IQD CALLS Early Wednesday 4-15-20

IQD CALLS Early Wednesday 4-15-20

chattels   Musings on #Iraq Iraq Asks World Bank For Help During Financial Crisis

chattels   Iraq is facing a dual crisis caused by the Russian-Saudi oil war and the global coronavirus that has collapsed the international oil market which the country depends upon. In response, Baghdad has gone to the World Bank asking for help.

chattels   If Iraq does get any funds from the World Bank it will likely be on very strict terms. The Bank loaned money to Iraq during the war against the Islamic State and was supposed to carry out financial reforms and concentrate on reconstruction afterward. It did neither. That was because the budget is based upon political rather than economic factors, and neither reforms nor rebuilding fit the elite’s agenda.

chattels   The reason why Iraq is going to the World Bank is because it is the most oil dependent country in the world. With the collapse in oil prices it can’t pay its bills, the largest of which is salaries and pensions for public workers. In March 2020 it earned $2.9 billion from oil exports but needs $3.5 billion a month just for government salaries.

chattels   It has to get loans as a result, and this is likely the start of a series of negotiations with the World Bank and IMF to acquire them. Iraq knows that the energy market goes through booms and busts but never prepares for the downturns.

In fact, it makes the situation worse because when oil prices go up the government greatly increases its public sector which means when petroleum drops the next time it will fall into an even greater deficit.

Again, this is due to the Iraqi elite who see the nation’s oil wealth as a means to maintain its power and enrich itself. It is not interested in development or economics which might mitigate these cyclical problems.

chattels   Deputy for Al-Fateh: Sunni blocs demand 6 ministries from the Al-Kazemi government

Editing Date: 14/14/2020 19:34 •

chattels   "Al-Kazemi is currently facing the same conditions and restrictions by the Sunni and Kurdish blocs that confronted Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi and that led him to withdraw."

chattels   What will happen to the post of prime minister when Al-Kazemi failed in parliament?

Editing Date: 4/14/2018 18:20 •

chattels Al-Kazemi's government formation approval by Parliament is not a foregone conclusion - no matter what guru(s) may tell you.

chattels" The reason why Mike Pompeo went to Iraq on Easter Sunday and met with the new prime minister Kazemi is because his government is done and formed." - 4-14-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff

chattels   The gurus said the same thing about the government being formed by Allawi and Zurfi.

Baxter Good    Morning..Good Morning.. . GUESS WHAT i GOT THIS MORNING

hspohioA check?


hspohio   GREAT!! probably none here.

futuremoney   got ours yesterday

Hspohio   Nothing in my mailbox this morning, but that was yesterdays mail. Maybe today. Of course, it would just be the wife's.

Baxter   you dont have direct deposit??

Hspohio   I don't have direct deposit. I don't know if the wife does. She's expecting a check, so probably not.

futuremoney   hspohio if you dont have direct might have to wait for a week or two

hspohio   We always file seperate

Baxter   yes.. you will wait a while without direct deposit

hspohio   I'm not expecting anything. Been fighting with the irs for a long time. I paid 'em off last spring to get out of my life forever. Them and the state. Long story.

Baxter   I fought them for years when I was in business....

hspohio   me too

JoeSchmoe   Early data shows many Americans are spending their stimulus checks to buy basics like food and gas. Meanwhile, the International Monetary Fund warned the global economy will likely see the worst recession since the Great Depression.

JoeSchmoe   that don't sound like there's anything like an increase in value order to do what most gurus say the rv wold do

futuremoney   RV? whats that?....LOL

JoeSchmoe   better than CV

Dave   futuremoney Been driving my Lexus SC500 for 20 ys almost great car no problems except for ac......wont hold charge

Dave   1993...hate to throw money on an old car

futuremoney   esp that much

Dave   wish the GCR would hurry up...wanna new car never had one

tman23   Check out By googling Jim Cramer / dinar and listen to some investment advice... CHEERS

Dave   Rev Jim from Taxi?

