Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 7-14-20

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 7-14-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday July 14th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Ok let’s talk a little bit about the intel of where we are – Here’s the thing – remember of course the disclaimer – Bruce is not a CPA – not a tax accountant – not a tax attorney and I don’t play one on the Big Call – that being said - we do get questions occasionally – and people wonder about the tax situation or what about in this particular case – how would this affect my social security ?

Well - #1  income which is remember the exchange of the currency and the redemption of the Zim – notice I said that differently – exchange of the foreign currency and the redemption of the Zim Bond – those will create for you in a tax free event that creates money in the form of the exchange so that is NOT taxable –

Now when you go to take that money we call the mother lode account – the main account –especially if you are a Zim holder - we consider that the master account or mother lode account – So… the mother lode account will earn you interest depending on how long you have it in a structured payout could be 25 yrs – I hope I can get them to extend that to go longer than 25 – I will just be getting started in 25 yrs –

That is paying interest out every quarter – which is every 3 months – at a prescribed rate – we know what that could be - and so when that happens – when that income is generated – it is passive income – it is what tax accountants – CPA’s – IRS refer to as “passive income” – it is not what you have worked for – called earned income – this is not “earned” income – this is passive income –

So this money that’s in the bank – generating interest – yes it is income to you – and you will pay taxes on it - under the current tax plan - but that’s all you do – you know – in other words – you’ve heard the term – let your money make you money – and that is what our money is going to do – it will make money – as it generates this passive income –

Why is it “passive”? Because you don’t have to do anything to earn it – you don’t have to do anything to receive it - that is why it is considered “passive”

What I’m trying to get to the question is this – that form of income – interest income or passive income does NOT affect social security – it is considered investment income and that interest does not affect your social security –

#2 Does it matter? Does it matter that you have a zillion dollars that you made on a currency exchange or a Zim redemption – does social security even matter ??????  The great answer is NO – you will still receive it – in fact I’m understanding that we’re going to see increase in social security as a result of this new influx of capital – coming into the country –

We could see up to a 30% increase in social security benefits – that is unofficial – I do not have that in writing - but is something I’ve heard that may be happening for us - social security – you know  it all adds up - - it’s gas money – that’s what it’s going to be for us – because when this thing happens- it’s not going to matter a whole hill of beans-  but we will still get it

So let’s talk about what’s happening today – President Trump spoke for about an hour in the Rose Garden at somewhere in the 6 pm range and got that interesting group of things said – there was nothing specific really said to us – other than he wanted a level playing field for all parties – and we’ve heard that level playing field analogy many times – in different ways – and I think what’s going to happen once this GCR thing take place where we see it

Now we had good confirmation pointing to today for us to start with our notification and subsequent exchanges - however – we did have a delay – which amounted to at least 14 hours - and this was caused by a particular banker that tried to get in / gain  the system between the point of our new deposits going in and the time they were fully protected under the Quantum Financial System – QFS –

The system that is being put together which was called the FenCen Digital System (??) being put together in Singapore - there were some people that were involved – and I don’t want to get into the specifics of who they are/were – but they were people who were trying to be able to siphon off funds from our newly deposited accounts – They got them – all that were involved in this – and they corrected any issue with the problem so that back door - if you will is sealed –

So we have a protocol that takes us from the deposit position to a fully protected state inside the bank with the back-up essentially being with the US Treasury in our case – it’s something that did slow us down for approximately 14 hours yesterday and for today our notifications not likely – now some people set appointments – we heard this a half hour before the call started –

I found that some people were able to set appointments – these more than likely were people that were called directly from the bank - because they had left word with the bank – hey when this thing is ready to go let me know – and some people were notified – and they set some appointments for tomorrow

Now – what does that mean for you and me that did not get a phone call from the bank saying they would like to set our appointment for tomorrow – It means #1 the 800 number is not put out yet and they did not use it - #2 it means that the emails with the 800 number from Wells Fargo – 527,000+ emails did not go out either –

Now – what I am hearing as late as an hour before the Big Call – tonight – it appears that tomorrow morning is our likely start – for notifications – and subsequent setting of appointments and following that – exchanges – all could begin on the same day- tomorrow –

Now – again – what does Bruce not do?  I’m not calling it – I’m just reporting what I heard from very good sources – very good sources also told me prior to the weekend that Tuesday was going to be our day - but so far Tuesday is NOT our day – that’s right now – but it does not mean that tomorrow is not a very good opportunity for this to all go –

We do have all new rates – they are very good – there’s no issue with that – you know that if you are a part of the 4B internet group – you are the only people that will be offered a very high rate of interest on your exchanges and this is particular to the Zim – this is for the Zim holders who are doing their redemption at the redemption centers – and remember – when you add all of the 13,810 redemption centers to the ones that are 2200 redemption centers that are part of tier 1 and tier 2 banks – either inside or adjacent to the tier 1 and tier 2 banks – that adds up to over 1 6,000 redemption centers  - and we have the ability to go all the way through the last day of July – which is July 31st from whenever our start date is –

Now – the 15th is typically an important day – important in the sense that Iraq’s payroll is done on the 1st and the 15th of the month - It should be that this gets done so that Iraq can pay their people at the new rate – starting tomorrow – in a matter of hours – because of the time difference between Iraq and here in the US – so that is another positive sign –

Also we had the new UN operational rate kicks in on the 15th and also so does the IMF rate as well -  the Forex will update as it does usually between 2:00 – 2:30 am – and I would think the new rate should reflect sometime after that – well before the banks open here in the US –

Everything is moving forward and I’m tired of hearing money is moving – If I ever see that expression again it is going to get a big X on a T shirt – don’t ever say money is moving – that is another phrase that is no longer you are going to be able to use  -

So yes – of course - I did hear that all of the funds that we need for the groups to be paid – that’s 4A – the Core and us 4B – are in place ready to be distributed – in other words ready to go to those individual participants in tier 4A and in the Core – and also ready for us when we set appointments and go in for our exchanges and Zim redemption – Everything is set and ready  to go as far as that goes – that is all set - I believe – based on what I’m hearing unless the groups go overnight tonight – meaning they received email notification overnight – I believe we are basically go at the same time – as a shotgun start – just like in a golf tournament –

Now that is probably what we’re looking at – If tier 4A and the Cores get a head start tonight – so be it – God Bless them – I hope they do – I don’t know that though –

Tuesday was to be liquidity day – that should mean that the groups get access to up to 20% of their funds tomorrow - they won’t get 100% but up to 20% - We would get a large percentage when we do our exchanges – in fact for us exchanging currency – Dinar – dong – Rupiah – Rial – we would receive access to that equivalent in USN dollars on the day of exchange – you would be able to have access to that money -  not that you need it all – but all of it available to you –

Now when it comes to the Zim – it has a much higher value – and the Zim will be accessible using something like a structured payout – you will get access to portions of it – if that’s your only currency – I have no intention of accessing any of it – mine is going to be held in a mother lode account with a structured payout – all I need from that is when the interest is paid and is spilled over into a secondary account –

That is the account I’m going to use for my projects and that will be coming every 90 days – with the structured payout - That is my idea – my plan – You do that – it doesn’t matter it’s whatever you want to do

Now – we are where we are – we know this thing has been a moving target since the beginning – we know they don’t want us to know when it’s going to go – even though I had really strong information for it rolling out today – because of this delay – because of this one banker and the whole plan he had put together we got delayed and it wasn’t going to happen today for us – tomorrow is looking good so.. we’ll see how that shakes out - 


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins:  1:06:15


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