IQD CALLS Chat Wednesday Evening 1-15-20

IQD CALLS Chat Wednesday Evening 1-15-20

Whitelions   Conditions of the members of the Board of Directors for companies merged under the category (A)....... To / companies incorporated under the category (A) ( conditions of the members of the Board of Directors )

Issue: 5/24/9    Date: 1/14/2020  Later in our uncles numbered 9/5/3333 dated 5/8/2019

Below we list the conditions and requirements that must be met by the members of the Board of Directors under the category ( A ) are as follows:

A- To be of good reputation and biography

B- Not convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude

C- Not issuing any decision against him from a competent authority not to be ineligible to practice a certain profession or prevent him from practicing the profession due to his personal misconduct

D- The non-issuance of any decision by any competent judicial authority stating that it is not fit to run the company

- It is not permissible to occupy the presidency or membership of more than one board of directors of one exchange company

F- He should not be a principal employee of a bank or company that has previously been declared bankrupt

T- He must not be less than (30) years old

H- He must be residing in Iraq

I- The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq may express an opinion on the validity of the persons nominated as members of the Board of Directors

J - That three members of the Board of Directors have financial, banking and legal experience, and holders of at least university degrees


 Chattels   Will Adil Abdul-Mahdi continue as PM?

chattels   An independent technocrat, Abdul-Mahdi took office in October 2018 following lengthy government formation talks.

chattels   Mohammed Tofiq Allawi, former minister and lawmaker, is said to be one of the candidates for the position on the ticket of the Bina Coalition.

I think I have a good chance [to become the next prime minister]," he told Rudaw.

"We first have to make preparations to hold a snap election as per the new electoral law which will be a new start," he added.

However, those who remain in Tahrir Square continue calls for an independent candidate.

"Mohammed Tofiq Allawi has previously worked in many ministries, including the ministry of transport. People reject all those who have worked in the government since 2003," protester Qassim Sakeni said.

chattels   The Bina Coalition is composed of former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s State of Law Coalition, the Iran-backed Fatih Coalition, and the Sunni National Axis Alliance, among others.

chattels   Iraqi opinion polls shows that 51% support Muqtada Sadr’s call for million person protest against US presence. 49% oppose. 156,000 participated in poll.

chattels   U.S. Looks at Cuts to Military Aid to Iraq if Troops Are Asked to Leave

State Department, Pentagon prepare options for $250 million in reductions of funds approved by Congress if government follows through on threats to evict 5,300 forces

chattels   Musings On #Iraq Pro-Iran Hashd Continue Attacks Upon US Interests In Iraq …

chattels   US Threatens Iraq with Sanctions If It Buys Russian S-400 LINK

chattels   “there is a conversation going on on the matter of reassigning Adel Abdul Mahdi to the next government,” pointing out that “Abdul Mahdi rejects the idea of ​​reassigning him and awaits the hours in which the choice of the new prime minister is decided.”

And he stressed that it should be The new prime minister is ready to hold early parliamentary elections in accordance with the law and the commission approved by the House of Representatives. "

chattels   Hood, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Middle East Affairs, said that the US administration is looking forward to strengthening the strategic partnership relationship, denying "any talk now about the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq."

In an interview, Hood called for Iraq to "accelerate the appointment of a strong prime minister who would control security forces and lead Iraq towards prosperity and the strengthening of sovereignty."

chattels   The government reassures the people of the China-Iraq agreement

Editing Date: 1/15/2020 19:27 •

Matt   Dow Jones Industrial Average

INDEX DJX: .DJI 29,030.22 +90.55 (0.31%) ^29K^   S&P 500 Index INDEXSP: .INX 3,289.29 +6.14 (0.19%)

Nasdaq Composite INDEX NASDAQ: .IXIC 9,258.70 +7.37 (0.080%)

chattels   In a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency ( NINA ), the MP for the coalition from the Badr Hamid al-Moussawi bloc said that "the political agreement is proceeding towards naming a new prime minister, provided that he promises to remove foreign forces, implement the Iraqi agreement with China, implement constitutional amendments, and set dates Holding early elections. "


chattels   Abdul Mahdi urges Kurds to help rid Iraq of US troops

Dana Taib Menmy January 15, 2020

Read more:

chattels   However, "Kurdish officials in Erbil told Abdul Mahdi that they prefer the coalition forces to stay in Iraq to help prevent the resurgence of the Islamic State [IS]. PUK officials told Abdul Mahdi the same thing, but said they will eventually abide by any Iraqi decision regarding foreign troops’ presence,” the source concluded.

Read more:

chattels   The anonymous source who spoke with Al-Monitor also said Abdul Mahdi mentioned during his trip the oil deal between Baghdad and the KRG. He said the pact will be implemented and the KRG should soon fulfill its duty under the arrangement to submit 250,000 barrels per day of crude oil to Iraqi State Oil Marketing Co. in return for receiving a fair share of the country’s 2020 budget.

Read more:

Zig   chattels : Some of your replies are priceless....crack me have such a way with words, etc....especially when replying to a "critic" example was in one of your replies today: "Thanks for your concern for my naivete."......I don't think you realize how entertaining you can be with some of your replies.....


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