Dave   tman23 to late for me...already invested   wonder how many new dinarians these days.....

futuremoney   tman23 old videos..saw them before   he wouldnt advise it today thats for sure

Dave   futuremoney we seem to be moving backwards

futuremoney   quickly

Dave   be hoping for a Coup for about 1 yr

futuremoney   oil is going to stay low for some time..i look for iraq to crash and burn

Dave   20.11 last nite

futuremoney   no economy but oil

Dave   futuremoney Canada?

Dave   we are losing money producing it

futuremoney   all countries are   but when you depend on oil are *

Dave   brent crude........3 bucks to process   cost 28 break even

futuremoney   i read iraq takes 9.00 per barrel for COST

Dave   futuremoney thought much less

futuremoney   that was an article from iraq   could be lying...who knows

Dave   oil every where no deep drilling or need for exploration

futuremoney   i heard they were actually exporing

Dave   futuremoney yes.....but still floating on it

futuremoney   i forget which oil company but i remember they pulled out of iraq for non payments

Dave   exploration re vamped 1-2 yrs ago

tman23   Yep, old videos and of very little significance due to current situation.... AND I POSTED SOMETHING SO OLD BECAUSE? .... let’s just say that the good ole USA is directly in charge of managing the cesspool right now ... it’s like the JG Wentworth saying.... it’s, our money and we NEED it now ... not waiting another 10 years ....

Dave   found much much more.....

futuremoney   tman23 i feel the US has given up on Iraq...thats why we are pulling out

futuremoney   leave them to deal with their corruption on their own

Dave   quadrupled their estimated resources just recently

futuremoney   all isee is iraq dissolving   revolution by the citizens is its only hope

Dave   at least they can still profit from their oil   we cant

futuremoney   not enough to run the country

Dave   USA was the largest oil producing nation in the World

futuremoney   still is

Dave   losing money now

futuremoney   yep   look for oil to be low for at least another 3-4 months

tman23   futuremoney You feel or believe ? USA has abandoned Iraq?..... if you believe that , why follow any of this ? ..... I posted and Guru picked it up few months ago who the USA had picked as PM ....

Mike Pompeo just made the visit and announcements a few days ago..... so there you have it .... they went through 3 PMs and if this one who is America’s choice isn’t seated then the feel will a dictator to rule the unruly , which is what they understand best

futuremoney   dictator is all they understand

Dave   futuremoney Much better off with Saddam too!

futuremoney   why is the US pulling out then...nothing to protect?

futuremoney   all they know is ..if i dont do what im told..i will be executed

futuremoney   Jordam mimicks a gov..but they still have a king   US has no hold on Iraq..imo

Dave   people happy with him too?

futuremoney   seems that way

Dave   USA bombed Iraq into obscurity looking foe weapons of mass destruction

futuremoney   gov implodes..then we will see a dictator rise up

LeLe   futuremoney you have to trust and believe the plan. US has a big hold on Iraq.

futuremoney   LeLe i dont see evidence of that

Dave   So why no RV LeLe ?

tman23   It’s same as any who ever followed BGG chat room might recall that on several occasions I said Barham Saleh was designated to be Vice President .... which he was moved out by Talibani wife.... but look who is VP today .... Kazemei is the choice now ... and new currency will be introduced during midway into Ramadan in May

futuremoney   tman23 hear that at every Ramadan

LeLe   Dave soon. It's being worked on.

futuremoney   LeLe going on 17 years? doubt it

Dave   futuremoney lol  so true

LeLe   futuremoney well sell it.

tman23   futuremoney Oh well, sorry to educate what you already had heard

futuremoney   if i live another 10 years Im afraid it will be the same

Dave   futuremoney 10 yrs....?

futuremoney   tman23 please show me proof that the US is still backing iraq and i will gladly change my mind...and please dont use some guru

Dave   people/protesters will be really pissed by then

futuremoney   Dave iraq is in worse shape than in 2003

LeLe   futuremoney I know why I bought in. It was not because some Guru. Rome was not built overnight. Any investment, Stock, 401k will not be an overnight sensation.

