Iraqi News and Highlights Monday AM 8-10-20

Iraqi News and Highlights Monday AM 8-10-20

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Kaabi Calls For An End To The Suffering Of Those With Higher Degrees

Monday 10 August 2020  80  Baghdad / morning  First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Hassan Karim Al Kaabi urged the government to listen to the demands of the demonstrators who hold higher degrees, calling on them in all its institutions to take serious action to end the suffering of this group, which has prolonged so much, indicating that it is difficult to continue ignoring these great scientific capabilities and keeping them without appointment or salary .

A statement by his media office received by "Al-Sabah" stated that "Al-Kaabi praised the move of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi for the meeting that he gathered with a number of young protesters who graduated days ago," while calling "Al-Kazemi and the concerned ministers - especially the Minister of Foreign Affairs - to repeat the same step, meet the bearers of certificates and issue directives." "Ensuring their protection and preventing any attacks against them, and trying to find urgent solutions to ensure the implementation of their legitimate demands in accordance with the law."  LINK

Ministers And The Director Of Al-Kazemi's Office Disclose Their Financial Receivables

Time: 08/10/2020 14:16:12 Read: 2,483 times  {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The Federal Integrity Commission revealed that the Ministers of Higher Education, Scientific Research, Electricity, Education and Interior, and the Director of the Prime Minister’s Office, disclosed their financial receivables for the year 2020.

The Department of Prevention at the authority indicated that it had received the current year financial disclosure forms related to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research (Nabil Kazem Abdel-Saheb), the Minister of Electricity (Majid Mahdi Hantoush), the Minister of Education (Ali Hamid Mikhlif), and the Minister of Interior) Othman Al-Ghanimi.

The department continued, indicating that it had received the financial disclosure form for the director of the Prime Minister’s office (Raed Juhi Hammadi) for the current year, and the Department of Prevention at the authority indicated that it had received the current year’s financial disclosure form for the Minister of Interior (Othman Ali Farhood).

At the end of the previous year, the Commission disclosed the details of the first amendment to its enforceable Law No. 30 of 2011, after the Parliament approved the amendment, in accordance with the provisions of Clause 1 of Article 61 and Clause Three of Article 73 of the Constitution, as Article 16 first specified Those included with disclosure of their financial receivables.  LINK

Ministry Of Oil: Approving The Electronic Card For The Tanker Companies

Time: 08/10/2020 11:35:35 Read: 1,742 times  {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The Ministry of Oil announced, on Monday, the adoption of the electronic card {BAG} for the transporting companies contracting with it to transport oil products between the provinces, while it confirmed that it would issue it soon.

The Director of the Security Permit Office at the Ministry of Oil, Abdul Hadi Faisal, said in a press statement that “after the approval of the Minister of Oil and with the aim of facilitating security procedures and achieving a high flow in the movement and transportation of petroleum products between governorates, especially from warehouses and warehouses to fuel stations and others, the office will issue an electronic card for companies. The tanker includes photos and the required information about workers in these companies, and it is valid for one year.

Faisal added, "This measure will contribute to eliminating red tape and bureaucracy, alleviating reviews and the suffering of the carriers and the concerned departments simultaneously, as well as facilitating and streamlining the process of passing the basins through the security controls between the governorates."

Faisal added, "The ministry called on the transporting companies contracting with the Oil Products Distribution Company to review the Security Permit Office to provide them with the required information according to a form prepared for this purpose, which is distributed free of charge for the purpose of speeding up the completion of the electronic card issuance processes." He had prepared an integrated electronic program for this purpose. "  LINK 

Cancellation Of A Large Deduction In Employee Salaries

Time: 08/10/2020 10:25:42 Read: 12,220 times  {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The Minister of Finance and Economy in the Kurdistan Region, Awat Sheikh Janab, issued an order to suspend the work of a previous letter issued by the ministry regarding the deduction of 21% of employees' salaries.

The ministry previously issued a circular to government departments to provide them with a list of employees' salaries with a deduction of 21%, but a source in the Ministry of Finance stated that the minister suspended work with this decision.

The source said in a press statement that "the minister issued instructions to suspend the decision on the book until a cabinet session is held in the coming days."

According to the information, more than 100 billion dinars of oil revenues will be transferred to the account of the Ministry of Finance during the current week, with the aim of distributing employees' salaries.

On June 21, the Kurdistan Regional Government issued a set of decisions about salaries and employee allowances, including the deduction of 21% of salaries due to the current financial crisis caused by low oil prices and the Corona pandemic.  LINK

Parliamentary Special Investigation Committee Receives Electricity Contracts

Energy  Economy News _ Baghdad  The parliamentary committee in charge of investigating the electricity file announced, on Monday, that it had received the electricity contracts it had requested from the ministry, to investigate what had been spent.

Committee member Ali Saadoun Al-Lami said in an interview with "Al-Iktissad News", that "the committee is working on ending this file, which has exhausted the citizen for 17 years without obtaining services despite the large sums spent on this sector."

