from abroad, without going through insurance companies Iraqi, is one of the forms of money diversion and is at the same time a loss of income for these companies as it is a loss of a tax source (income tax on companies Insurance)".

National market

He continued, "What concerns us about this potential role of the insurance industry in Iraq in contributing to economic development. The law, as it is, and the method of conducting insurance outside Iraq deprives the insurance sector of the actual contribution to development in the foreseeable future when the features of this law become clear in application and some of its provisions are neglected."

Like Article 81, for the project to establish an Iraqi common national market for insurance, in fact, since November 1991 there has been no true national, federal market. And I would like to emphasize here (Article 14- First) that none of the people stipulated in Article (13) is permitted It is from this law to practice insurance business only after obtaining a license to do so in accordance with the provisions of this law.

There is a generalization on the governmental institutions not to insure in foreign insurance companies that are not approved by the Iraqi Insurance Bureau or the registered companies and official institutions, and it reduces the leakage of insurance and hard currency outside Iraq, but it is noticeable, and with the testimony of the Iraqi insurance companies and their legal advisors, that insurance and reinsurance companies are not Iraqi and unregistered With the Ministry of Trade and not authorized by the Bureau that subscribes to Iraqi business in its home countries, thereby depriving Iraqi insurance companies registered and authorized by the Iraqi Insurance Bureau and paying taxes and fees for their activities, from their legal right to subscribe to insurance activities for Iraqi assets, including people.

Insurance activities

As for Dr. Mustafa Kamel, he indicated that "the Iraqi insurance institutions have a great way to go to prove their worth in the field of insurance, and they must take advantage of the Corona pandemic conditions in order to promote and market innovative insurance ideas, perhaps the most important in the health field, and the weak awareness of the public in the field of insurance activities It constitutes a major challenge to the success and prosperity of insurance activities in Iraq, so all efforts must be combined to support private and public insurance activities. Perhaps the exceptional challenge in this direction is the high volume of the informal economy, which in turn cancels any insurance activity that depends on real leading institutions operating in Economy in an organized way. "  LINK

Parliament Opens The Public Prosecutor On Electricity Contracts

Time: 7/15/2020 15:00:25 Read: 1,651 times  {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The head of the investigative committee in charge of investigating the contracts of the Ministry of Electricity, Hassan Al-Kaabi, announced today, Wednesday, that the public prosecutor has approached the Ministry of Electricity contracts since the fall of the previous regime until now.

Al-Kaabi said during a press conference in the presence of a number of deputies attended, that "the committee formed according to Parliamentary Order 62 by the Speaker of the House of Representatives in cooperation with Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi will have a meeting with the representative of the Public Prosecutor after the approval of the head of the judiciary."

And, "The investigative committee will meet the Minister of Electricity within the ministry because there is a lot of money wasted in this sector without success, and the citizen is still suffering for nearly 17 years."

On July 12, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Muhammad al-Halbousi, directed the formation of a committee to scrutinize and investigate the contracts of the Ministry of Electricity.

A member of the Investigation Committee in the contracts of the Ministry of Electricity, Khaled Al-Jashmi, confirmed today, Wednesday, that the committee will not favor a politician.

Al-Jashmi told Al-Furat News that "about 27 trillion dinars were actually spent on the Ministry of Electricity for projects regardless of an operating budget," noting that "the committee will visit the ministry next Sunday, and we will require all contracts concluded between the Ministry of Electricity and companies to build stations or others We use the Financial Supervision Bureau and the head of the Bureau is a member of this committee to provide us with reports on each of the contracts and they have observations and reports on them. "   LINK

The Kurdistan Government Ratifies A Number Of Regulations To Implement The Reform Law

Time: 07/15 2020 16:21:02 Reading: 923 times  {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The Kurdistan Regional Council of Ministers held today, Wednesday, its regular session headed by Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and in the presence of Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani, through a closed-circuit television system (video conference).

The media office of the region’s government stated that “in the first paragraph of the meeting, Minister of Finance and Economy Awat Sheikh Janab reviewed the internal system of the region’s pension fund in the framework of practical steps to implement the reform law.

Mainly to guarantee the rights of retirees of the Kurdistan region in all functional areas, especially as the fund’s revenues are allocated to disbursing the financial dues to retirees, provided that the fund has a board of directors composed of representatives of the ministries concerned. ”

In another aspect of the meeting, Cabinet Secretary Amanj Rahim presented, "The system for determining the conditions for appointment to the position of general manager and above, within the framework of applying the reform law, under this system it is necessary to take into account the existence of conditions for certification, experience and specialization for those who occupy these higher job levels, and who They have a prominent role in the administrative leadership to walk the duties of the ministries and their activities, as they are professionals and technocrats.

After that, the Minister of the Territory for Parliamentary Affairs, Fala Farid, presented "the new law for the sale and rental of state funds and properties, and it was passed unanimously."

And in the last paragraph of the meeting, “The Cabinet endorsed the joint proposal submitted by the ministries of Municipalities and Tourism, Agriculture and Water Resources related to the project to re-implement the implementation of the (Law of Regulating Disposal Rights in Agricultural Lands)

No. (1) for the year 2008 to compensate the farmers who meet the conditions in the aforementioned law Their transactions were not conducted, to be compensated after examining their files and ensuring that they meet the legal requirements. "

And with the approved proposal, "The problem of some of the citizens who were granted lands in the past years will be solved by way of the (kart) and not owned by them in the real estate registration departments (Tabu) until now, and this certification will give citizens an opportunity to register the housing units that they bought in the investment housing complexes In their names, and on this basis, the ministries of Municipalities and Tourism, Agriculture and Water Resources and Justice were directed to expedite the conduct of legal transactions for these citizens. " LINK

Al-Kazemi: We Have Information About The Corrupt People In The Ports, Who Will Be Prosecuted Legally

Time: 07/15 2020 14:17:55 Read: 2,678 times  (Baghdad: Al Furat News) The Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, conducted a tour of the northern port of Umm Qasr in Basra Governorate, as part of the campaign to combat corruption in border crossings.

According to the statement of the Information Office of the Prime Minister, he received {Al Furat News} that “the general manager of the border outlets gave a detailed presentation on the reality of the southern, central and northern port of Umm Qasr, the mechanisms and procedures taken to facilitate the work there, and what was taken in light of the directives of the Prime Minister.”

He directed the Prime Minister to "protect the customs sanctuary in the ports by military forces and prevent any force or entity trying to enter it by force. He also directed to reduce complicated routine procedures and work to rotate employees to reduce corruption, and affirmed that everyone is under surveillance, and we have information about the corrupt." In the ports, they will be prosecuted. "

Al-Kazemi stressed that "the ports are one of the most important border entry points in all countries of the world, as they constitute an essential pillar of the economy, and the necessary plans must be put in place to develop them."

Al-Kazimi indicated that "the country is going through a financial and economic crisis today, and the most important non-oil financial revenues that can support the state treasury come from ports and customs, but today we face a great challenge with regard to these implementers, which is an opportunity for the government to impose law and order in them." LINK


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