Dave   futuremoney yes

Futuremoney   LeLe i hope you are right, but im not gonna hold my breath

Dave   futuremoney tnanx to sanctions and Iraq dragging their heels

futuremoney   santions cuz they wont get their sh!t together

Dave   futuremoney how politicans maintain their wealth

tman23   futuremoney you some proof .... exactly what proof would be acceptable... how about having Donald bring it up next press conference.... will that suffice as enough proof .... I’m not selling anything.... no monetary gains being made here by posting

futuremoney   they care nothing for their people..its very obvious

Dave   futuremoney IMMUNITY

futuremoney   tman23 any proof other than a guru would suffice

Dave   just wonder who would invest in that mess

futuremoney   majority has pulled out

Dave   not 1 cent from that Kuwaiti conference

futuremoney   warka cant even get it together  the entire world has washed their hands of iraq

Dave   Trump will fix all that...LOL

futuremoney   right   that was proven by that Kuait Conference

tman23   Let’s see... I can name a VP that nobody ever heard of before I brought it up few years ago.... I can say no way the fat tony (Aka Abadi) is going to be PM again ....I can say Mahdi isn’t it.... then give a name that shows up now after 3 have been named and downed ....

futuremoney   tman23 I do respect your opinion tho..

Dave   those are abundant nowadays

futuremoney   tman23 this new guy is having the same success as his predecessors

Dave   lol

futuremoney   comes in strong then it fractures to bits

Dave   never have had a fully seated Govt

futuremoney   since 2003...disgusting   who ever heard of a 17 year plan?

Dave   all those politicians share the same bed  pay checks continue to roll in

futuremoney   yep

Dave   all they care about rich or your poor

futuremoney   still dont have 24 hour electric?? gotta be freakin kidding!   17 YEARS!!!

Dave   futuremoney Thats way GCR works fer me now ......LOL

futuremoney   only hope, really

Dave   take it any way i can

futuremoney   other than a dictator

Dave   futuremoney hearing you have one now?

futuremoney   military takeover and the sitting of a "overseer"

Dave   Dave tman may be onto something

futuremoney   hows that?

Dave   Trump tells Governors hes the Captain   calls all the shots

futuremoney   whats that got to do with iraq

Dave   USA pushing the button

futuremoney   US doesnt control iraq!

tman23   fractional banking as your government business is stimulated by loans through your bank....March 13 fractional banking deposits to be held were set to ZERO...March 13 Iraq stopped auctions and ISX... don’t you just love a good coincidence.. ... AND as my debate with Kap the place is a cesspool....

BUT ..... we are going to use it in a fractional way to make CREATE money.... ... otherwise get ready to speak mandarin..... and Dave mocks Trump but meantime he will be saving Canada’s ass too

futuremoney   tman23 sorry ..they just had an auction

Dave   Dont mock Trump...his words not mine

futuremoney   Dave Trump never said that..he said he would works with the governors , THEN make a decision

Dave   futuremoney Not what he said yesterday

futuremoney   iraqs auction was about half the normal amount..but they still had one

futuremoney   Dave not gonna argue

Dave   Trump: I'm 'Captain,' Governors Are 'Mutineers'

Dave   need link?

tman23   Dave you remember when I posted rockets were sitting in Basra from Iran .... you replied sarcastically, yeah right ..bottle rockets ... Then a month or more latter the reports were out ... POINT BEING IS KNOWING THE FACTS BEFORE ITS IN NEWS PRINT... takes couple weeks to get released .... my guess is your sarcasm on the rockets has changed or you conveniently forgotten the whole thing

futuremoney   no auctions is guru  

Dave   just mocking Irans precision weaponry

futuremoney   Iran is as stupid as iraq..couldnt fight their way out of a wet paper bag

Dave   futuremoney my jest

tman23   Dave No sir, you didn’t believe there were Iranian rockets in Basra.... but soon found out what I posted was absolutely correct

Dave   bottle rockets vs laser guided missles....

futuremoney   tman23 there are rocketrs why did we pull out?

futuremoney   because the US... DONT CARE

LeLe   futuremoney I hope you don't give up. The Dinar was not going to happen before now. And I don't want to get into all the details on here. It will happen and soon.