Al-Lami added, “The contracts requested by the parliamentary committee in charge of this file have arrived and there will be a meeting this week for them with the help of specialists from those involved in this file and technicians in order to dismantle and analyze these contracts until the prices are known and where the defect is, and legal professionals will be used to know the validity of the contracts Where is the defect, and how did things reach their way; Ie, knowing all the legal matters regarding it. ”

He continued, "The contracts requested by the committee are many and require more work and intensive meetings," stressing "the committee's seriousness in ending this important file and informing the public opinion of the facts about it," indicating "its insistence on opening all contracts and investigating them and places of waste of public money, and the reasons for Stop in. ”

Number of observations 36 date of addendum

Kurdistan Region Puts New Conditions On Baghdad To Import Electricity

Energy  Economy News - Baghdad: A spokesman for the Ministry of Electricity in the Kurdistan Regional Government announced that the Iraqi federal government intends to obtain quantities of electrical energy from the Kurdistan Region and from Turkey to supply the rest of the Iraqi cities with electricity, and if that happens, "we have our conditions ."

On Monday (27 July 2020), the Minister of Electricity in the Iraqi Federal Government, Majid Mahdi Hantoush, announced in a press statement that followed a meeting between him and the governor of Najaf, Luay Al-Yasiri, that he had met with the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, about finding an urgent solution to provide electricity For Iraqi citizens, and that they decided to buy 450 megawatts of electricity from the Kurdistan region and 200 megawatts from Turkey, and that this would increase the provision of electricity to the cities of central Iraq . 

The spokesman for the Kurdistan Regional Electricity Ministry, Omid Ahmed, said that they had received information about the efforts of the Iraqi government, "We have discussed this issue in the Ministry of Electricity and decided to provide Baghdad with electricity on conditions ."

Among the conditions of the Kurdistan Region Ministry of Electricity is that supplying Iraqi cities with electricity does not affect the national electricity in the Kurdistan Region and does not lead to a shortage of supply to the region’s citizens, and then Baghdad provides fuel for the stalled electricity production units in the Kurdistan Region to obtain in return the electricity produced from these Units .

The discontinued electric power production units in the Kurdistan Region are owned by investors, but a spokesman for the Kurdistan Regional Electricity Ministry says: “If the federal government implements these conditions and the Kurdistan Regional Government agrees, we will allow them to be supplied with electricity .”

There are 14 power plants in the Kurdistan Region, with a total production capacity of 6,737 megawatts of electricity, but they currently produce only about 3,000 megawatts .

The units that have stopped producing electrical energy are one in Erbil, one in Sulaymaniyah, and one in Bazian West in Dohuk, and if the necessary fuel is provided for them, they can return to work and produce electrical energy .

According to federal public budgets since 2003, more than 40 billion dollars have been spent for the electricity sector, but many regions of Iraq are supplied with national electricity 12 hours a day or less than this period .

At the end of last July, the shortage of providing citizens with national electricity led to clashes between the demonstrators and the Interior Forces in Tahrir Square in Baghdad .

Number of observations 2 Date added 08/10/2020

Border Crossings: July's Revenues Amounted To About 100 Billion Dinars

Money  and business  Economy News _ Baghdad  The Border Ports Authority announced, on Monday, the transfer of accumulated containers to remote places to maintain the safety of the ports and the security of citizens, while noting that the revenues of July amounted to about 100 billion dinars.

The head of the Border Ports Authority, Omar Al-Waeli, said in an interview with the official Iraqi News Agency, which was seen by Al-Iqtisad News. Chemical ".

He added that "the formed committees began with a complete and detailed inventory of all containers and overcrowded goods, the cause of which is stacked differently between judicial procedures, failure to review their owners, or incomplete customs papers."

He pointed out that "the ports were evacuated from containers, and transferred to remote and remote places, in order to preserve the safety of border crossings and the security of citizens."

He pointed out that "the seaports bear the greatest burden in carrying large quantities of containers, as coordination has been made with the Joint Operations Command, and all security services and relevant departments, to take fundamental measures against these containers."

And he stated that "the revenues of the border ports for the month of July amounted to about 100 billion dinars, despite the zero customs duties and exemptions for many goods, in addition to the closure of most border ports due to the Corona pandemic," indicating that "these revenues came from the work of 7 to 8 border ports. Out of 21 outlets. "

He stressed that "the commission intends to achieve more revenues to support the state treasury with funds, to face the financial hardship the country is going through."

With regard to border crossings in the Kurdistan region, he explained that "the prime minister held a preparatory meeting in order to reach joint solutions with the Kurdish side," pointing out that "there is a well thought out plan based on joint cooperation, to reach effective results."

Number of observations 38 Date added 08/10/2020

Agriculture: We Will Not Close Our Door To Importers And Investors In The Agricultural Sector

Money  and business  Economy News _ Baghdad  The Ministry of Agriculture confirmed, on Monday, that it will not close its door to importers and investors in the agricultural sector, indicating that closing borders to imported agricultural products will be subject to the "agricultural calendar."