Dave   LeLe yes we call it HOPIUM

futuremoney   ugh..if i hear the word "soon" again im gonna puke

tman23   So sad ,

futuremoney   heard this since 2011

Dave   futuremoney bulimia comes to mind

LeLe   Dave I don't live on hopium maybe you do.

futuremoney   the plan, sooon, the coming days..delete the zeros...blah blah blah

Dave   you figure?   Iraq deserves SQUAT

futuremoney   havent heard , delete the zeros in over a year and a half

Dave   heard that for over 10 yrs

futuremoney   LeLe i do believe there once was a "plan" to get iraq backin the longer

Dave   just seat a Govt already   then maybe i will regain some HoPIUM

LeLe   futuremoney Dave if you don't believe it will happen sell your Dinar. Why even follow it if you don't believe in it. That's a waste of time.

futuremoney   i remember them saying Maliki wouldnt step down before they RV...hmmm

futuremoney   as soon as it gets back to what i gonna be gone

Dave   LeLe call it hopium that they will oneday do something righteous

futuremoney   Dave agreed

Dave   the only laws they have passed are the traffic laws

futuremoney   thats so sad  and nobody can afford a car...LOLOLOLOL

Dave   lol

tman23   Problem is Americans have become lazy and dependent.... friggin entitlements .... think everything should be right now .... have a President that is probably the best our country has ever had... and he is attacked daily ... our religions are under attack ...along with gun rights among other freedoms .... Joe Biden gets in office and places Obama as Secretary of State..... everyone south and north of America will be up the creek..... and not that far away from being a reality

futuremoney   wonder how many tickets they give out? HAAAAAAAAAA

LeLe   tman23 Amen Amen

futuremoney   tman23 i agree...nothing to do with iraq tho

Dave   I would go to Church to repent but I currently cant here?

futuremoney   lol

LeLe   tman23 if the Dems get back in. We are soooooo ****ED.

futuremoney   LeLe i dont feel that will happen

LeLe   futuremoney I don't either.

futuremoney   by the fake polls , Trumps rating keep going up   could you imagine the real numbers?

futuremoney   i woiuld say his rating is closer to 60 %

Dave   lots of Evangelicals down there?

tman23   watching Franklin Graham ministry having medical tents with doctors set up in a park in NYC... watching demonstrators telling them to get the * out now.... police say if it gets worse they will have to ask the ministry to leave on grounds of potentially enciting a riot.... ... so you think Iraq is problems .... and the mayor bill deblasio is right behind the group....... not even his real name ...all frauds and fakes

futuremoney   the last poll they told, they only polled 24 % republicans...they skew the numbers

futuremoney   tman23 agreed

Dave   Churches that open here1 million dollar fine 3 yrs prison

Futuremoney   Dave thats rediculous        but you can go to a liqour store

Dave   essential service   people die from withdrawl actually did not know that

Dave   no hand shakes or hugs like in churches   God will save us

futuremoney   people wouldnt do that..we arent stupid

Dave   futuremoney seen that on the news

futuremoney   some are stupid..

futuremoney   lol

Dave   outside of churches

tman23   Most gun stores sold out.... ammo is doubled in price and hard to find ..... Democrats thinking they are wise as they would like some civil unrest next ..... but what they don’t know is that unrest might be directly at them... meaning politicians...

futuremoney   tman23 yep

Dave   tman23   locked up with wife 1 month

futuremoney   think ammo is being bought by* liberals....nope

Dave   glad we dont have guns

tman23   Dave nothing like a knife or box truck to replace that gun

Dave   tman23 hid the knives

tman23   Dave lol

futuremoney   cant wait to see all these governors try to round up all these prisoners they let out of prison

tman23   How did so many stupid people get elected into office .... of course we can say stupid people voted for them , but what or who is informing these voters...... MEDIA...   COVID Symptom Tracker   Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Stats


KTFA Members "News and Views" Wednesday Afternoon 4-15-2020


Paul Craig Roberts, Max Keiser and PIR Tuesday Afternoon