The Minister of Agriculture, Muhammad al-Khafaji, said during his meeting with a number of members of the Baghdad Chamber of Commerce, according to a statement that "Al-Iktissad News" received a copy of, that "the ministry will not be closed to importers and investors in the agricultural sector, and we are working to find transformational industries to absorb the surplus of agricultural crops."

Al-Khafaji added, "Closing the borders to imported agricultural products will be subject to the agricultural calendar and will be according to a database that everyone can see in order to transparently identify the amount of plant and animal agricultural products that can be provided to the consumer and determine the actual need for import." Iraqi to the free market system. "

Al-Khafaji pointed out, "A sub-committee will be formed to consult with investors and importers and formulate new foundations for work in accordance with the law and instructions in force regarding the issue of importing veterinary medicines and vaccines, import licenses, and excluding some animal products from the import ban."

For their part, members of the Baghdad Chamber of Commerce affirmed their "great readiness to establish transformative industries such as paste factories, date molasses and other materials to supply the market with local products," while a number of importers expressed their "willingness to abide by any agreement with the ministry and to exploit lands that are not cultivated with crops to establish Factories for manufacturing foodstuffs, employing manpower and providing hard currency for the country. "

It is worth noting that the Ministry of Agriculture had previously stopped importing 28 agricultural and animal materials, after obtaining self-sufficiency and support for the national product.

Number of observations 34, date of addendum

The United States Continues To Support The Work Of The United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees In Iraq

Monday 10, August 2020 13:04 | PoliticalViews: 73  Baghdad / NINA / The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees welcomed the new contribution of $ 41.8 million provided by the United States of America, which aims to support the response plans for displaced persons, the regional plan for resilience for Syrian refugees and asylum seekers 2020/2021, as well as the response plan for the Corona pandemic.

This brings the total US contribution to the commission in Iraq this year to more than $ 107 million, as 31% of the commission’s operations in Iraq have so far been funded.

According to a statement, the UN mission has received the Iraqi National News Agency / NINA/ A copy of it "In Iraq today, there are still thousands of vulnerable displaced families who are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. With nearly 1.4 million displaced persons, 4.7 million returnees, and 286,000 refugees and asylum seekers, the needs are great and there is a need for them."

Continuous support to ensure a stable and peaceful recovery, especially in light of the spread of the health crisis prevailing due to the Corona pandemic, which exacerbated the protection risks faced by vulnerable displaced families, and further impeded these families' access to basic goods, services and livelihood opportunities.

She added, "This generous and timely donation from the United States of America to UNHCR will help in providing the necessary protection services for displaced families, including child protection, reducing sexual and gender-based violence, monitoring protection matters, as well as providing the necessary cash assistance to meet the needs." the basic.

The Chargé d'Affairs at the US Embassy in Baghdad, Stephen Fagin, said, "The United States is extremely committed to caring for the displaced Iraqis as well as in supporting UNHCR's work towards sustainable, voluntary and safe return, local integration, and other solutions."

He added, "The United States is sincere in working with the new Iraqi government and the Kurdistan Regional Government to ensure the prosperity of all components of Iraqi society in their homeland, as well as in providing the assistance that Syrians and other refugees and asylum seekers need in Iraq, as supporting these residents and their communities is part of stabilizing Iraq." And his success. "

On her part, Acting Representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Philippa Candler, said: "With the increasing challenges, timely funding is needed to help the displaced people affected by conflict, refugees, asylum seekers and returnees."

And she continued: “Donor support is greatly appreciated during these times not only in the face of the effects of the Corona pandemic for refugees and displaced persons, but rather in the fear that the consequences will continue to affect livelihood opportunities for the coming months and years, and UNHCR will spare no effort in providing protection and other things. Forms of support for the needy as it works to achieve durable solutions for those displaced, and UNHCR appreciates the support provided by major donor countries such as the United States of America, which makes this continuous work possible.

The UN mission confirmed, "The United States of America remains the largest donor to the commission in the world. / End 9

Oil Rises 1% Due To An Optimistic View Of Asian Demand And The Reduction In Iraq's Supply

Monday 10, August 2020 12:46 | EconomicalViews: 70  Baghdad / NINA / Oil prices rose today, Monday, supported by Saudi optimism about Asian demand and an Iraqi pledge to deepen supply cuts, but uncertainty over an agreement to support the US economic recovery limited the gains.

Brent crude futures were 34 cents, equivalent to 0.8 percent, to $ 44.74 a barrel, while US West Texas Intermediate crude futures advanced 47 cents, or 1.1 percent, recording $ 41.69.

Both crude fell on Friday, affected by concerns about demand, but Brent closed the week up 2.5 percent, while West Texas rose 2.4 percent.

On the supply side, Iraq said on Friday that it would reduce its oil production by another 400 thousand barrels per day in August and September to compensate for production above the target in the last three months, which would help it to adhere to its share of the cuts of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies, within the framework of the OPEC + group. /


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